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John Oliver discusses Facebook’s controversial new plans for content moderation and which Animorphs he would and would not kill with his car.

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00:00Unser Hauptthema heute ist die Technologie.
00:02Die Sache, die uns Stahlmachen, Katapulten, Tamagotchi
00:05und am Ende, Gott sei Dank, eine vierte Sache wert ist.
00:09Eine der größten Geschichten der letzten Wahl ist,
00:11wie viel die Technologieindustrie gegen Trump schlägt.
00:14Elon Musk, natürlich, hat für ihn gekampft und gesprungen.
00:17Und Jeff Bezos hat die Washington Post-Bestimmung von Kamala Harris getötet
00:20und hat einen Hauptsitz bei der Inauguration
00:22neben den CEOs von Google und Amazon.
00:25Und das ist eine große Geschichte.
00:27Elon Musk hat einen Hauptsitz bei der Inauguration
00:29neben den CEOs von Google und Apple.
00:32Aber einer der deutlichsten Schwunge kam von Mark Zuckerberg.
00:35Er hat Trump nach dem 6. Januar von Facebook gebannt.
00:38Aber im letzten Monat hat er eine Partei bei seiner Inauguration gehostet
00:41und nur zwei Wochen zuvor hat er dieses bemerkenswerte Antrag gemacht.
00:45Hey, Leute. Ich möchte heute über etwas Wichtiges reden.
00:48Denn es ist Zeit, unsere Wurzeln zurückzulegen
00:50auf Facebook und Instagram.
00:53Oh, ist das das, worüber ihr reden wollt?
00:55Ich würde gerne darüber reden, warum ihr plötzlich so aussieht,
00:57als ob Eddie Redmayne ein Eiskübel spielen würde.
00:59Ihr seht aus wie White Macklemore.
01:01Ihr seht aus wie ein Hochschüler, der in eine andere Hochschule geht
01:04und weniger Freunde hat.
01:05Aber tut mir leid.
01:06Ihr redet darüber, wie ihr eure Wurzeln zurücklegt.
01:09Zuerst werden wir die Faktenchecker wegnehmen
01:11und sie mit Community-Noten verwenden,
01:13ähnlich wie X,
01:14startend in den USA.
01:16Zweitens werden wir unsere Content-Polizien simplifizieren
01:19und ein paar Restriktionen auf Themen wie Immigration und Gender
01:22mit dem Mainstream-Diskurs aus der Hand nehmen.
01:25Drittens werden wir unsere Polizien ändern,
01:28um die Fehler zu reduzieren,
01:30die für die große Mehrheit der Zensur auf unseren Plattformen zählen.
01:33Wir hatten früher Filter,
01:35die für jede Polizie-Verbrechung scannen.
01:37Jetzt werden wir diese Filter fokussieren
01:39auf illegalen und hohen Verbrechen.
01:42Und für niedrigere Verbrechen
01:44werden wir auf jemanden, der ein Problem verfolgt,
01:47aufmerksam machen.
01:48Ja, das ist der CEO von Meta,
01:50der sagt, dass er die Faktenchecker wegnehmen will
01:52und sagt,
01:53dass er keinen Kontakt zu dem Mainstream-Diskurs haben will,
01:56während er einen 900.000-Dollar-Watch trägt.
01:59Und es ist einfach so,
02:00dass kein Watch so wert ist,
02:02außer, wenn du es anschaust,
02:03es liest,
02:04es ist Zeit, den Rest deines Geldes zu donatieren,
02:06du scheinst offiziell zu viel zu haben.
02:08Die Änderungen, die Zuckerberg macht, sind schrecklich.
02:11Ein Leaks-Training-Dokument fand,
02:12es ist jetzt akzeptabel, zu sagen,
02:13dass Immigranten gruselige, dreckige Teile von Scheiße sind
02:16und besagt auch,
02:17dass das Schlamasseln für Trans-Menschen
02:19kein besagter Schlamassel mehr ist
02:21und daher erlaubt wird.
02:22Auch die Verwendung von Faktencheckern
02:24mit Community-Noten, wie bei X,
02:25ist wichtig zu bemerken.
02:26Das war bisher kein riesiger Erfolg dort.
02:29Mit einem Studium,
02:30fand man fast drei Viertel akkurater Community-Noten
02:32über die Missinformationen der Wahl,
02:33wurde aber nie zu den Nutzern gezeigt.
02:35Erinnerst du dich an den Tweet,
02:36der falsche Begründung hatte,
02:37dass Haiter Pferde essen, in Springfield, Ohio?
