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Ad. Use code JULIE to receive your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 instead of £24.99 and get a free trial of the cleanser, moisturiser and SPF!


01:00So hello everybody, welcome back to another video, hope you're doing great.
01:15This is my first video that I have filmed, that I am filming since I got back from Las
01:21Vegas, although you will probably see another video, another video or two before you watch
01:30this one, if that makes sense, because of how videos are scheduled, but this, as you
01:34watch this now, I am filming this as my first video since I got back.
01:39I had a slow morning, it is half term, it is February half term here in the UK, so Atticus
01:46is off, whoops, Atticus is off school, we've had a very slow morning, it is actually now,
01:53it's almost, almost lunch time, it's ten to twelve, many reasons for that, we're absolutely
01:58shattered and we have a busy week, I'm putting my hand cream on, we've got a busy week ahead
02:06of us with days out we've planned, we're off to London tomorrow, which is actually the
02:13vlog that you will see before this one.
02:16We just wanted a bit of a slow day today, we're going to get out for a walk, the sun
02:21is out, as you can see it's super cold out, but we're going to get out for a walk and
02:25then we might pop down the lakes.
02:28I'm actually using, this is a cream, I got this from Vegas actually in Target, it's the
02:34Burt's Bees Almond and Milk Hand Cream, now I don't think you can get it, it looks like,
02:38can you see it, it looks like that, I don't think you can get it in this country, so I
02:42picked that up and it smells absolutely gorgeous.
02:45Here is the main man, it's super sunny isn't it, hello everybody, you're having a nice
02:52slow morning aren't you, yeah, on your game, you love the sims don't you, it's not called
02:57the sims, I thought it was called the sims, the sim city, yeah he loves, he's well into
03:03his game on his iPad, sim city and you build the city don't you, he absolutely loves it
03:08and it reminded me, I used to play the sims back in the day, like we're going back years
03:12and years now and you absolutely love it don't you, glad to have mummy home aren't you darling.
03:17Back almost a week now, a week tonight it'll be, so I'm starting to feel a bit more normal,
03:24sleep on the trip, if you've watched the Vegas vlogs, you can watch all three down below,
03:30sleep was not there, there was hardly, I'd say I probably had four to five hours sleep
03:36the entire trip and we were there from the Thursday to the Sunday, so it was pretty full
03:42on but absolutely amazing, trip of a lifetime with my girl, absolutely loved it and it did
03:47take me a few days to get back into normality, the swing of things, trying to catch up on sleep
03:53and I'm slowly, slowly getting there, so I just needed a day-to-day bit of self-care,
03:58as you would have seen, washed my hair, bit of a face mask, I just needed that,
04:04gonna be a makeup free day today because I just wanted to do a bit of self-care,
04:08really, really feel my body needs that, so I'm listening to it.
04:12Self-care actually brings me into today's sponsor, so a big thanks to Skin and Me for sponsoring
04:19today's video. Oh, Skin and Me, I started using this, which looks like this, which is very
04:27personalised with my name on, I started using this on the 2nd of February, today as we film this,
04:33I believe it is the 17th, so over two weeks, I've been using this every single night,
04:39I don't apply it in the morning, only at night before my moisturiser and I think my skin,
04:47for me, is looking fab. My aim was to make my pores, minimise the appearance of my pores
04:57and fine lines, that was my goal. I'm going to tell you a bit about Skin and Me, you will basically
05:03go online, you will do a consultation with an expert dermatologist, we'll analyse your skin,
05:10you upload three photos after answering all the questions of a front view of your face,
05:15left side and right side, ask you what your goals are for your skin, after taking everything
05:20into consideration, your medical history, your skin tone, your skin type, they will design
05:28your treatment plan. I love they use gold standard ingredients, treating skin conditions like acne,
05:35pigmentation, of course cosmetic concerns like myself, skin ageing, skin texture, poor appearance,
05:42give you every step of your skincare journey and you can speak to them as often as you like.
05:47Your treatment will come in a daily doser, like this, as you can see, personalised with your name
05:54on. What I absolutely love about this doser, you will only get as much as you need out for that
06:01night, so like I said, only apply at night, but you will turn until you hear the click
06:08and it will dispense just enough for what you need for one application and I absolutely love that.
