• anteayer
We spend Robux to get the rarest cars in Roblox

Friends in the Video
⭑ @Zud
⭑ @BiffleWiffle
⭑ @sigils

• Video Editor ►@championbran

• Discord: https://discord.gg/ssundee

​​• Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu - Such Fun
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3Oc26AFDdU
Channel: https://99l.tv/Subscribe
Download the album! https://99l.tv/Levelup-i

Play Car Merger: https://www.roblox.com/games/118611268319028/Merge-for-SPEED

#gaming #ssundee #roblox

Thanks for watching!
00:00So boys welcome back to roblox today you can see we have this jacked up car look at it
00:04You see that you guys see your car jack you see it has a number one on it, right?
00:08So let's say I go up to it and I grab it look now
00:11I'm carrying a car and if I take this car and jam it into the other one
00:16Now I get a two
00:20Right and then what we're gonna do right we're gonna we're gonna keep combining cars right now
00:24We got a number two now. We're gonna turn that into a number four we got we got a truck
00:28We were going we're going trick riding. He's with me
00:33All right, so how this works right we're gonna combine all of our cars and we have 20 minutes
00:39And then after that we're gonna go out here to the street outside of your little thing look now. I have a truck
00:44And we're gonna go for a race
00:48Wait are we are we actually talking I don't think we're talking okay, so top center. You can see our money
00:53We have I have three hundred ten dollars you use that money to upgrade. How do I get out of this car?
00:57I want to get out of the car stop it take me home. I'll race off stop it home there. We go, okay
01:02Now I'm home, so I'm gonna keep combining
01:04We're gonna race at the end the fastest car gets the car that they have
01:12Look here we go. We got a truck. I got myself a minivan
01:23Hopefully we get like a
01:25Lambo genie
01:28Look up top center rain in 12 merges
01:36There we go hold on wait, I'm about to get an upgraded off minivan upgraded minivan, what is it?
01:41Okay, I went from a minivan to an ice cream van that makes sense. Oh wait. Never mind. You're behind. I am NOT behind
01:48Look at that there we go there. We go now. I have another truck, okay
01:51So I have a 12 ice cream truck and wait. I can just throw my stuff. Hold on do that and
02:00Hold on wait hold on I want to see what the rain does hold on let's do that once the rain happens
02:04Then we're gonna dab there. We go one more one more merge. We'll see what happens
02:10Oh it rained I got it okay that makes sense got it got it got it got it got it got it
02:13And I guess that that probably gets more aggressive later on I do I don't know what that means
02:18Please don't be combine those combine those wait. I'm about to get another one fire truck. I'm about to get hold on boys
02:24We have the ice cream truck. We got the school bus
02:33I can rain a bunch of cars. Let me look at this look at that
02:36Oh, I just claimed a bunch of cars. Okay, cool. Is there a way what is that? I received a spin max vehicles
02:43Oh, okay, so you can see I have a thousand dollars, right?
02:46So if I spend money, what did that do that increase how many vehicles I can have on the ground? Oh
02:53It's raining. Okay. This is good. Hold on. We're cooking now. Hold on combine these two yeet
02:58I missed how does it make that noise? There we go
03:00And then now I need another one of those to combine with that. Can I buy so let me spin?
03:04I'll spin in a second. Let me look at the shop. Oh, I can get two times cash
03:07Yep, I should do that so I can win
03:09So the more money I guess you can see top center. I'm getting $45 per second now. I should be getting 90, right?
03:15Wait, why didn't I go up? Wait, I didn't
03:17Why didn't I it went down? I'm at I'm at 43. Wait, hold on. Shouldn't that go up to 90?
03:23It went down and I went down to 42
03:2640 what is I don't hold on. I gotta think about this. Give me a minute. So I got money, right?
03:30Lucky mergers spawned here. Okay, so every time I spawn a car I get a level one, but I can increase this
