Avec mon code MARIEFEVRIER, bénéficiez de repas à moins de 3€ dans votre première box HelloFresh + un produit offert À VIE parmi une sélection de petits dejs, snacks et desserts !
→ https://www.hellofresh.fr/pages/influencers?c=MARIEFEVRIER 🍋
L’offre est valable en France, pour les nouveaux clients et ceux ayant annulé leur abonnement depuis plus d'un an.
Merci à HelloFresh d'avoir sponsorisé ce vlog !
(collaboration commerciale)
Abonne-toi juste ici : https://bit.ly/34mKGEC et n’oublie pas de liker le vlog s'il t’a plu !
→ Vu dans le vlog (les liens courts sont affiliés) :
🌑 Vêtements & accessoires (mêmes références ou équivalent) :
Pull d'Henri :
Sac à main :
Sac de sport :
https://honestmind.fr/ (ancienne collection)
Brassière :
Combinaison :
Top noir zippé :
Jogging :
Baskets :
🌑 Makeup :
Huile à lèvres :
CC Crème :
Anticernes :
Poudre :
Bronzer :
Blush liquide :
Blush poudre :
Highlighter :
Gel à sourcils :
Palette :
Mascara :
Spray fixateur :
Crayon à lèvres :
Rouge à lèvres :
Beauty blender :
Houppette :
Recourbe-cil :
🌑 Cheveux :
Brosse brushing :
Brosse dorée :
Protecteur de chaleur :
Sèche-cheveux :
🌑 Bureau :
Bougies :
Livres :
Oracles & tarots :
Gourde :
Vaporisateur de sac :
🌑 Salon :
Fauteuils :
https://bit.ly/46yFQUf (produit offert)
Tapis :
https://bit.ly/3O1z4z9 (produit offert)
→ Mes boutiques en ligne :
☁️ Leaves & Clouds : https://leavesandclouds.fr/
→ Téléchargez notre app ici : https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/leaves-clouds/id1631988613
💜 Leaves & Clouds Skincare : https://leavesandclouds.fr/pages/lacskincare
→ Si vous êtes une pharmacie et que vous souhaitez référencer notre gamme bio, naturelle et made in France : https://www.pharmedistore.com/fr/company/leaves-and-clouds
🌑 HonestMind : https://honestmind.fr
→ https://www.hellofresh.fr/pages/influencers?c=MARIEFEVRIER 🍋
L’offre est valable en France, pour les nouveaux clients et ceux ayant annulé leur abonnement depuis plus d'un an.
Merci à HelloFresh d'avoir sponsorisé ce vlog !
(collaboration commerciale)
Abonne-toi juste ici : https://bit.ly/34mKGEC et n’oublie pas de liker le vlog s'il t’a plu !
→ Vu dans le vlog (les liens courts sont affiliés) :
🌑 Vêtements & accessoires (mêmes références ou équivalent) :
Pull d'Henri :
Sac à main :
Sac de sport :
https://honestmind.fr/ (ancienne collection)
Brassière :
Combinaison :
Top noir zippé :
Jogging :
Baskets :
🌑 Makeup :
Huile à lèvres :
CC Crème :
Anticernes :
Poudre :
Bronzer :
Blush liquide :
Blush poudre :
Highlighter :
Gel à sourcils :
Palette :
Mascara :
Spray fixateur :
Crayon à lèvres :
Rouge à lèvres :
Beauty blender :
Houppette :
Recourbe-cil :
🌑 Cheveux :
Brosse brushing :
Brosse dorée :
Protecteur de chaleur :
Sèche-cheveux :
🌑 Bureau :
Bougies :
Livres :
Oracles & tarots :
Gourde :
Vaporisateur de sac :
🌑 Salon :
Fauteuils :
https://bit.ly/46yFQUf (produit offert)
Tapis :
https://bit.ly/3O1z4z9 (produit offert)
→ Mes boutiques en ligne :
☁️ Leaves & Clouds : https://leavesandclouds.fr/
→ Téléchargez notre app ici : https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/leaves-clouds/id1631988613
💜 Leaves & Clouds Skincare : https://leavesandclouds.fr/pages/lacskincare
→ Si vous êtes une pharmacie et que vous souhaitez référencer notre gamme bio, naturelle et made in France : https://www.pharmedistore.com/fr/company/leaves-and-clouds
🌑 HonestMind : https://honestmind.fr
00:30Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich heute, zweimal pro Woche,
00:32also am Montag und Donnerstag,
00:34für den Rücktritt der klassischen Vlogs,
00:36die Vlogs zu Hause, die Vlogs von Leben,
00:38nicht unbedingt die Vlogs von Reisen,
00:40weil ich weiß, dass der Reise nach Japan
00:42sehr viel Platz hat in meiner Leben,
00:44in meinem persönlichen Leben,
00:46auf den Netzwerken, ich habe viel darüber gesprochen.
00:48Ich sage nicht, dass wir nie mehr darüber sprechen werden
00:50und dass wir die Seite drehen werden
00:52und das ist es, es ist vorbei, es war hinter uns.
00:54Aber es ist sicher, dass die Lebe sich wieder aufgenommen hat
00:56seit unserem Rücktritt nach Japan
00:58Und gestern, um alles zu sagen, hatte ich eine schreckliche Tag.