02:39Dieser Begründung wurde beraten,
02:41Politifacts-Liebhaber des Jahres,
02:43aber es gibt immer noch keine Community-Noten auf dem Tweet,
02:46obwohl es verschiedene Versuche gegeben hat, eine zu geben.
02:48Und all das ist ein ziemlich bemerkenswerter Wandel
02:50für Zuckerberg,
02:51weil er sieben Jahre zuvor,
02:52vor einem breiten öffentlichen Aufruf
02:54auf Facebook,
02:55die Missinformationen und Widerstände zerstörten,
02:56vor dem Kongress ging, um zu entschuldigen.
02:59Für die meiste Zeit unserer Existenz
03:01haben wir uns auf das Gute konzentriert,
03:02was wir mit Menschen verbinden können.
03:04Aber es ist jetzt klar,
03:05dass wir nicht genug gemacht haben,
03:06um diese Möglichkeiten zu verhindern,
03:07sie auch für Schaden benutzen zu können.
03:09Und das gilt für Falsche Nachrichten,
03:11für Ausländerinterferenz in Wahlen
03:13und für Hassgespräche,
03:14sowie für Entwickler und Datensicherheit.
03:17Wir haben nicht genug
03:19unsere Verantwortung wahrgenommen.
03:21Und das war ein großer Fehler.
03:23Und es war mein Fehler.
03:24Und ich bin entschuldigt.
03:26Ja, es scheint,
03:27dass dieser viktorische Geist
03:28seitdem eine ziemlich große Umwandlung gemacht hat,
03:30sowohl in Bezug auf das, was er sagt,
03:32als auch darauf, wie er aussieht.
03:33Und ich werde sagen,
03:34New Zuck sieht aus,
03:35als ob er mehr Spaß hat.
03:37Er ist tannig,
03:38er sieht aus,
03:39als ob er in Läden kauft,
03:40die nur Krypto nehmen.
03:41Und er sieht nicht
03:42vor dem Kongress,
03:43sondern vor dem Typ
03:44aus dem Stonks-Beam.
03:46Zuckerberg bildet all das
03:48nur als eine breite kulturelle Umwandlung.
03:50Etwas, das er natürlich
03:52auf Joe Rogan ausdrückt.
03:54Was wir tun,
03:55ist, dass wir eine Plattform bauen,
03:56die den Leuten eine Stimme gibt.
03:57Aber ich glaube,
03:58es ist eine gemeinsame generationalale Umwandlung,
04:01und wer die Leute sind,
04:03die gehört werden.
04:04Ich glaube,
04:05es ist eine gemeinsame Umwandlung,
04:06die sagt,
04:07wir wollen nur verschiedene Leute,
04:08die wir wirklich vertrauen,
04:10die uns die Wahrheit erzählen.
04:13Und nicht die scheiß Opinionen,
04:15die wir sagen müssen.
04:17Aber die Dinge,
04:18die ich mit meinen Freunden
04:19in der Wohnung sitze,
04:21die Dinge, die wir wissen, sind wahr.
04:23Gibt es etwas Offenbareres,
04:25als ein Typ,
04:26der Hunderttausende Billionen wert hat,
04:28ein relatable Everyman zu sein?
04:29Weißt du, wie das ist?
04:30In der Wohnung mit den Bros,
04:32ein Sechspack
04:33von Ace of Spades Magnums,
04:35auf dem diamantischen Sofa
04:37zu sitzen
04:38und die große TV anzuschalten,
04:39die in meinem Haus
04:40eine halbe Box ist,
04:41um den Cast der Office zu bezahlen,
04:42um meine Lieblingsszenen zu erneuern.
04:43Weißt du,
04:44einfach relatable,
04:45tägliche Dinge, Leute.
04:47Und schau,
04:48ich sage nicht,
04:49Facebook hat bis jetzt
04:50einen perfekten Job
04:51im Moderationen von Content gemacht.
04:52Wir haben sie mehrmals
04:53zuvor auf dieser Show kritisiert.
04:55Ich sage auch nicht,
04:56sie könnten es
04:57sogar perfekt gemacht haben.
04:58Es wurde gesagt,
04:59dass Content Moderation
05:00auf einer Größe
05:01unmöglich ist,
05:02um es gut zu machen.
05:03Aber die Entscheidung,
05:04die beiden verlassenen
05:06und die Systeme auszutauschen,
05:07die sie vorhin erklärten,
05:08die Plattform sicherer zu machen,
05:09fühlt sich an,
05:10als ob Facebook
05:11die Seite
05:12viel schlechter machen würde.