03:36Level 2 so every time a car spawns it spawns is level 2 now level 3 now level 4 now level 5
03:43Okay, now I just figured it out
03:45So now if I combine these
03:48We got a new vehicle boys
03:52No, don't visit hold on I need more money any more money, okay, I'm gonna combine these two
03:57Cement trucks and let's see what we get. Oh
04:00What is that? Is that a Bentley Beamer Benz or Bentley? What is that? Oh, I just found something out
04:05Okay, did you find out worry about it? No, what did you find out you have to tell us?
04:08Oh that combined those two combined get out of here. Let me grab this one throw this one into this one
04:14Come here. Come here. Bentley. This is a beamer. Hold on. Here we go
04:17There you go. I never saw Bentley before that a fire. No, that's a bus. I got a bus Honda Civic
04:23How fast is the bus? I gotta find out. Hold on. Give me a minute. Well, the wheels on I go very fast
04:29Oh, I forgot about the spins, hold on go back home. Hold on go back on spin spin spin the wheel
04:35What I get you know, you're always saying I have a dump truck. I
04:39Spun and got an extra spin. What is the point of putting that on the wheel if you just get another spin?
04:44500 gems. I don't know what that does. Give me a million dollars. Oh
04:48It's so close to a million dollars. Okay, whatever you say increase the spawn tier increase the spawn rate
04:55So it spawns faster. There we go. Wait
04:59There are pets two times cash already got two times cash, what is auto merge
05:04I'm gonna do the 500 vehicle rain to once I max out this spawn tier. Okay auto merge. What does that do?
05:11Does it continue to merge always that is the cheapest that is the cheapest thing on the game and it a race is starting
05:19Ignore the race. Um, I now have a dump truck. Okay, cool
05:24That's cool. So it's just permanently auto merging now, so I currently have
05:32Let me get this
05:33$2,000 so these auto merge now
05:36I have a 308 dump truck, which means wait max. What are pets cash multiplier?
05:43I'm increasing my cash multiplier. Okay. Now I'm getting a thousand a second, which means I can increase my spawn tier
05:48So if I increase my spawn tier now, I'm getting the BMWs every time a spawn happens
05:54Okay. All right. Okay. I don't
05:59$36,000. Okay. Shy lucky merges. So whenever it merges that has a chance to merge into a higher vehicle
06:06Right, let's increase that. Let's increase my weight. Can I skip this tier? I can spend nine robux and skip this spawn tier
06:12Hey, are you guys having fun? Yeah, I figured something out. What did you figure out?
06:26Wait, what did you figure out sigils?
06:29So, you know how I got a garbage truck, okay
06:33I don't know how there was that whole thing. That was like
06:37Hey, there's a race coming. Yeah, nobody else did the race. What did you get?
06:51Okay, guys if you think I can beat sigils hit the like button, okay
06:54I need like if you don't hit the like when I cry also hit the subscribe button to dab and then oh
07:00I got a moped
07:03I'm gonna spin the wheel to spin the wheel to spin the wheel. This is how this works, right?
07:12My game exploded
07:14And now I have a Volkswagen bug. Is that good? Let me increase spawn rate
07:21Increase spawn rate and increase spawn tier. There we go. Got it. Oh, there's eggs. I forgot about a hold
07:26Let me get the pets
07:29I just got a common doggie. What does that do? Oh, it increases the gems you get whenever you get them
07:35Okay, got it. Got it. Hey, are you guys almost ready to race soon?
07:41Claim that claim. Oh, I got another wheel spin. Give me a million dollars, please
07:47I got 500 gems, which means I can go buy another pet or no. I should increase my cast multiplier. Oh
07:54What is rebirthing do?
07:58I just increased my cash spawn rate for one minute. Oh that increases my spawn rate for a minute
08:03I don't want to do that. I want to increase my cash multiplier. I want to rebirth actually
08:08I rebirthed. Oh, these don't reset. What does rebirthing do though?
08:13Hold on. Hold on. Hold on this Reaper. Okay, so my money is currently twelve thousand eleven thousand a second if I rebirth what happens
