गुवाहाटी, असम: प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने आज गुवाहटी में आयोजित दो दिवसीय इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर और इन्वेस्टमेंट समिट - Advantage Assam 2.0 का शुभारंभ किया। इस अवसर पर उन्होंने कहा कि यह सम्मेलन पूरी दुनिया को असम की संभावनाओं और प्रगति से जोड़ने का एक महाअभियान है। उन्होंने कहा कि वर्ष 2047 तक भारत को विकसित राष्ट्र बनाने के संकल्प को पूरा करने में पूर्वोत्तर भारत की भूमिका बहुत महत्वपूर्ण रहने वाली है। उन्होंने कहा, आज पूरी दुनिया को पक्का भरोसा है कि कुछ भी हो जाए, लेकिन भारत तेजी से ग्रोथ करेगा। उनके इस भरोसे के पीछे कहीं न कहीं भारत के युवा, भारत का महत्वाकांक्षी मध्यमवर्ग, देश की राजनीतिक स्थिरता और मजबूत सरकार है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने इन्वेस्टमेंट समिट को संबोधित करते हुए यह भी कहा कि 2047 तक भारत को विकसित भारत बनाने में पूर्वी भारत की भूमिका बहुत अहम होगी। पूर्वोत्तर और पूर्वी भारत आज इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर, लॉजिस्टिक्स, एग्रीकल्चर, टूरिज्म और इंडस्ट्री में तेज रफ्तार से आगे बढ़ रहा है और वो दिन दूर नहीं है जब दुनिया भारत की विकास यात्रा में नॉर्थ ईस्ट को सबसे आगे बढ़ते हुए देखेगी। एडवांटेज असम 2.0 समिट में देश के शीर्ष उद्योगपति शामिल हुए और उन्होंने न केवल केंद्र व असम सरकार की योजनाओं को सराहा, बल्कि राज्य में निवेश को लेकर अपनी योजनाओं के बारे में भी जानकारी दी।
#Assam #AdvantageAssam2.0 #InvestmentSummit #InfrastructureSummit #PMNarendraModi #ActEastPolicy #NorthEast #EasternIndia #Industrialist #SemicunductorSector #Greenenergysector #RenewableEnergyProduction #SolarEnergy #Wind Energy #PMModiSpeech #IndianEconomy #Growth #InfrastructureDevelopment #NorthEastConnectivity
#Assam #AdvantageAssam2.0 #InvestmentSummit #InfrastructureSummit #PMNarendraModi #ActEastPolicy #NorthEast #EasternIndia #Industrialist #SemicunductorSector #Greenenergysector #RenewableEnergyProduction #SolarEnergy #Wind Energy #PMModiSpeech #IndianEconomy #Growth #InfrastructureDevelopment #NorthEastConnectivity
00:00Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the two-day Infrastructure and Investment Summit Advantage Assam 2.0 in Guwahati today.
00:12At this time, he said that this association is a major initiative to connect the whole world to the possibilities and progress of Assam.
00:21He said that the role of North East India is going to be very important in fulfilling the resolution to make India a developed nation by 2047.
00:31He said that today the whole world has firm faith that no matter what happens, India will grow rapidly.
00:38Somewhere behind this faith is the youth of India, the important middle class of India, the stability of the country's politics and a strong government.
00:48There is a very strong reason for this faith in India.
01:04Today's India is taking one step at a time, keeping in mind the long-term vision of the 21st century.
01:22Today, the world's faith is in the youth of India, who are becoming skilled and innovating rapidly.
01:49Today, the world's faith is in the new middle class of India, who are emerging from poverty and moving forward with new aspirations.
02:09Today, the world's faith is in the 140 crore people of India, who are supporting political stability and policy continuity.
02:34Prime Minister Modi said that Assam is also contributing to India's growth in the world.
02:40And this is possible because of the double engine government in Assam.
02:44During the past six years, Assam's economy has doubled.
02:48Today, investment has increased in Assam and it has emerged as a state of unlimited possibilities.
02:54It is bringing many new possibilities.
02:58Friends, we are all united here in Assam amidst a global trust that is strong on India.