06:15Me, my skin looks brighter, I see a difference, so there is a reduced visibility to my pores which
06:23is what I wanted and I am very, very pleased with skin and me. For me, building new habits really,
06:30really looking after myself in 2025. If you've watched previous videos, you will see I've started
06:35up my running, I'm trying to take better care of my skin, getting into a really good night time
06:40routine of cleansing, toning and moisturising, keeping it simple and of course this fits in
06:46really, really easy because I'm just applying it before my moisturiser. Of course everything is
06:51vegan and cruelty free, single use plastic to an absolute minimum. They also use sustainable
06:58manufacturing methods and packaging materials. Seive it through the post, it will come in the
07:03packaging like this, obviously with your daily doser inside and it comes once a month, so as
07:10soon as you're running out, basically you will get another one just in time. I think it's absolutely
07:16fab and very, very convenient. I've really seen the difference and it's making me feel very, very
07:21comfortable in my skin which is all you can ask for, so of course I have a great offer for you,
07:26so you can try Skin and Me, you can have your own treatment plan designed for you, go online, do the
07:33consultation, send some pictures off and they will design your personalised treatment plan for your
07:37skin depending on what goals you have for your own skin, so you need a code. My code is simply
07:45JULIE, use my code, tap the link which is in the description box of this video and you will get
07:50your first daily doser for only £4.99 and it is normally £24.99. That is Skin and Me and now on
07:58with my day, so it is lunchtime for sure, it is lunchtime. Atticus had his breakfast hours ago,
08:03I haven't eaten, so we are going to go and get some lunch, Atticus is going to get dressed,
08:07clean his teeth and then we are going to head out for a nice walk. We're thinking
08:12um we're going to go down by the railway station in Wellingborough, the town I live, and walk all
08:20the way up there because there's quite a bit of greenery up there, it's quite nice and then we'll
08:23probably head over to Reston Lake because I also need to pop in a supermarket as well and get food
08:28bits because normally I'll get food bits when I've whatever we need when I've dropped Atticus off at
08:32school but obviously when it's half term you still need need them food bits, so I said Atticus got
08:36to come supermarket with me. Lunchtime, we are still completely obsessed with sourdough over
08:41here, well I am anyway, Atticus loves it too, so we're going to have some sourdough toast
08:45and then Atticus will get ready and we will go out for a walk. It just seems, I think it's because
08:50it's my first video since I've been back that I'm filming, but although like I say you would
08:54have probably seen we're actually off to London tomorrow for the day and you would have watched
09:01that vlog by the time you watch this, but as I said this is the first one I'm filming and it
09:06just feels really strange to be vlogging at home, I just feel like I've vlogged every day in Vegas
09:13and it feels really really strange, but I'm sure I will get back into it, I'm just really looking
09:20forward to getting some fresh air to be honest. Since I got back I felt quite congested,
09:28my congestion had completely gone actually and I felt quite congested and a bit of a sore throat
09:34and I know Anastasia had the same congestion as well and I don't know if that's to do with being
09:39on the plane, whatever, I don't know, but hopefully that will go soon, but the sun is out,
09:46it's a beautiful beautiful day, although pretty chilly, so yeah excited to get out for a walk.
10:08A bit of a recommendation for you, although I've just dropped it hence why there's all the bubbles,
10:20um it's the Marks and Spencer's multi-surface cleaner antibacterial and it is almond and sweet
10:28orange, it looks like that. That sounds posh. It does sound posh Atticus does it? What is it?
10:34Multi-surface cleaner, just to spray basically. That's how you said it. Oh did I sound posh?
10:41Yeah almond and sweet orange, it smells absolutely amazing, totally recommend this.
11:20cute for kids, little wigwams, really cute, go and have a little look Atticus.
11:25I'm actually exercising my knee, I feel this is doing my knee good,
11:29I really suffered with it bad when I got back from Vegas
11:33and I think this is doing it good, there's Atticus.
11:51Back in the car now, it's about three o'clock, walk was good, we got our steps in didn't we?
11:55Yeah, I think we walked, it said um nearly two miles and actually it was a bit more than that.
12:01It was like two and a bit miles, yeah because we didn't start it till a bit late and then
12:05you finished it. That's right, that's right, so now we are going to head to
12:09Rushton Lakes, I'm going to have a little look in Primark, Attock in H&M,
12:13yeah and what else is it, Waterstones. I need to pop to Tesco, I need to get a few food bits
12:19and then we will head home because I'm going to cook, I've got a chicken in the fridge.