01:00Es war der Typ von Tag, an dem ich alles in Frage gestellt habe.
01:02Es ist der Typ von Tag, an dem du von 9 Uhr morgens bis 18 Uhr
01:06vor deinem Computer
01:08Probleme lösen kannst.
01:10Es ist nicht so, dass du versuchst,
01:12Dinge zu machen oder produktiv zu sein.
01:14Es ist wirklich eine Tag, an der du nur Probleme lösen kannst.
01:17Und das, denke ich, ist das eigene der
01:19Unternehmer generell
01:21oder der Leute, die sich um sie kümmern.
01:23Weil es Tage gibt,
01:25du weißt nicht, was los ist,
01:27jeder hat ein Problem und du musst es lösen.
01:29Aber du bist kein Magier, du bist keine Magierin
01:31und es gibt einige Momente,
01:33wo es einfach unmöglich ist, Probleme zu lösen.
01:35Und gestern, das habe ich von 9 Uhr bis 18 Uhr gemacht.
01:37Nicht überzeugt, dass ich alles geregelt habe,
01:39aber wirklich nur Probleme in den letzten Minuten,
01:41nur Konflikte im Agenda,
01:43nur Dinge zu handeln,
01:45Kompromisse zu machen.
01:47Also wirklich, ich sage dir, seit ich aus Japan zurückgekehrt bin,
01:49hatte ich nicht wirklich Zeit, zu realisieren,
01:51dass ich zurückgekehrt bin,
01:53dass ich sofort wieder in den Stress der Lebe sinken musste.
01:55Viele Leute haben mich gefragt,
01:57ob es dir gut war, nach Japan zu gehen,
01:59ob du dich dort entspannen hast.
02:03Wie soll ich es dir sagen?
02:05Ich habe es lieb, aber kann ich sagen,
02:07dass es mich entspannen oder entspannen hat? Nein.
02:09Übrigens, mit Henri haben wir uns gesagt,
02:11es ist der Art von Reise, wo du weißt,
02:13dass du Wachsen brauchst, um deine Wachsen zu bekommen.
02:15Aber ich bin mir sicher, dass ihr seht, was ich meine,
02:17weil wir alle schon mal solche Wachsen gemacht haben,
02:19wo du Wachsen hast, in allen Richtungen,
02:21im Endeffekt entspannst du dich nicht wirklich,
02:23du wirst nicht mehr müde, als in deinem täglichen Leben,
02:25weil ich ein ziemlich sedentärer Mensch bin,
02:27obwohl ich viel reise und Sport mache.
02:29Ich bin trotzdem ein sedentärer Mensch.
02:31Ich kann euch sagen, dass jemand,
02:33der mittlerweile 5.000 Schritte pro Tag
02:3525.000 Schritte pro Tag macht,
02:37einen Schlag in den Mund schießt,
02:39in allen Richtungen des Wortes.
02:41Wir machen es so, als ob es gestern nicht gab.
02:43Ich bin sehr froh, euch heute wiederzusehen,
02:45und es motiviert mich riesig, wieder zu vloggen,
02:47weil ich die Erinnerung habe, dass ich es bin.
02:49Es ist nicht so, dass ich etwas wünsche,
02:51sondern es motiviert mich. Es ist wahr.
02:53Es ist Nachmittag. Ich werde etwas essen,
02:55weil ich jetzt Hunger habe,
02:57bevor ich heute Nachmittag in die Sportsaal gehe.
02:59Man ändert keine Mannschaft, die gewinnt, oder?
03:01Los geht's. Ich bin so rutschig.
03:03Ich habe Schmerzen. Ich leide.
03:05Wenn etwas nicht geändert ist,
03:07ist, dass wir immer noch HelloFresh bestellen,
03:09vor allem seit wir aus Japan zurückgekommen sind,
03:11weil wir wenig Zeit haben.
03:13Wir haben viel zu erholen.
03:15Heute Nachmittag mache ich eine kleine Rezepte,
03:17Spaghetti au Fenouil et Pangasius.
03:19Ich finde es verrückt,
03:21das Wort Pangasius zu bezeichnen.
03:23Ich wusste nicht, dass es so heißt.
03:25Kennt jemand Pangasius?
03:27Ich nicht. Wir lernen immer Dinge,
03:29weil ich den Fisch nicht kenne.
03:31Schreibt mir, ob ihr ihn kennt, in den Kommentaren.
03:33Los geht's für die kleine Rezepte.
03:35Ich habe Hunger.
03:37Es ist Zeit.
04:41Das ist das Ergebnis.
04:43Es macht sehr Lust.
04:45Ich finde es sehr nett.
04:47Es ist sehr balanciert,
04:49weil wir Proteine und Liquide haben.
04:51Und hier haben wir Glucid,
04:53Pasta und Tomatensauce.
04:55Es ist sehr balanciert.
04:57Es ist fertig. Ich fange an zu essen.
04:59Es ist ein bisschen schwer zu erwarten,
05:01also werde ich euch schnell das exzeptionelle
05:03Angebot teilen, das HelloFresh für diesen Vlog
05:05mit dem Code MARIEFEBRIER.
05:07Ihr habt mehrere Überraschungen.
05:09Zu Beginn habt ihr eure erste Box
05:11mit Essen für weniger als 3€
05:13und dann gibt es ein Angebot für das Leben
05:15von verschiedenen Produkten,
05:17also in der Kategorie Frühstück, Snack oder Dessert.