05:13Und die Selbstdarstellung
05:14von Zuckerberg,
05:16Little Broccoli,
05:17als jemand,
05:18der einfach
05:19seine Firmen
05:20freien Ausdruck
05:22ist einfach
05:23selbstverdienter Scheiße.
05:25gegeben all das,
05:26heute Abend,
05:27schauen wir uns an
05:28die Herausforderungen
05:29von Content Moderation an,
05:30wie Facebook sie in der Vergangenheit
05:31begegnet hat
05:32und was dazu führte,
05:33dass es einen neuen Ansatz gibt.
05:34Und lasst uns mit den Herausforderungen anfangen,
05:35denn von dem sehr Anfang
05:36des modernen Internets
05:37gab es Sorgen
05:38über das,
05:39was darin war.
05:40Im Jahr 1995
05:41brachte Senator James Exon
05:42einen blauen Binder
05:43auf den Boden des Senats.
05:45Er war voller,
05:47...der hartesten
05:50von Pornografie.
05:51Die Bilder
05:52kamen aus dem Internet.
05:54Exon wollte seine Kollegen
05:55als Senatoren
05:57was Kinder sehen können.
05:58Komm zu meinem Tisch
05:59und schau dir
06:02Material an.
06:06es gibt viel zu lieben
06:07von dem Binder,
06:09großartige Anmerkungen
06:11bis hin zu dem Anruf,
06:12um seinem Tisch
06:14für etwas
06:15schreckliches Material
06:16zu kommen.
06:17Aber mein Lieblingsteil
06:18muss der Clip
06:19von einem Playboy-Jpeg sein,
06:20der einen Zentimeter
06:21pro Stunde loadet.
06:22Das ist
06:23eine extrem
06:24präzise Porträt
06:25von dem,
06:26wie Online-Porn
06:27in den 90ern war.
06:28Wie weiß ich?
06:29Kein Grund überhaupt.
06:31gab es
06:33sowohl im Senat
06:34als auch im Senat
06:41Für eine kurze Zeit
06:42gab es Fragen,
06:43ob die Entscheidung
06:44eines Sites,
06:45in irgendeiner Art
06:46und Weise
06:47einen Publisher
06:48zu moderieren,
06:49und daher
06:50für etwas
06:52das er nicht
06:53entfernt hat.
06:55führte letztendlich
06:56zu dem Passage
06:57von dem,
06:59Sektion 230
07:00genannt wird,
07:01oft beschrieben
07:02als die 26 Wörter,
07:03die das Internet
07:04geschaffen haben.
07:05Das Internet
07:06lässt sich nicht
07:08Es gibt keine Passagen
07:09für bestimmte
07:10illegale Inhalte,
07:11wie Kinder,
07:14und Terror.
07:15Aber meistens
07:16lässt es sich
07:17ohne Angst
07:19was gut ist,
07:21wie Schüler sagen,
07:23ist absolut wichtig
07:24für das Internet
07:25zu halten.
07:26Man kann
07:28nutzbare Plattform
07:30wenn man
07:31keine Content-Moderation
07:33sonst wird jede Plattform
07:34ein Problem,
07:35besonders auf einem Webseiten
07:36wie, sagen wir,
07:39um ehrlich zu sein,
07:40es könnte schon
07:41nur Pornos
07:42und Ernährungsmittel sein.
07:43Ich bin seit Jahren
07:44nicht mehr da,
07:45weil ich seit 2014
07:46diesen Job hatte
07:47und, ehrlich gesagt,
07:48habe kein Interesse
07:50zu lernen,
07:51wie andere
07:53und knacken.
07:54Der Punkt ist jedoch,
07:55wenn du Leute
07:56benutzen willst
07:57auf deinem Webseiten
07:59wichtig ist,
08:00wenn Firmen
08:01dafür bezahlen
08:03dann muss man
08:04eine Plattform
08:09zu finden,
08:13zu finden,
08:17zu machen
08:22zu finden.
08:23Das ist
08:24der Grund,
08:25warum wir
08:29Wir haben
08:32Es ist ein Ort voller Verwirrung.
08:37Es gibt Lüge, die den gleichen Gewicht haben wie die Wahrheit.
08:43Es ist ein Ort, an dem die Wahrheit vollkommen abgefasst wird.
08:49Nein, wir haben auf das verlangt, was wir dachten,
08:52dass es der Gesamtsinn der Bevölkerung war,
08:55die Gesamteinheit, die die Site polizieren.
08:57Oh, das hast du gemacht, oder?