12:23How long does it take to cook this one? It's already cooked, it's one of them chickens,
12:26about half an hour, I think it's about an hour, it's one of them that you cook in the bag
12:29but I think it's already cooked, you just need to heat it up I think, so I'm going to do that,
12:34we fancy some chips with it don't we, with crusty bread and a bit of salad,
12:39that's going to be tonight's dinner I think, yeah lettuce.
12:46Now down Rushton Lakes, first stop is, where are we going Atticus? Waterstones, Atticus wants to
12:51have a little look in Waterstones, don't you darling, just decided on this one,
13:05The Secret of Golden Island by Natasha Farrant, winner of the Costa Book Award,
13:15Costa Book Award, anyway yeah looks pretty good.
13:22So we're in Tesco, we're whizzing round, we're both getting really hungry, stocking up on the
13:36sourdough and we want a big french stick to go with our chicken and chips. We're home,
13:41oven is on, ready for the chicken, we popped in Tesco, got all the food bits we need,
13:49although I didn't really need that many dinners, because we're on so many days out this holiday.
13:57It's a bargain, because I'm cooking a chicken, I'm going to put chicken in the oven
14:03and then I saw these in the, they're actually from the Valentine's dining for two
14:12bit they've knocked down and they're the triple cooked chips with Cornish sea salt,
14:17so I got a packet of them each to have with the chicken and they were
14:26they were meant to be three pounds and they were knocked down to
14:29one pound five a pack, so I thought they'll be nice with the chicken.
14:33It's taken about 35 minutes, I just want to say I'm cooking that, that's fine, I'll eat until a bit later, never mind.
14:43Also got a french stick to have with it, also I'll do you a mini, I picked up a few things in
14:53time up, but I was very very pleased. I actually got what I went in for, it was something I'd seen online,
15:03so as you can tell by looking at me, I absolutely love my fleeces, I absolutely love them during this
15:08this winter time, they're a great alternative to a coat sometimes when you just don't want
15:13a big coat on and they're so cosy, I just love them and I've seen this one, I've seen this one online
15:20I'm going to try it, it's actually, it's meant to be like little, I think it's meant to be like little pink bows,
15:28I think that's the pattern of it, I suppose it is bows, I don't know, it's a nice pattern anyway,
15:34so it's like a creamy colour, like the pink pattern, oh that's just going to be so cosy,
15:40so that's actually what I went in to look for, there's actually only two left, there was a large,
15:45no there was an extra large and this size, a medium, for £16 and then there are a couple of
15:53extras I got, this jacket I couldn't leave behind, it's a great spring jacket, it's originally to spring,
16:00this was from the Fine Art Edit range and the original price was £40, I absolutely love this,
16:11can we see, such great quality, I love the bit at the neck, it's like got the
16:20the bit at the neck if you did want it up high, it's not really a trench, is it like, what do we call it,
16:26it's like a mid-length trench I guess, not one of the crop trenches, it's like a mid-length and I
16:31absolutely love it and the quality is just fab, originally £40 and it was knocked down to £20,
16:40and I thought that was a really great price and that's going to be really nice,
16:44I might wear that to London tomorrow actually, so yeah really pleased with that and then the other
16:49thing I got, excuse me, was this bag, I've seen this anyway and I've been looking at this,
16:57I really like this, can you see like a croc style over the body bag, the original price was £10
17:06and this was knocked down to £5, it's like the clasp, it's pretty big inside as well,
17:13so very very pleased with that, now I'm going to get this chicken in the oven.
17:36Dinner is finally ready, we're eating late, it is 25 to 8, that's because obviously I had to
17:50cook the chicken, it's good, so we have obviously chicken, salad, them chips,
17:57I've already tried one which are really good, sweet corn and lots of bread.
18:06So I've cleared up, it's getting on for nine o'clock now and we need to get an early night
18:22because we are in London for the day tomorrow, so it's time for me to do my skincare, I have
18:27cleansed my face, I'm now going to use my Skin and Me
18:31Treatment, don't forget my code, use my code JULIE for your first month's doser for £4.99
18:45instead of £24.99, so such a saving. As I was saying to you earlier, listen for the click
18:55and that's how much you need, it will only dispense that amount what you need each night which
19:03I absolutely love. I'll put this on and then I will put my moisturiser,
19:11I'm going with my moisturiser, I'm going to use my Natasha and then soon it will be
19:24bedtime. I'm back putting hand cream on like I was how many hours ago,
19:30I get very very dry hands, I constantly have to put hand cream on, I can't stand the feeling of
19:35dry hands. So I hope you've enjoyed this day in the life in half term and I will see you very
19:41very soon for another video. Bye.