05:19Das Angebot ist für neue Kunden
05:21sowie für Kunden, die ihre Abonnenten
05:23seit mindestens einem Jahr verabschiedet haben.
05:25Und dieses Angebot ist nur für die, die in Frankreich leben.
05:27Ich lasse euch das Angebot in der Infobox
05:29und den Promo-Code. Vielen Dank an HelloFresh
05:31für die Sponsorisierung dieses Vlogs und vor allem
05:33für den Zeitraum, den ich jeden Tag
05:35in dieser Woche verdienen kann, der immer sehr lang ist.
05:37Ich werde es essen. Ich kann nicht mehr warten.
05:39Ich werde eine kleine Serie einlegen und es essen.
05:41Ich möchte euch zeigen,
05:43wie mein Wohnzimmer aussieht.
05:45Nicht viel.
05:47Sie haben Polysirenen drüber gelegt.
05:49Sie haben Böden überall gelegt.
05:51Es gibt keine Lichter mehr. Es ist schon zwei Wochen her.
05:53Und es wird noch zwei Wochen dauern,
05:55weil, wie ich schon gesagt habe,
05:57sie die ganze Rückseite erneuern.
05:59Es sind wirklich große Arbeiten
06:01an dem Bauwerk. Es sind keine kleinen Erneuerungen.
06:03Es ist wirklich ein großer Bauwerk.
06:05Ich kann gerade nicht raus, weil die Arbeiter
06:07draußen arbeiten.
06:09Es gibt Böden überall.
06:11Und sie beginnen wirklich
06:13die Rückseite zu erneuern, um sie in einen
06:15korrekten Zustand zu bringen.
06:17Ich denke, wenn ich jemals kleine Videos
06:19finde, werde ich sie euch zeigen.
06:21Aber normalerweise seht ihr, wie es aussieht.
06:23Es gibt Fissuren, es gibt etwas seltsame Farben,
06:25wie Orange usw.
06:27Das war das Einzige, was uns in den Garten
06:29verhinderte. Wir konnten nicht mehr von dieser Rückseite.
06:31Und wir dachten, wir verbringen die schlechten Tage,
06:33um sie wieder zu erneuern, wenn es noch nicht so schön ist.
06:35Ich habe noch nicht die Gelegenheit,
06:37sie zu zeigen. Ich präsentiere euch Lucy,
06:39unsere kleine Piratin,
06:41die vor zwei Wochen
06:43zu uns gekommen ist.
06:45Sie ist fast zwei Wochen
06:47zuhause. Sie hat
06:49den Griffeur von Nova geflogen.
06:51Das ist der Ort, wo sie
06:53jeden Tag ist.
06:55Sie hat also den Sonnenschein.
06:57Ja, ich weiß.
06:59Viele von euch fragten mich, wie
07:01die Zusammenarbeit läuft.
07:03Es gibt keine Zusammenarbeit.
07:05Jetzt beginnt Nova mehr und mehr
07:07zu tolernieren.
07:09Vorher war diese Distanz
07:11unmöglich, ohne dass Nova
07:13den Kopf zerbricht und in alle Richtungen geht.
07:15Ich schätze, dass es eine kleine Verbesserung gibt.
07:17Auch wenn wir noch nicht am besten sind.
07:19Ich kann sie aber nicht blamieren,
07:21denn sie war immer der einzige
07:23Hund der Gäste.
07:25Und jetzt hat sie eine
07:27Tornade. Das ist eine Tornade.
07:29Sie haben keinen gleichen Charakter.
07:31Sie sind sehr unterschiedlich.
07:33Das ist lustig zu sehen.
07:35Für den Moment ist es tatsächlich so,
07:37dass sie sich nicht so gewohnt ist.
07:39Lucy will mit ihr spielen,
07:41sie will nachher rennen.
07:43Und Nova akzeptiert das nicht.
07:45Sie macht ein bisschen ein Kabel.
07:47Aber ich habe sie gestern Abend
07:49überrascht, dass sie beide
07:51auf dem Bett sind.
07:53Ich glaube, es wird besser.
07:55Für die Situation ist Lucy
07:57sehr zufrieden.
07:59Wie man sieht, ist sie nicht
08:03Sie lässt sich unter den Beinen kümmern.
08:05Sie ist so süß.
08:07Sie spielt sehr gut.
08:09Sie ist sehr nett.
08:11Sie ist ein netter Kerl.
08:13Aber sie schimpft viel.
08:15Sie holt uns kleine Sachen.
08:17Es gab einen Moment,
08:19in dem wir drei Tage
08:21ein Airpod verloren haben.
08:23Sie lässt sich kümmern.
08:25Ich kann sterben.
08:27Sie lässt sich kümmern.
08:29Ja, bist du wütend?
08:31Sie ist wütend.
08:35Geht's dir gut?
08:37Nein, nein.
08:39Lass mich.
08:41Hör auf, mit meiner Kamera zu spielen, Lucy.
08:43Das ist Lucy.
08:47Oh, oh, oh.
08:49Das ist etwas,
08:51was sie noch nicht schlecht macht.
08:53Sie schimpft, dann schimpft.
08:55Das dauert nicht lange.