08:59Ich würde sagen, das war wundervoll, aber ich würde mich enttäuschen,
09:02dass jeder, der auf Facebook arbeitet,
09:05ein hohes Niveau der Nachteiligkeit hat,
09:07das nur als vollblöde Amelia Bedelia beschrieben wird.
09:11Das erste Optimismus hat nicht gedauert.
09:13In den letzten Jahren hat Facebook mehr Regeln eingebaut
09:16und mehr und mehr Menschen verpflichtet, sie zu vermitteln.
09:19Das könnte ein schreckliches Job sein.
09:21Hier ist eine Moderatorin, die beschreibt,
09:23wie es war, Tausende verstörende Bilder am Tag aufzuschreiben,
09:26mit einem sehr enttäuschenden Geschenk.
09:30Ich glaube, es wäre einfacher, die Bilder zu vermitteln,
09:33wenn man nicht so tief darüber nachdenkt.
09:37Ich arbeitete abends, also würde ich um 6 Uhr anfangen,
09:40um 2 Uhr zu beenden, um 2 Uhr morgens.
09:43Aber dann würdest du oft aufwachen.
09:453-4 Stunden später würdest du plötzlich im Bett sitzen,
09:48die Entscheidung, die du gemacht hast, erinnern,
09:50dass du einen Fehler gemacht hast.
09:52Ich habe einen Nippel verpasst.
09:54Du erinnerst dich an ein Bild, das du gesehen hast,
09:56und du merkst plötzlich, dass es eine nackte Frau auf einer Seite
09:59oder ein ISIS-Flaggen auf der Rückseite war.
10:01Jetzt sollte es unter der Terrorismus-Polizei getötet werden.
10:05Jetzt, dass es von einem erwachsenen Mann mit einem Babyhaken kommt,
10:08der wie Darth Vader spricht, während er auf dem Urlaub trägt,
10:11das ist ein beeindruckender Blick,
10:13in was Facebook damit handelt.
10:15Und es geht eine lange Weile,
10:17von dem Inherenten Gute der Menschheit
10:19bis hin zu Anrufen, um ISIS-Pornografie zu vermitteln.
10:22Einige Entscheidungen, um Content zu blockieren, waren einfach.
10:24Andere waren schwieriger.
10:26Denk daran, wenn du Nudität verabschiedest,
10:28was ist mit Statuen?
10:30Was ist mit Brustfüttern?
10:32Was ist mit einer Brustfüttern-Statue?
10:34Und bevor du antwortest, was hätte ich dir gesagt,
10:36wenn ich das hier erwähnt hätte?
10:38Siehst du, es wird schnell schwierig.
10:40Die Firma musste auch Polizien entwickeln,
10:42um Hassgespräche und Missinformationen,
10:44wo die Grenzen noch schwieriger zu definieren seien.
10:46Zum Beispiel wurden die Regeln,
10:48die Angriffe auf Menschen zu verhindern,
10:50aufgrund von Dingen wie Rasse, Sex,
10:52Geschlechtsidentität oder religiöser Beziehung.
10:54Aber es erlaubt den Nutzern eine breitere Latitude,
10:56wenn sie über schärfere Subseiten
10:58von diesen Kategorien geschrieben haben.
11:00Und zu sehen, wie Moderatoren
11:02solche Regeln in der Praxis verwenden,
11:04kann seltsam sein.
11:06Wie das versteckte Kamera-Footage
11:08von einem Content-Moderations-Center in Irland zeigt.
11:10Das Ticket ist da.
11:12Fuck off back to your country.
11:14Und es sagt Muslim... Oh, Immigranten.
11:18Yeah, that is a weird place to draw the line.
11:20But at the same time,
11:22anywhere you draw a line
11:24can be weird.
11:26Deciding where speech becomes important
11:28and where it doesn't
11:30can be a bit weird.
11:32It's a bit weird
11:34to draw a line
11:36and say,
11:38I'm a Muslim.
11:40I'm a Muslim.
11:42I'm a Muslim.
11:44I'm a Muslim.
11:46I'm a Muslim.
11:48I'm a Muslim.
11:50I'm a Muslim.
11:52I'm a Muslim.
11:54I'm a Muslim.
11:56I'm a Muslim.
11:58I'm a Muslim.
12:00I'm a Muslim.
12:02I'm a Muslim.
12:04I'm a Muslim.
12:06I'm a Muslim.
12:08I'm a Muslim.
12:10I'm a Muslim.
12:12I'm a Muslim.
12:14But there are plenty of statements that are factually true,
12:16but still technically misleading.
12:18And at one time, Facebook put a lot of thought into this.