03:14We are united on the land of Mother Kamakhya.
03:19Assam's contribution to India's growth is continuously increasing.
03:28In 2018, the first edition of the Advantage Assam Summit was held.
03:41At that time, Assam's economy was worth 3.75 lakh crores.
03:49Today, Assam has become a state of 6 lakh crores.
03:57In just 6 years, Assam's economy has doubled.
04:09This is the double effect of the double engine government.
04:14Many investments have been made in Assam.
04:21During the past 10 years, the Prime Minister has presented a picture of the infrastructure development in Assam.
04:27He said that the direction of increasing rail, road and air connectivity in the state has been made unprecedented.
04:33This has not only improved the state's economy, but also created job opportunities for the youth.
04:40This picture is in the name of Bhupen Hazarika.
04:44Between 2009 and 2014, Assam received Rs. 2,100 crores in the rail budget.
05:01Our government has increased the railway budget of Assam by more than four times and has reached Rs. 10,000 crores.
05:12More than 60 railway stations in Assam are also being modernized.
05:23Today, between Guwahati and New Jalpaigudi, North East's first semi-high-speed train is running.
05:37Friends, Assam's air connectivity is expanding rapidly.
05:47Till 2014, flights operated only on seven routes.
05:56Now, flights operate on about 30 routes.
06:04Prime Minister Modi said that an innovative scheme has been launched to accelerate industry, investment and innovation in Assam.
06:13He also appealed to businessmen present at the summit to take advantage of this scheme and the unlimited opportunities in Assam.
06:21Assam has set a target of bringing its economy to Rs. 150 billion by 2030.
06:35I am confident that Assam can achieve this goal.
06:43The reason for my confidence is that the people of Assam are capable and talented.
06:58This is the commitment of the BJP government.
07:03Assam is emerging as a gateway between South East Asia and India.
07:15The government has launched the North East Transformative Industrialization Scheme.
07:34This scheme will accelerate industry, investment and tourism in the whole of North East.
07:50I would like to say to all my colleagues in the industry that
07:55PM Modi said that the global financial system is changing rapidly and the demand for high-performance systems has increased.
08:03In the midst of this, work has been started in the mission mode to boost low-cost manufacturing in India.
08:10Assam is playing an important role in India's manufacturing revolution.
08:15It is making its presence felt in sectors such as electronics, semiconductors and green energy.
08:22Assam is demanding a resilient supply chain.
08:27In the midst of this, India has started working in the mission mode to boost its manufacturing sector.
08:40We are boosting low-cost manufacturing under Make in India.
08:49Pharmaceuticals, electronics and automobiles are not only fulfilling domestic demands,
09:02but are also building a new benchmark for manufacturing excellence in the international market.
09:16Assam is playing a major role in this manufacturing revolution.
09:24Friends, Assam has always been a part of the global trade.
09:34Today, Assam has a share of more than 50% of India's onshore natural gas production.
09:46In the past few years, the capacity of the refineries here has been greatly increased.
09:57Electronics, semiconductors and green energy are also emerging in the emerging sector.
10:10Speaking of the Advantage Assam Summit, PM Modi said that India is working to increase renewable energy production.
10:18In the next few years, the government has set a target of 500 gigawatt renewable energy capacity.
10:25There are plenty of opportunities in the green energy sector in Assam,
10:29and the country's industrial world also has a chance to take advantage of it.
10:34Assam has a huge advantage in this journey.
10:42The government has made a lot of ways for all of you.
10:50All the policies from the PLI scheme to the Green Initiative are in your interest.
11:00I want Assam to rise as a leader state in the renewable energy sector.
11:11And this will only happen when all the leaders of the industry come forward to maximize the potential here.
11:25PM Modi also said in response to the Investment Summit that
11:30the role of East India will be very important in making India a developed country by 2047.
11:36East India is moving fast in terms of infrastructure, logistics, agriculture, tourism and industry.
11:45And that day is not far when the world will see North East moving ahead in India's development journey.
11:52The head of the country participated in the Advantage Assam 2.0 Summit,
11:57and he not only praised the schemes of the Central Assam Government,
12:01but also gave information about his schemes regarding investment in the state.