08:57Was ich tue, ist, wenn sie das macht,
08:59dass ich aufhören muss,
09:01sie zu verstehen, dass es nicht okay ist.
09:03Sie macht es, ich bewege mich nicht mehr.
09:05Ich glaube nicht, dass es eine bessere Technik gibt,
09:07um das zu machen oder nicht.
09:09Ich glaube, das Ziel ist es,
09:11nicht mit ihr zu spielen und zu sagen,
09:13ich habe es nicht gewohnt.
09:15Nova machte das nicht,
09:17als sie klein war.
09:19Ich habe es nicht gewohnt.
09:21Sie tut nicht besonders weh,
09:23aber sie spielt.
09:25Ich werde sie sterilisieren,
09:27weil wir nicht warten,
09:29dass sie ihre erste Heizung hat.
09:31Wir treffen uns in 3 Wochen,
09:33um sie sterilisieren zu lassen.
09:35Es wird ein großer Moment.
09:37Ich glaube, sie wird es nicht gefallen,
09:39aber es ist mehr als notwendig.
09:41Wir wissen nie.
09:43Komm, komm her.
09:45Ich hatte vor, mich zu trauen,
09:47aber sie hat mich dekonzentriert.
09:49Lucy, hör auf.
09:51Ich finde es verrückt,
09:53dass wir sie Lucy nennen.
09:55Es gibt 2 Gründe, warum wir sie Lucy nennen.
09:57Der 1. Grund ist,
09:59dass sie ein Luzifer ist.
10:01Sie ist ganz schwarz,
10:03ein kleiner Tiger.
10:05Wir dachten, sie wäre gut für sie.
10:07Da sie eine Female ist,
10:09haben wir uns entschieden,
10:11dass Lucy besser ist als Luzifer.
10:13Der 2. Grund ist,
10:15dass sie wie ein Katze aussieht
10:17und sie namens Lucy ist.
10:19Ich liebe diese Serie.
10:21Deshalb nennen wir sie so.
10:23Ich finde, sie ist gut.
10:25Lucy, Jelly, Nova.
10:27Sie spielt mit allem, was sie findet.
10:29Sie spielt wie ein Hund.
10:31Sie bringt dir etwas,
10:33und du musst es geben,
10:35damit sie glücklich ist.
10:37Katzen haben nicht alle den gleichen Charakter.
10:39Ich hatte nie so viele Katzen.
10:41Nova hat das noch nie gemacht.
10:43Sie klettert nicht aufs Gebäude,
10:45sie klettert aufs Gebäude.
10:47Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
10:49Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
10:51Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
10:53Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
10:55Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
10:57Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
10:59Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:01Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:03Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:05Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:07Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:09Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:11Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:13Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:15Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:17Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:19Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:21Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:23Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:25Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:27Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:29Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:31Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:33Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:35Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:37Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
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11:41Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
11:43Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
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14:29Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
14:31Wenn sie etwas fällt, fällt sie es.
14:33Don't judge by the glow, I'm testing a mask
14:35that I saw all over the internet.
14:37I'm supposed to take it off tomorrow morning.
14:39So if I shine like this, don't worry.
14:41It's normal.
14:43I'm out of sport.
14:45I wanted to talk about something
14:47that I've been interested in for a few months.
14:49But now I'm starting to see
14:51what it really means.
14:53And I thought, Marit, you need to talk about it
14:55because I think it could be so interesting
14:57that I need to tell you.
14:59Since I was diagnosed with SOPK,
15:01I researched a lot
15:03about the way
15:05women's cycles work.
15:07Of course I already knew a lot about it,
15:09but there were a lot of things
15:11that I wasn't really comfortable with
15:13and that I didn't spend enough time on,
15:15namely the real phases
15:17of our menstrual cycle,
15:19i.e. the follicular phase,
15:21the ovulation phase
15:23and the luteal phase.
15:25These phases occur
15:27in all types of cycles,
15:29whether you have SOPK or not.
15:31So if you have a longer cycle than the average
15:33which is 28 days, for example I have a cycle
15:35that is like 41 days, 42 days,
15:37it depends if I'm lucky or not.
15:39These phases still exist
15:41and they have repercussions
15:43on how you feel,
15:45on your body, on your mind.
15:47In fact, it's really just the hormones
15:49that work and do anything.
15:51Well, it's not that they do anything,
15:53it's that they play their role,
15:55they work.
15:57In general,
15:59much more than you might think.
16:01And it's been a while
16:03since I've really started to see
16:05the symptoms of these phases
16:07and it really impresses me.
16:09First of all, I think it's crazy
16:11to be able to realize it.
16:13Often, we really realize it
16:15when we are not under hormonal contraception
16:17because we have a natural cycle
16:19so we notice these phases much more easily
16:21when we don't have hormonal contraception.
16:23And in fact, I'm going to tell you
16:25if it interests someone.
16:27I don't know who I'm telling this to,
16:29but I'm telling you anyway.
16:31Right now, I'm in my luteal phase.
16:33The luteal phase is the phase
16:35between ovulation and the moment
16:37you're going to have your periods.
16:39Generally, according to people,
16:41it lasts between 10 and 15 days
16:43and it's during this period
16:45that you're going to have
16:47all the worst possible and unimaginable symptoms.
16:49During this phase, your body
16:51will produce progesterone
16:53with this new production of hormones
16:55and you have all the symptoms that go with it.