12:20Even producing this video in 2018,
12:22featuring a bunch of employees
12:24wrestling with the nuances of moderation.
12:26And one even diagramming out the problem
12:28as he saw it.
12:30Imagine on the X-axis that you have
12:32the amount of truth in a piece of content.
12:34Now on the Y-axis, you have the intent
12:36to mislead.
12:38You can take this chart and you can split it
12:40into four quadrants, right?
12:42On the bottom left, you have the set of things that are low truth,
12:44but nobody was intending to mislead anything.
12:46That's just called being wrong on the Internet.
12:48And it happens.
12:50And on the bottom right, you know, it's the set of things that have high truth,
12:52but again, nobody was trying to mislead anyone.
12:54That's just called being right on the Internet.
12:56And I'm sure it'll happen someday.
12:58The top right, this is things that are high truth,
13:00high intent to mislead.
13:02So this is stuff like propaganda.
13:04This is stuff like cherry-picking of statistics.
13:06Now mind you, we have to be really careful here, right?
13:08Because of our commitment to free speech,
13:10everything we do here has to be incredibly, incredibly careful.
13:12Then we move to this quadrant.
13:14This is like the really dangerous quadrant, right?
13:16Low amount of truth,
13:18high intent to mislead.
13:20These are things that were explicitly designed
13:22and architected to be viral.
13:24These are the hoaxes of the world.
13:26These are things like Pizzagate.
13:28This is just false news.
13:30We have to get this right if we're going to regain people's trust.
13:32You know, it is amazing that all of this started
13:34when a young man had a simple dream
13:36of ranking his classmates by fuckability.
13:38And 15 years later,
13:40a company struggling to stop people
13:42from accusing random pizzerias of human trafficking.
13:44A butterfly masturbates in its dorm room,
13:46and it causes a hurricane for the rest of us.
13:48And to give that man credit,
13:50he is genuinely wrestling with the issue there.
13:52But the company wasn't doing that
13:54out of the goodness of its heart.
13:56Facebook had come under heavy fire
13:58for allowing fake news and hate speech
14:00to proliferate, not just in the U.S.,
14:02but also abroad.
14:04We've talked before about how misinformation on Facebook
14:06helped fuel ethnic hatred,
14:08leading to headlines like,
14:10Facebook admits it was used to incite violence in Myanmar.
14:12It was around this time
14:14that Zuckerberg apologized to Congress.
14:16And the company began deploying an array of options
14:18to handle misinformation,
14:20from partnering with outside fact-checkers
14:22to appending notes to posts.
14:24It would also delete some posts
14:26or limit the reach of others.
14:28And in doing so, it found itself
14:30constantly making very hard decisions
14:32under pressure from some very powerful people.
14:34Here is one such case,
14:36and a former Facebook employee explaining
14:38the decision they ended up making.
14:40We want to give this president
14:42the opportunity
14:44to do something historic.
14:46This was the video
14:48of then House Speaker Pelosi,
14:50posted to Facebook in 2019,
14:52slowed down
14:54to make it seem that she was
14:56slurring her words.
14:58Did it come down?
15:00It did not.
15:02Because it didn't violate
15:04the policies that they had.
15:06So did she put pressure
15:08on the company to take it down?
15:10She was definitely not pleased.
15:12She definitely wanted the company, yes.
15:14And it really damaged
15:16the relationship that the company
15:18had with her.
15:20Okay, set aside the fact that I don't see
15:22why you need to slow down footage
15:24to embarrass Nancy Pelosi, a person who says
15:26plenty of embarrassing things at normal speed.
15:28I do kind of agree with Facebook
15:30that does this piss off Nancy Pelosi
15:32isn't a valid metric
15:34for taking that particular video down.
15:36And look, I'm not saying Facebook
15:38made the right decision 100% of the time.
15:40Again, no company operating at this scale
15:42could. But it did develop
15:44systems that it claimed
15:46worked pretty well at one point.
15:48They bragged that when people saw fact checkers
15:50had labeled content false or partially false,
15:52they would not click on it nearly 95%
15:54of the time. And in a recent report,
15:56they noted that when it comes to hate speech
15:58that Facebook is taking action against,
16:00their systems automatically dealt
16:02with 95.3% of it, meaning
16:04users only had to report the rest.
16:06Now, of course,
16:08some of those tools are being watered down
16:10and others are being turned off completely.
16:12And that brings us to the question of
16:14why? Why are they
16:16suddenly doing this? Well,
16:18there are a few things that happened during the past five years
16:20that have helped bring us to this point.
16:22One has been conservatives repeatedly painting
16:24normal content moderation
16:26as a means of persecution.
