• 2 days ago
▌热点短视频 ▌这个冬季,美国季节性流感“大行其道”,从去年10月至今已夺走1.6万人命!专家分析,流感疫情大爆发,和这3个原因有关……

主持 | @celes 美伶

#流感 #美国 #新冠病毒 #H3N2 #H1N1 #A型流感
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00Did you know that the flu epidemic in the U.S. is now more severe than COVID-19?
00:04More people are dying from the flu than COVID-19 this year,
00:07and Bloomberg reports seasonal influenza reached its highest levels in more than 15 years.
00:12This winter, the flu is replacing COVID-19 and becoming the most deadly killer in the U.S.
00:16Since October last year, 16,000 people in the U.S. have died from the flu.
00:20The number of deaths from the flu has exceeded the number of deaths from COVID-19 for the first time in five years.
00:25The number of deaths in California, one of the worst-hit areas, is more than 900.
00:30The season is hitting hard right here in California.
00:32Over 900 deaths have been reported since October.
00:37Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus epidemic in early 2020,
00:39the number of deaths from the new coronavirus in the U.S. is almost 42 times that of those who died from the flu at the same time.
00:44However, five years later, the situation has turned upside down.
00:47In the first five weeks of 2025, the flu death rate in 22 states in the U.S. exceeded that of the new coronavirus.
00:52In California, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, etc.,
00:55the flu death rate is at least twice that of the new coronavirus.
00:58Although this wave of seasonal flu has reached its highest level in more than 15 years,
01:03due to the fact that the peak of the flu is not over yet,
01:05experts estimate that the number of confirmed cases will continue to rise.
01:08At present, there are at least 2.9 million flu cases in the U.S.
01:12and more than 370,000 people are hospitalized.
01:14These cases account for 96% of the total number of A-type flu cases.
01:18So here's the question.
01:19Why is the flu epidemic in the U.S. so serious this year?
01:23Chen Ziping, a infectious disease scientist at the University of California, San Francisco, believes that
01:26the decline in the vaccination rate is one of the reasons.
01:29In particular, the vaccination rate of children in the past five years has dropped from 58% to 45%.
01:34In addition, the current A-type flu is mainly H1N1 and H3N2,
01:38and H3N2 is usually the cause of more serious diseases.
01:42He also believes that delayed treatment is one of the key reasons for the spread of the flu in the U.S.,
01:47especially for those who are at risk of pneumonia and serious illness.
01:50In his opinion, the current high hospitalization rate and high mortality rate in the U.S.
01:54show that this group of high-risk people did not receive timely diagnosis and treatment.
01:58To prevent the flu, the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
02:01strongly recommends that everyone over the age of six months
02:03should receive a flu vaccine in every flu season,
02:06especially for high-risk groups such as the elderly, pregnant women and children.
02:10The ideal situation is to complete the vaccination at the end of October every year
02:13to improve people's protection against the high outbreak of winter flu.
02:16Facing this year's high flu season,
02:18many people are now saying that there is no needle to fight the flu vaccine.
02:22I don't know if you are one of them.
02:25As for the Ministry of Health,
02:26there is also a plan to launch a free flu vaccine vaccination for Le Lin people.
02:29I don't know if your parents have registered for it.
02:32If you like this video, please like it and share it.