16:57If you're lucky, you don't have a lot of symptoms
16:59but if you're like me and you have
17:01a pathology like SOPK,
17:03you risk having the winning bingo,
17:05that is, all the symptoms that exist.
17:07Or at least a good part.
17:09For example, the excessive retention of water.
17:11For example, this morning I was 1 kg more than yesterday.
17:13That's it, it's the retention of water.
17:15A lot of fatigue and at the same time
17:17problems to sleep, problems with insomnia.
17:19You see, I was telling you this this morning
17:21during my cycle, I had an increase in appetite.
17:23You have a lot more frills, you're more hungry,
17:25you want to eat more sugar.
17:27Acne, digestive disorders, well, everything.
17:29I noticed it earlier in the room,
17:31my stomach was super bloated,
17:33I was like, holy shit,
17:35and that usually lasts for a week at home
17:37when I'm at the beginning of my SPM,
17:39just before I stop having my periods.
17:41And mentally, you're going to have mood swings,
17:43you're going to have depression,
17:45you're going to have a lack of motivation,
17:47a lack of concentration, you're going to feel like
17:49you don't know how to do anything, that nothing is going right,
17:51that you're only having bad days.
17:53You're going to question yourself, you're not going to be creative,
17:55you're really going to be in a down,
17:57really in a bad mood.
17:59And all of this is thanks to our hormones.
18:05We applaud the hormones very loudly.
18:07Thank you, thank you, thank you,
18:09what a joy.
18:11So obviously it doesn't translate the same way for everyone.
18:13There are people who translate it more strongly than others.
18:15And in fact, me,
18:17before I really got interested in all of this,
18:19I always said to myself, fuck, I have super strong SPMs,
18:21it's so annoying, like 15 days before I have my periods,
18:23I'm really starting to be in a pitiful state,
18:25it's so weird, why do my SPMs last so long,
18:27I don't understand.
18:29Like here, for example, since yesterday,
18:31I want to cry for nothing, I don't know how to do anything,
18:33I feel like I suck,
18:35well, really not.
18:37And then I looked at my cycle this morning and I was like,
18:39what's going on? And I looked at it and I was like,
18:41everything explains itself! And so it reassured me.
18:43Why? Because I realized
18:45once again, even if I already knew it,
18:47it's good sometimes to have wake-up calls,
18:49to put them back in your head,
18:51to relive them, and to really embody them,
18:53to say to yourself, okay, this state
18:55in which I find myself,
18:57I know that the day I'm going to have my periods,
18:59it's going to go away, well, it's important,
19:01I think, to remember that
19:03it's not us, it's not our heads,
19:05it's just our body, it's our hormones
19:07that do that. We're not crazy.
19:09And me, today, when I was really in the gym,
19:11and I thought my SPMs were less good,
19:13and I looked in the mirror and I saw my belly,
19:15and I was like, oh fuck, Marie, you're not crazy today,
19:17I didn't trust myself, I really wasn't myself,
19:19when I realized that it was just part
19:21of my luteal phase, and that
19:23when I would be in my follicular phase again,
19:25so just after my periods, I would be on fire!
19:27And so this is a reminder
19:29to really highlight
19:31the fact that I find it super important,
19:33and it's too bad that we don't learn it enough
19:35at school, the importance of
19:37menstrual cycles in women
19:39and in all menstruated people,
19:41to understand what it has as an impact
19:43in everyday life,
19:45how it's managed. Spoiler alert,
19:47I haven't found it yet, I just know that
19:49if you eat properly, if you don't drink alcohol,
19:51if you try to have an anti-inflammatory diet,
19:53if you try to counter the spell,
19:55well, at some point it will help a bit,
19:57but it's not miraculous.
19:59In 30 people, it's so problematic that they have to take the pill
20:01to regulate their hormones, because the SPMs are so strong.
20:03For a while, I almost
20:05did it, I thought about it strongly,
20:07thinking to myself, it's not normal, Marie, that you're in
20:0915 days before your period, every time it's just
20:11unbearable, it's unmanageable, it's too annoying.
20:13And then I also remember that
20:15it's because I stopped the pill,
20:17and because I stopped the hormonal contraceptives,
20:19that I can reconnect to this cycle again,
20:21and that I understand myself a lot better,
20:23so, two measures, as usual.
20:25But being aware of it, I can tell you that it's really
20:27reassuring. It's not that I blame it,
20:29but I tell myself, there's a reason for this
20:31discomfort, and the reason doesn't come from me,
20:33it comes from my body. And that's how it is,
20:35that's life, and the fact of being a bit fatalistic
20:37compared to that, well, it feels good.
20:39It feels good. So I have a lot of compassion
20:41for all the people who have, like me,
20:43a very hard luteal phase,
20:45very hard SPMs,
20:47which really put us in shitty states.
20:49I have a lot of compassion, because
20:51it's extremely painful, it's difficult to live,
20:53and frankly, for all the people who don't have this kind of
20:55problem, well, you're very, very, very,
20:57very lucky! Because
20:59that means that I, on 41, 42
21:01days of cycle, 15 days I want to... I'm not good.