08:23It shot up to thirty thousand before it fully rebirthed. So the rebirthing increases how much money you get?
08:29Okay, this is good. Let's increase the
08:32Cash rate. Sure. Why not? I don't know what that does if I buy 500 vehicles right now, what's gonna happen?
08:38Here's what I'm gonna do. Here's what I'm gonna do. Here's what I'm gonna do. Here's what I'm gonna do. Here's what I'm gonna do
08:41I'm going to
08:43spawn tier increase spawn tier
08:45Now here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to rebirth. I have so much money. I have so much money
08:51I have stopped giving me money. I'm gonna rebirth and then I'm gonna buy 500 vehicles and let's see what happens. Here we go
08:59There we go. And then 500 vehicles
09:02Hey guys, I think I'm gonna have a seizure ready. Yeah
09:12You good you talk about it
09:20What is that why do I have it why do I have a SWAT vehicle?
09:24Um, that's not okay, I gotta look at the trails what are the trails do plus three speed
09:32Equip the trails now we got more speed going on equip it. There we go. Okay. What else we got vehicles?
09:38Oh, these are all the vehicles. Oh, if you look at the vehicles, you can see how many more there are
09:43Oh, so the level one has a very low speed, but this one all this speeds getting
09:51Okay, we're cooking
09:52Themes, what are the themes? I think you know equip monkey. Do you why does it look like dirt? I don't like that gravel
10:00Like dirt, what's wrong with what's wrong? I thought you were like, I don't like that either. Hold on
10:03I don't like that either. Hold on. Hold on. I need a better theme doing I want road. I want road themed. Oh
10:10Okay, that's a lot, all right, let's increase the spawn tier got it
10:14Spawn rate increase spawn rate. Got it and max vehicles
10:19I think we are
10:21No, you could be I thought I was doing pretty good, but I'm starting a little nerve. Nah, I'm finna crash out
10:26That's not good. Okay. Oh whenever you rebirth it gives you gems and then you use the gems for the cash multiplier
10:38So you want to be rebirthing which means you also want to buy the pets to get more gems when you rebirth
10:50With this says infinite gems, how much time do we have seven minutes infinite gems does that mean what I think it means I
10:57Have infinite gems, which means I can just buy pets pets only give you gems
11:02I just got a TV rare TV. This pet gives me times
11:074.5 gems but getting 4.5. Oh my gosh, but getting more gems. I don't even care about the race
11:13I'll race in a minute. Um cash multiplier
11:15So if I have infinite gems and getting cash multiplier cost gems, can I just turn on my auto clicker and auto clicker this?
11:26Look at my money up top. I'm getting 30 million a tick right now
11:29I just maxed it out, which means I can also do times to spawn rate times to max vehicles
11:36Oh, I can just spam this now look at the bottom left. I have an hour of all these things now guys
11:41I need to ask you something. Do you think it's fun whenever I break games? I
11:45Now have a dump truck. I have where'd my dump truck go. I now have what is that? Is that a Bentley?
11:51I have a Bentley. I have a 1.5 million dollar Bentley. Got it. Got it
11:55I have four billion dollars. I'm gonna increase my spawn rate. I'm at level 20 spawn rate
12:00Now, I'm at 26. Hey, are you guys having fun? No, why just questioning? I don't know just constantly reverting
12:07My car is very strong. Okay and do that increase max increase all of that increase all of it
12:13I'm just I have a monster. This is a game for normal people. I don't think so. I feel like I'm losing. Oh, give me that
12:19Oh my gosh, what level am I increase spawns here? Okay, I'm losing brain cells
12:26I'm gonna spin the wheel so I feel something on the insides
12:31Okay, that was a useless one, okay, all right, I'm gonna go I'm gonna go out here and see what happens wait my faster
12:38Look how much money I'm getting currently
12:42Okay, so you can see how fast I'm going, right? Oh
