• el mes pasado
This glitch was not widespread and was an accident, support their real UGC here https://www.roblox.com/communities/13460347/david7133s-UGC
and here: https://www.roblox.com/communities/34732061/Laced-UGCs
Today I use the most awesome accidentally glitched UGC bundle ever
00:00Alright guys, I've been doing a lot of videos with glitched bundles that just kind of ruined the game for everyone except for me
00:06But I just found though right now
00:08I have the worst one ever my body weighs so much that if I simply just touch this vehicle right here with all her
00:19It was just a KLING and EXPLODE
00:22If I even just touch this plug it disappears my body
00:25Credit to all the guys on screen for putting this together for me and go to their links in description
00:30but they gave me this and
00:32The arms weigh so much that anything I come into contact with that's like unanchored. It just pretty much disappears
00:39I think she's trying to end her own life by cutting herself in half from the garage
00:44Like look at this car right here get in that car go to that car
00:56It just disappears
00:58Here's a little POV from the other person's and like I did I was test this out on Jake earlier
01:03So yeah, the criteria is like unanchored. So meaning it's a thing that could be moved around
01:13Delete oh
01:15No, she's taking another supplier truck. She's trying to get oh, don't try again. I'm gonna have to do it again
01:21Don't make me do this to you
01:29It's just deleting it those guys delivering this pizza, hey
01:35There she is
01:38This works in a ton of games
01:40I'm gonna be ruining it roblox for everyone while I have this because this this bundle will probably get banned within next maybe hour
01:48Hey, I'll even help you put all this Mountain Dew in here. Dude. Why they only order more Mountain Dew. All right
01:55How about how about I join you on this one? Hey, how about I how about I take a seat right here?
02:06All right, we both died you got nothing in there. Oh, all right, he just made a delivery good boy. Oh
02:14My god, I think that would happen to me there one cool thing I could do is uh, if I stand on her the right way
02:23It sends are flying so fast that you don't even see it
02:27It's just like in space said the normal mass of a roblox player is like 40 and I don't know what
02:33Increment that's in but this one is 7 million. It's much fatter than the other ones
02:39Look how much they're paying me to assassinate these people. Yes
02:44No car for you. Go get another car. Actually. No, you're gonna need a walk. You're gonna you're gonna need a walk. Hey, oh
02:51My god, hey manager
02:55Can I get a raise
02:59All right. Oh, okay. I'll spare your life then maybe employee the day look at that he saw my strength
03:04Hey, we don't need these ingredients. We're protesting the pizza place. No more ingredients
03:13It's awesome, whoa
03:15Hey stop doing that
03:18Stop it. No more ingredients. We're protesting Mountain Dew. Hey get this out of here
03:23Protesting tomatoes kick player. Yeah, as long as it's not me. Yeah, we're gonna want to get rid of that
03:33They stop riding alongside me like that
03:36Yeah, you know what I could do to you. Hey, we don't want these ingredients
03:40Oh, actually, I'll wait and take it over there the manager jobs open right now. They can't tell me I'm wrong
03:47Come no further. We don't want your ingredients. Hey
03:53Whoa, no, what happened? I need to stop them now. We don't need anything. We're fine. All right, I warned you
04:06Get rid of this crap get rid of you too. There you go. Oh
04:12My god, I do something. I didn't go to other games. I need to explore the possibilities. Hey, wait
04:21Now hey, let this guy on. Oh, you're gonna honk at me. Have fun in hell
04:26Have fun dead in hell. This is what you deserve
04:33Your dead body big whooping dragged around
04:40Stop that train. I feel like a spider man. Oh, all right. He's had enough. He's picking up. He's picking up the pace
04:48Hey, buddy, you're pretty bad
05:00Guys confused. Hey, man, we'll get the next train. All right. Hey little buddy. Oh
05:05He wants to die. Oh, no, he's gonna get hit. You need to stop that. You need to stop that train
05:12You killed him you killed him. No, don't get hit by that train. You stop this right now. There's a man in the road
05:22Two people are playing the reigning taco song like this will be the last song you all ever hear
05:28I will make sure this plane goes down. Do you think any of these people know how horribly this is gonna go for them?
05:41So basically, I'm gonna hide out over here until they start the plane
05:45Oh, this is admins gonna be so annoyed. They have like a pretty full plane. They're all just gonna die
05:55Get on with it this will go down look at all these people ready for their flight
06:01Whoa, let's get a little bumpy all these people have business class seats except for me like how this guy
06:08How did you pay for?
06:10120 robux, but you haven't even bought some of your character yet. This is why I must commit this act of terrorism
06:28We go think this force field is from everyone who just died all these people are ones who passed away on this flight
06:35No, the monorail is gonna leave without me look at it look at her rushing to get on there
06:40Oh closed in your face just complete disrespect. Does that make you want the what all them to die, right?
06:46We're not holding the door open here. Well, I'm gonna settle this for you. I'm gonna kill all the I'm gonna make sure their plane
06:52Crashes morning in 34 minutes. Yeah, right. Oh, there's like six employees down there
06:59Like why can't they start the plane now get back to work? I have another plane. I need to crash
07:06All right, they're actually being reasonable for me. I feel bad. They're being so nice. Oh, they're all gonna die
07:11I actually feel bad for what I'm about to do because they're giving so many like commands to each other
07:16They're in full roleplay. God, there's so much. There's so many people
07:22But they were waiting there for like 15 minutes, too, I don't feel that good about that
07:27I'm gonna do one more time though. All right, all the staff are on this flight. You're forgetting someone let me on that damn plane
07:36They're taking off without me it seems
07:40Get down from there. This guy is so annoying. Holy hell
07:44Why like I can also fling parts of parts of the map it uh, oh
07:49No, it a modded natural disaster survival games. Not the real one because they fixed this problem
07:55There's one map where on this game where it works really well. I feel bad
07:59I asked everyone to vote for it and everyone get like a whole server joined together to give me my pity vote
08:05Oh my god, dude, I feel bad. Everyone was being so nice to me. I go anywhere near this
08:18My favorite map is gone
08:21Dude, now we have no chance. Yeah, I could just I could fling the entire map away if it is not like screwed in correctly
08:30Krusty Krab snacks. I wonder for the work there
08:37This game right here the Jenga game where the guy
08:40Shoots stuff at you. All these objects are movable. So I mean you'll see when a new game starts. All right, so
09:04This is awesome
09:10That was strange, right
09:15Don't they keep disconnecting that I glitch something
09:19Hello, why is this not breaking?
09:22Dude, wait, am I doing that?
09:24Dude, I love this so much
09:26And me touching this red button. That means I win. Are you just farm wins here?
09:34Hi, I don't know what just happened I think I'm IP banned or something from this glitch so roblox
09:40This was all a huge accident. If you're watching this video
09:44I didn't even know that this would happen and I used AI to make this whole video