21:03I try to find out more and more about
21:05food supplements to regulate my hormones,
21:07to see how to reduce my SPMs,
21:09because it's boring. Anyway, I wanted to
21:11talk about it, because I thought about it earlier
21:13in the room, and I said to myself, I have to say it in the vlog,
21:15because I think it can be interesting. And you remember
21:17when in the last vlog I told you, I really want
21:19to take time to talk about things
21:21that have value in these videos, and not just
21:23to talk about futile things? Well, that's
21:25what I wanted to talk about, because I think it's mega,
21:27mega, mega important, and that we should be much
21:29more educated about it. So I'm going to continue to
21:31research, I'm going to continue to do my research, because I find it
21:33very exciting, and I hope
21:35I'll talk about it again soon, but from a
21:37positive point of view. And if you ever
21:39wonder how I track my phases, because I think
21:41there are also people who don't really know how to do it,
21:43if you're not on contraception hormones,
21:45I have an application on which I
21:47enter my cycles, so I enter my rules,
21:49when I have a rule, hop, first day of the rules, then I enter
21:51every day, because I don't have them anymore. It creates a cycle for you.
21:53It's great to do it in a little while.
21:55I recommend you do it for a year, to see
21:57how it goes. I use an app called
21:59Clue. It can be linked with my
22:01connected phone, which is charging right now, and it's very practical.
22:03And it tells you when your rules will arrive, in which phase
22:05you're in, and it's super interesting.
22:07Well, I'm dropping this info, I hope it
22:09helped you. I'm going to do my little
22:11brushing, by the way, using
22:13the brush I got in Japan.
22:32Every time I do my brushing, I feel like
22:34I'm doing a national sport, really.
22:37We're still on a long-haired goal,
22:39you know. How long
22:41will it take, guys? I don't know.
22:43Will I last until the end? I don't know.
22:45My hair is growing, but ideally,
22:47I'd like it to be there. From there,
22:49I start to ask myself questions, about what I'm doing.
22:51But it's a personal challenge that I started on my own.
22:53Why am I going to get to this length? I don't know.
22:55The feeling of having
22:57taken a shower, put cream on my body,
22:59put a mask on my face, wash my hair,
23:01dry my hair.
23:03The little joys of life, in the end.
23:05I'll see you tomorrow.
23:07It's Saturday, and tonight we're invited
23:09to a birthday party on the Casino theme.
23:11Actually, it's a pretty cool theme. I love
23:13birthday parties with themes, and so we're
23:15going to ask to dress a little chic.
23:17For me, a little chic means to dress in black,
23:19red lips. I don't know what it means for you.
23:21And for me, it really means it gives chic.
23:23Are we there? Is it chic?
23:25I don't know. Anyway,
23:27I'm going to bring my green bag,
23:29because green is supposed to bring luck, and I don't want to
23:31leave everything there. Let's cross our fingers
23:33together, so that tonight
23:35I come back with my money. Joking aside,
23:37I'll show you what I took in my bag. Really the
23:39classic, my phone, a little lamp
23:41to be able to vlog, a hair clip
23:43because I feel like I'm going to be hot,
23:45my lipstick, which is the
23:47Huda Beauty Boy Collector.
23:49It's a semi-matte, very, very pretty.
23:51I took money, more than that. I took some,
23:53we never know. My little chewing gums,
23:55which I can't live without. It's so convenient,
23:57it's a little perfume bottle that you buy at Sephora,
23:59and you can fill it up with your perfume.
24:01And since mine is impossible
24:03to take everywhere, I love this little thing,
24:05I think it's so convenient. And I also have
24:07my papers, because
24:09I'm the driver, because I'm sober,
24:11for the next three, four months.
24:15my underpants are flying. So I'm wearing a
24:17Bob, so the Bobette.
24:19It's so funny, because in France we say
24:21the Sam, the one who drives, the one who doesn't see.
24:23In Belgium we say the Bob,
24:25the Bob or the Bobette, it's so funny to me.
24:27So tonight it's me, because I'm the one who doesn't drink anymore.
24:29And so it's good, so it's nice for everyone
24:31to finally have a Sam.
24:33I admit that I had a birthday
24:35this week, and we were in a party
24:37with a lot, a lot, a lot of people,
24:39and I didn't drink. And it's not for you to
24:41lie, it was a bit difficult.
24:43Today is February 22nd, so it's been 22 days
24:45since I stopped drinking. And yesterday,
24:47really in the situation where I found myself
24:49with a party situation, a birthday,
24:51everyone drinking glasses, alcohol
24:53at will everywhere, I was a bit like
24:55yeah, I took the options without alcohol and everything, but
24:57at the same time, it wasn't easy.
24:59I was a bit like,
25:01come on, I want to enjoy it too. And in fact, I've been
25:03for so many years completely
25:05lobotomized on the fact that
25:07you could only enjoy it when you drank,
25:09and it's still anchored in me today,
25:11clearly. It's very difficult to get rid of it.
25:13And so tonight at the beginning I was like, I don't want
25:15to go there, because I know I'm going to have a hard time,
25:17and I know I'm going to have a hard time
25:19getting this idea out of my head.
25:21But in order for the path to be easier,
25:23I really have to force myself to
25:25put myself in situations like this, which are situations
25:27that are said to be complex, or at least
25:29risky, since they are really situations in which
25:31you can be tempted to drink, to precisely deconstruct
25:33all these beliefs. I have to deconstruct
25:35all this, and it's not easy.