16:28Big Tech's out to get conservatives.
16:30That's not a suspicion, that's not a hunch,
16:32that's a fact. We've seen these,
16:34Big Tech has been censoring us.
16:36The American people are being
16:38censored. Conservatives are being
16:40censored. The information
16:42that's flowing to the American
16:44people is being censored.
16:46It's just the bottom line.
16:48Okay, that is obviously all bullshit, but to be
16:50fair, Devin Nunes knows
16:52a thing or two about censorship given he once
16:54filed a $150 million lawsuit
16:56against Twitter accounts that made fun of him,
16:58including one that pretended
17:00to be Nunes' cow.
17:02He sued a fake Twitter cow
17:04because it said mean things about him,
17:06prompting the ACLU to issue this actual
17:08statement headlined,
17:10Devin Nunes' cow has a First Amendment right
17:12to call Representative Nunes
17:14a treasonous cowpoke.
17:16We truly live in the single
17:18stupidest timeline.
17:20The point is,
17:22conservatives have been crying censorship
17:24for years, but the evidence
17:26for that is very weak.
17:28First, to the extent their posts
17:30do get flagged more, that's probably because
17:32conservatives tend to be more likely to
17:34spread political misinformation according
17:36to numerous empirical studies.
17:38But even if you think
17:40platforms are trying to suppress
17:42conservatives, they're doing a
17:44terrible job of that, given many of
17:46Facebook's top performers lean right, and
17:48there are three times as many
17:50politically conservative news influencers
17:52as liberal ones on the site.
17:54Nevertheless, Republicans conducted
17:56an all-out assault on the idea of content
17:58moderation, often citing one
18:00go-to example, outlined here
18:02by Jeanine Pirro.
18:04Who suppressed free speech in the 2020
18:06election? Facebook.
18:08When they wouldn't allow people to communicate
18:10and the press to communicate
18:12on Hunter Biden's laptop.
18:14Right. Hunter Biden's
18:16fucking laptop.
18:18But Big Tech successfully centered,
18:20which is why you've never heard about it.
18:22And I'm afraid it is worth taking a second
18:24to remind you of the details in this story.
18:26Because while people's minds might immediately swing
18:28to Russian hoax or
18:30damning evidence of Biden corruption,
18:32the truth is, it was neither.
18:34Very briefly, back in 2020,
18:36while Trump was president,
18:38social media sites got a warning from the FBI
18:40to look out for hack and leak operations before
18:42the election. Then, in October, the New York
18:44Post ran a story based on files from a laptop
18:46that they claimed belonged to Hunter Biden,
18:48which had been given to them by Steve Bannon
18:50and Rudy Giuliani. Facebook and Twitter
18:52were wary of the story. Twitter briefly
18:54didn't allow people to post links to it,
18:56and Facebook allowed the story to be seen
18:58and shared, but limited the article's
19:00reach, only to remove that
19:02restriction soon after. Now,
19:04it eventually came out that files
19:06from the laptop were legit,
19:08but also that nothing on it
19:10revealed illegal or unethical behavior
19:12by Joe Biden. So, was initially
19:14suppressing the laptop story a fuck-up
19:16by these companies? In hindsight,
19:18yeah. Was the story itself
19:20particularly revelatory or important?
19:22Not really. Did Facebook's
19:24actions prevent people from finding out about it
19:26before the election? Again, not really.
19:28Even during the period Facebook was
19:30limiting its spread, the story got
19:3254 million views on its site.
19:34So, if this was an attempt at censorship,
19:36it was successful in limiting the audience
19:38to around the same number of people that watched
19:40the fucking Friends finale.
19:43But that initial decision
19:45meant Mark Zuckerberg got yelled at a lot
19:47by the right. And around that same time,
19:49he was also being yelled at by Biden's
19:51White House, because as the COVID vaccine
19:53was rolling out, a lot of misinformation
19:55was circulating on Facebook.
19:57Biden himself said at one point of Facebook
19:59that they're killing people. And while
20:01he quickly walked that back to hear Zuckerberg
20:03tell it, the pressure from the White House
20:05to suppress anything critical of vaccines
20:07back then was overwhelming.
20:09Basically, these people from the
20:11administration would
20:13call up our team and scream
20:15at them and curse. I mean, Biden,
20:17he gave some statement at some
20:19point, I don't know if it was a press conference or
20:21to some journalist, where he basically was like,
20:23these guys are killing people.
20:27I don't know,
20:29then all these different
20:31agencies and branches of government
20:33basically just started investigating
20:35coming after our company. It was brutal.