12:47I've been playing wrong. Yeah, you know, you definitely have a
12:51Room I'm having fun. Okay, I'm going back home. All right, that's cool. I need to keep merging keep merging keep
12:57upgrading my tear spawned here
13:01Time for another issue with my eyes what what's wrong with your eyes? Yeah, what you need?
13:10What do I do there's a Lamborghini what
13:15Okay, the Lamborghini turned into a military Humvee and there's a tank and there's a monster truck
13:23And there's a there's a there's a fuel vehicle and there's a bus. Oh, that's a win a bag. That's a Winnebago
13:30It's a RV. I feel like I'm lose a bag going right now. Oh, yeah. No, you definitely are you're not having fun, right?
13:36No tank. Oh, did you cute what and let's increase the spawn here?
13:40Max vehicle spawn rate increase spawn rate by a lot. There we go
13:45Everything is so I
13:48Can just buy infinite cash. Why did I not do this from the beginning? I can just buy infinite cash
13:54So if I just increase spawn rate, it doesn't even matter. I just increase spawn tier. My tier is 57 60 70
14:0180 90 I have airplanes. I
14:06Have airplanes, what do I I don't
14:09What am I supposed to do with their camera shake turn off the camera shake? I am losing brain cells
14:14I have a blimp. All right. Yep. Okay. I have a boy. You have a white what?
14:21Blimp, what do you mean? Not even the game we're playing bro. No, no, no, no. No, no
14:26I need to know what you mean. What do you mean? What do I mean?
14:28Okay. Well, what I mean is that you what you mean is I am I'm getting my police card coming to arrest you
14:32That's max level. Let's max that out
14:36Max max it all just max it all let's just okay
14:41Whenever then let's see how much time we have. I am losing brain cells. I don't know. Is this the max tier? Hey
14:49Equip best on. Yeah, that's the max tier. Yep. Do I want to trade with you? Sure
14:54I don't know but I just had there you go. You can have that. Thank you. Have fun
14:57All right, boys, here's the deal the next time we a race pops up. We have to do the race. All right deal
15:04I'm losing I'm losing
15:06Really? Okay. Yeah
15:09New reset all other pray players boards, please don't do that. Oh
15:14No, are you kidding watch the news?
15:17Is he is he for real right now? I see my whole thing about the block. So cool
15:24Neat no, that's so neat. That's my own my board. Did I reset your whole board? Yeah
15:29Yes, you know how hard I work to merge those cars. No, I don't billions of dollars. I just I don't I
15:35What what do I do now my happiness I don't know what to do now race starts I've lost my best vehicle
15:41No, you didn't I got I have the best one. I was gonna beat you. All right, okay
15:46Well, oh my mother of vehicles on my thing. It's just I can't hear anything. Oh sound effects turn down
15:54currency sound effects off
15:55Ha I hear anything auto merge off. I have six billion dollars. I don't want it. What I don't merge. What do you mean?
16:01No, I didn't automate you spend money again, even though that's what you do pretty much all the time
16:05I literally never do that. Okay
16:08What is what are the stats on this thing? Oh, that's what those stats are. Okay. Hey, when do we fight?
16:14I don't know. I mean, I kind of I kind of want to fight. I kind of want to race
16:19Let's okay. Let's write. Hi Biffle boys times up
16:23Oh, we have a race starting everybody join that
16:27Join it
16:29Where are you guys ready?
16:31Okay, a space shuttle, how are you that five four three, but two one
16:38I'll give you guys a head start
16:45Where is he? Hey, where did he go? Oh very far away. Hey guys. Yeah. Hey
16:52How are you so far
16:57We can't I sit down and we grow we can I'm gonna do come I'm spending Roblox I'm gonna do come hey
17:03No, I think I think I want so there's a thing called infinite cash and infinite gems and I bought both of those
17:11I am gone. Look at the bottom. I'm literally gone boys first one to get to the the crown wins
17:17This is a song that never ends. Your mom is my best friend. Look I made it. All right
17:24It's just continuing to go I win. That was fun. I had