25:37It's really not easy. But well, I'm going to take you
25:39with us to this party. I'm going to see
25:41what I'm going to film, but I think it's going to be a bit funny anyway.
25:43So wish me good luck, man. And for those who
25:45are wondering, this bag is available on HonestMind.
25:47So you know. I hope it's going to bring me luck.
25:49Are you laughing? Are you focused?
25:51I'm laughing a bit.
25:53That's good, that's perfect.
25:55Marie, incredible!
25:57The cake for Guigui.
25:59It's the first time I've had a cake.
26:01It comes with me.
26:03It's already Sunday, the day went by
26:05super, super, super fast. I did my little stream
26:07this morning, I went to the room, and the day
26:09is almost already over, the time to do
26:11everything I had to do. Anyway, I was doing
26:13the last thing on my to-do list today.
26:15As you know, we're in the middle of work,
26:17they're painting the outside,
26:19well, finishing it, and our entrepreneur
26:21gave us a kind of
26:23catalogue like this, with all the
26:25paints, and we have to choose one
26:27for the house. And in my life,
26:29I never thought I'd have to choose a house paint,
26:31but you don't know how stressful it is.
26:33Like, all of a sudden, I feel like I have
26:35a huge responsibility, because
26:37choosing the color of a house scares me.
26:39I don't know why, it's so weird.
26:41I feel like I'm going to make a bad choice.
26:43As if it wasn't up to me to make
26:45this decision. You know what I mean? As if I wasn't
26:47responsible enough to make such a decision.
26:49Like, I really feel like I'm going to make a
26:51fateful choice, when I'm not at all, actually.
26:53Especially since it's really the back facade, so
26:55we're the only ones who are going to see it. Are you going to give me your opinion?
26:57We're hesitating a bit with
26:59these colors at the top. So, actually, we know
27:01we want white, but we don't want white-white.
27:03We'd like a kind of white that's a little
27:05different, and especially not a broken white,
27:07because the building next to us
27:09is a white
27:11and it's a bit yellowish,
27:13and I don't like it. I don't like too warm colors.
27:15So, here, we really have a choice.
27:17I was going for something like this, which isn't
27:19really white. I don't know if you can really tell, it's
27:21broken white, but rather stretching towards grey,
27:23like a cold grey. Well, something cold.
27:25For now, with the cement, our house behind
27:27looks like this. And I like it,
27:29but Henri doesn't want it. He'd rather
27:31we go for colors like this. So, tell me,
27:33you see them, so we forget
27:35these colors on the right, we forget, but more, you see?
27:37Well, maybe this, actually. Look at the
27:39number of colors. Why are there so many
27:41variations of white? Like, why?
27:43Look at the number of pages. One, two,
27:45three, four. No, but that's not possible.
27:47So, if you have any ideas, tell me,
27:49and if you have any regrets, especially. In fact, we want
27:51something that ages well. In time, we know
27:53that if we do white-white, like white
27:550, 0, 0, 0, 0, it's going to take up
27:57too much sun, it's going to take up humidity badly,
27:59it's going to stain. I think it's
28:01not pretty. I think it can quickly become disgusting.
28:03I've already seen all-white buildings, it's not crazy.
28:05Anyway, I don't want it to be yellow either.
28:07It's too big of a decision for us.
28:09I'm going to show you what the house looks like for now, from the outside.
28:11Already, of course, we have a lot of things
28:13in this entrance again.
28:15This entrance will never be perfect.
28:17I prefer to tell you, I can't take it anymore.
28:19I still have to show you.
28:21No! They put the ladder on my shoes!
28:23Well, anyway. So, already, you get out.
28:25Already, here. It's already a bit of a hassle.
28:27I'll show you. Ah, yes, here it is. Look how beautiful it is.
28:29No, but here, frankly. So, here, the wall is red.
28:31It's normal, it's because it's a product they put
28:33for humidity, waterproofing.
28:35It won't stay like that, of course.
28:37It will be white. Here, you realize
28:39the extent of the work.
28:41That is, this is my veranda. So, seen from the outside,
28:43it is really atrocious.
28:45And here, the scaffolding.
28:47And here, suddenly, this is what it looks like.
28:49So, they re-cemented. They've already done
28:51a crazy job, but you see the scaffolding.
28:53You see how, in fact, we are hidden from the light.
28:55I think it's going to be super weird the day they're going to remove everything.
28:57Here, for now, we have something like this.
28:59So, it's cement.
29:01Because you had to fill in all the cracks and everything.
29:03So, it's still a very, very big construction site.
29:05Me, the color here, it doesn't bother me.
29:07I think it should be a slightly lighter gray
29:09and not that it stays really raw like that.
29:11There, they're almost done. They're going to come back tomorrow
29:13and they're going to smooth. Great work, in fact,
29:15when you think about it, because they also make Henri's terrace up there.
29:17Well, really, the whole façade behind.
29:19Anyway, we knew it was going to be a very big piece.
29:21Especially since, in addition, there are still all the walls of the garden to do
29:23and it's also included in the debt, so it's going to be a lot of work.
29:25When I tell you that buying a house
29:27to renovate, it's hard work.
29:29Sometimes, so it's not that I regret it,
29:31but it's just that sometimes I tell myself that it would have been so much easier
29:33if we had bought a land and
29:35that we had built our house on the basis of nothing,
29:37on plans. We could really have done everything
29:39as we wanted and we would have had no problem.