20:37It was brutal.
20:39I'm really pandering to Joe Rogan
20:41and his audience there, although many seem
20:43too distracted by his outfit for that
20:45to work well, given comments under
20:47that video include, bro dressed like
20:49undercover cop,
20:51I thought this was Lil Dicky, and
20:53why is a 40-year-old billionaire dressed
20:55like my 25-year-old shrooms guy?
20:57But let's deal with his
20:59implicit claim that the government
21:01launched investigations to punish Facebook
21:03for hosting anti-vaccine content.
21:05It is true that the government's
21:07investigated Facebook a lot in recent years,
21:09but none of those investigations
21:11fit Zuckerberg's narrative.
21:13Some, like an FTC antitrust lawsuit,
21:15were launched during the first Trump administration.
21:17Others, like the CFPB's investigation of
21:19big tech payment systems, involve multiple
21:21other companies, and much of the scrutiny
21:23the companies received in recent years was actually
21:25the result of a whistleblower releasing
21:27a cache of documents known as the Facebook files.
21:29As for his complaint the government was cursing
21:31and screaming at Facebook,
21:33they are allowed to do that.
21:35If we call up government agencies to check
21:37a fact, they can tell us to eat shit
21:39because cursing does not
21:41violate your rights. For more on that,
21:43check out the constitution for total
21:45fucking dumbasses.
21:47What they can't do is
21:49force you to do something.
21:51And in that interview, Zuckerberg describes
21:53his response to government demands back then as
21:55I was just like, well,
21:57we're not gonna do that.
21:59And exactly, you said
22:01no, as was your right.
22:03Don't take my word for this.
22:05Allegations like these have been adjudicated
22:07in court. When two Republican state
22:09AGs tried suing the government, claiming it had
22:11pressured platforms, including Facebook,
22:13to censor their speech, they lost
22:15in a 6-3 Supreme Court decision
22:17written by Amy Coney Barrett,
22:19who noted the plaintiffs could not
22:21demonstrate that their content was restricted
22:23due to government pressure.
22:25And look, I can understand
22:27Zuckerberg's feelings being hurt by the
22:29president saying his company's killing people.
22:31I can understand him being sick of being yelled at
22:33by Republicans for doing too much, and by Democrats
22:35for doing too little. On some level,
22:37I can even understand a business
22:39wanting to cozy up to whoever's in the White House.
22:41But there is one other factor here
22:43that does seem relevant to this discussion
22:45and feels important to mention.
22:47It's a political evolution
22:49for Meta, four years after Facebook
22:51suspended Mr. Trump's account
22:53in the wake of January 6th, and just months
22:55after the president-elect accused Zuckerberg
22:57of plotting against him in 2020,
22:59calling for life in prison
23:01if Zuckerberg did it again.
23:03But after Mr. Trump's win, Zuckerberg
23:05traveled to Mar-a-Lago, his company
23:07donated a million dollars to the Trump inaugural fund,
23:09and now close Trump ally
23:11and UFC head Dana White
23:13is joining Meta's board.
23:15Meta, Facebook, I think they've come a long way.
23:17Do you think he's directly responding
23:19to the threats that you have made to him in the past?
23:25Yeah, probably.
23:27Trump threatened Mark Zuckerberg
23:29with life in prison, then Zuckerberg turned around,
23:31gave him money, hired one of his buddies
23:33and changed the direction his company was going.
23:35It doesn't take a genius to draw
23:37a conclusion there, and in fact,
23:39it didn't take one.
23:41And it didn't stop there.
23:43Meta also recently paid
23:4525 million dollars to settle
23:47a bullshit lawsuit that Trump filed
23:49over being kicked off Facebook, despite many
23:51experts agreeing that was well within
23:53the company's rights, and at this point,
23:55it does begin to feel like Trump is doing
23:57exactly what Zuckerberg accused
23:59the Biden administration of, leveraging
24:01the power of his office to pressure
24:03social media companies to bend to
24:05his will, and Zuckerberg seems to be
24:07complying. And he'll insist
24:09these changes are not a result of being
24:11under political pressure, but either way,
24:13Facebook sure seems now set
24:15to become an absolute sewer
24:17of hatred and misinformation,
24:19which I know sounds like a pretty good description
24:21of Facebook already, but...
24:23We'll have to see what happens when they
24:25really stop trying. So,
24:27what can we do? Well, there are some bad
24:29ideas out there, both Democrats
24:31and Republicans have in recent years suggested
24:33ways to amend Section 230 so
24:35companies are more liable for what appears
24:37on websites, but I am yet to see
24:39a proposal that couldn't be easily
24:41weaponized to enable political censorship.