29:41And at the same time, we wouldn't have had the hiding place.
29:43So, really, it's a choice. And then, frankly, we could never have
29:45had a terrace of this surface in
29:47Brussels, virgin. It doesn't exist, unfortunately.
29:49Frankly, it's pros and cons, but it's true that
29:51sometimes, when you see all the work that has to be done and
29:53everything you have to do, you say to yourself, damn, it would still be
29:55easier if we had really done everything from the start
29:57on a neutral land.
29:59You have to realize, I think, of everything you have to do.
30:01If you are in the process
30:03where you are trying to buy and that you want
30:05to be interested in goods to be renovated,
30:07think about it, ask yourself questions
30:09because I have to admit that it's difficult.
30:11We have to do ironwork again.
30:13It's very special because, in fact, our house,
30:15I already told you, it's classified. It means that we can't
30:17do everything we want and there are places
30:19where we have to do work of
30:21forging, ironwork, rather ironwork
30:23because, in fact, rust and
30:25years have gone by on a lot of little things
30:27at home, so we have to go through the ironwork box.
30:29Except that the problem is
30:31that, as the house is classified, there are things that
30:33we have to respect and we can't do anything.
30:35And tell yourself that we have contacted an ironworker who has to
30:37redo some rooms that are
30:39very specific, classified, so he is not available
30:41before May to do it for us.
30:43And tell yourself that the rooms are 200 euros
30:45per room. We have eight
30:47to redo. I'm delighted.
30:49Whereas if we hadn't had a classified house,
30:51we could have done what we wanted and we would have paid
30:53much less. In any case, what I'm thinking is that
30:55it will be finished. I think there is still time for at least
30:57a big week. Maybe, by the way, in the vlog of
30:59next week, maybe it will be
31:01finished. We will be too happy because we can finally enjoy
31:03our exteriors, but it's true that we tend to hate it.
31:05I wanted to finish this vlog by thanking you
31:07for something that is very
31:09important to us and I had to
31:11tell you in the vlog. If you have
31:13followed or if you have placed an order
31:15or several on LeaseNCloud these last
31:17weeks, you may have noticed
31:19that there was a problem in the deliveries.
31:21For some time we have been transitioning
31:23and changing logisticians.
31:25So the place where we were placing
31:27our orders, we simply decided
31:29to relocate it and change it.
31:31So leave our logistician that we had
31:33for years to go to another
31:35logistician. This switch took
31:37really a lot more time than expected.
31:39Besides, you probably noticed it in
31:41the delivery delays, in the SAV delays,
31:43in all that. It was,
31:45I admit, it was a bit complicated.
31:47It caused us a lot of stress. But
31:49that's it, we had the good news
31:51yesterday, our stock is
31:53finally in the hands of our new
31:55logistician, which means that from
31:57now on, orders will start
31:59normally. All orders that have already
32:01been placed will be processed in the
32:03shortest time. Now it's really just a
32:05matter of days. And that's it, we're
32:07back to new projects,
32:09forward and we will finally be able
32:11to move forward in our projects
32:13and in everything we kept a little bit
32:15a surprise for you because it was really
32:17a big topic, this change of logistician.
32:19It took a lot of time. So I wanted to thank you
32:21for your patience and your kindness
32:23because we really had to deal
32:25with adorable, understanding
32:27customers who sent us
32:29messages asking us where their orders were
32:31at the right time and when we answered them
32:33by explaining the situation, we only
32:35had positive feedback, only people
32:37who said there was no problem to wait
32:39while we had proposed to refund the orders because
32:41we could understand that it was taking a long time. And I really,
32:43really, really, from the bottom of my heart
32:45wanted to thank you for this kindness, for your
32:47patience, which for us are
32:49incredible assets and helped us a lot
32:51and supported us during this transition period
32:53which wasn't easy these
32:55last weeks, even last month. So thank you
32:57from the bottom of my heart
32:59to me because obviously
33:01it's my brand and so
33:03it touches me to see that it's also a project
33:05that is close to your heart and I know that all
33:07the teams also who work on Leaves & Clouds
33:09thank you for that. We are very
33:11lucky to have a community like this, to have
33:13this community, to have you and
33:15to have your support. We are very
33:17lucky and I think that it gave us
33:19a really good reminder to see how
33:21lucky we were to have you. So thank you for
33:23being patient. Normally from now on
33:25orders will start again, normally you can
33:27place orders on the site without
33:29having stress about when your orders will
33:31leave. That's it, everything is back in order.
33:33You will be able to enjoy the new site, we will have
33:35a lot of things that will come out and that will
33:37happen afterwards and so for that
33:39you can now go there with your eyes closed.
33:41In short, I'm a little emotional right now
33:43because I'm not hiding from you that we've had
33:45complicated weeks and little white nights, so
33:47thank you. I'll try not to cry with emotions
33:49in this kind of vlog, it would be a shame.
33:51I'll leave you there for today, it's Sunday
33:536 p.m., I still have a little bit of work to do.
33:55Thank you for watching this vlog until the end,
33:57I hope you enjoyed it. I kiss you, take care
33:59of yourself and we'll see each other, you already understood it,
34:01on Thursday for a new vlog. Ciao!