24:43There are definitely options available
24:45to companies that advertise on
24:47Facebook, and I would argue they might want to
24:49seriously consider whether they want their ads
24:51in these actual sample sentences
24:53Facebook says are now acceptable.
24:55Hey, Disney, you want Olaf promoting
24:57Frozen 3 next to that shit?
24:59I don't know, maybe you do.
25:01But for individuals, the options here
25:03are more limited. You could delete
25:05your Meta accounts, and you would not be alone
25:07in doing that. In January, Google searches
25:09for how to cancel and delete Facebook, Instagram
25:11and Threads accounts increased by over
25:135,000 percent.
25:15And there are alternatives out there that don't
25:17seem as desperate to fall in line
25:19with Trump, but I do get
25:21that if Facebook and Instagram are where
25:23your family and friends are, you may not
25:25be ready to take that step. Just remember
25:27to take whatever you
25:29read on those platforms with even
25:31more of a grain of salt
25:33than you did before. But there is one
25:35small way you can actually
25:37fuck with Meta, and that is by making yourselves
25:39a bit less valuable to them. Remember,
25:41advertising makes up 98
25:43percent of Meta's revenue,
25:45and a key component is them being able to
25:47offer companies the ability to micro-target
25:49you. Meta can do that because
25:51they track massive amounts of data
25:53about not just what you do on their sites,
25:55but all across the Internet, which is why
25:57they probably would not want me to tell you
25:59that you can change your settings
26:01so that Facebook and Instagram cannot
26:03profit as much from your data anymore.
26:05If you'd be interested in a step-by-step guide
26:07on how to do that, simply visit
26:11And in the meantime,
26:13if Facebook
26:15is going to continue to subject us
26:17to a steadily rising tide of slurs,
26:19hoaxes and misinformation, the least
26:21it can do is tell us the
26:23actual truth in its messaging.
26:46It felt like our responsibility
26:48because we made the toilet
26:50and got super rich from it.
26:52But moderating billions of users
26:54is really hard.
26:56They say without it, the Internet would just be porn
26:58and diet pills. God, I wish
27:00those were the only things we had to look out for.
27:02It's porn, diet pills,
27:04hoaxes, slurs,
27:06death threats. Gambling,
27:08crypto scams, those pictures of
27:10like a weirdly jacked grandpa that'd say
27:12one trick to getting turbo shredded after
27:1450, it's a lot.
27:16Which is why we're so happy to announce
27:18our 2025 policy on content
27:20moderation. Fuck it.
27:22Fuck it.
27:24Fuck it. To be clear, all
27:26our previous issues remained.
27:28But by strategically pivoting
27:30to fuck it, we found it's
27:32now more of a you problem.
27:34It's so nice not to have to keep
27:36all the nuances straight, like why
27:38immigrants are shitty is acceptable, but
27:40immigrants are shit isn't.
27:42You sure?
27:46What if they wrote
27:48go back to your country immigrant?
27:50Oh, that's definitely okay.
27:52I mean, not okay, but
27:54you know.
27:56You know how your older relatives would say,
27:58I got an email from a prince in Africa who will send me
28:00a million dollars if I give him my social security number.
28:02And you had to be like, no grandma, that's fake.
28:04Well now, you just have to do that
28:06for all your relatives, for all news
28:08forever. Fuck it.
28:10Besides, what is the worst that could happen?
28:12A genocide. We kind of
28:14sort of contributed to a genocide.
28:16In Myanmar, remember?
28:18What are the odds another genocide could happen?
28:20I have no idea. We fired the team that would know.
28:22I'm just glad my baby's gonna
28:24grow up in a world where he can use the slurs
28:26of his choice. Or her choice.
28:28Or their...
28:30Oh, right, no, that's right, it's two.
28:32Facebook decided it is just the two
28:34now. Hear that?
28:36Fuck it. Fuck it.
28:38Fuck it. Fuck it.
28:40And to those who say this is just us
28:42rolling over for President Trump in the hopes
28:44he won't throw us all in prison,
28:46let me forcefully say,
28:48nuh-uh. Donald Trump doesn't set
28:50a tone here. Unless he said he did.
28:52Did he?
28:54Just know that whatever's happening out there,
28:56we here at Facebook are recommitting to our
28:58core values. The same ones we've definitely
29:00always had. Freedom of expression.
29:02Avoidance of responsibility.
29:04And ranking college girls by
29:06hotness. No?
29:08No, that's too far back? Okay, never mind.
29:36Thank you for watching!
