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Fortnite Random Battle Pass Boss Challenge Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00Welcome to the season 2 lawless battle pass skins challenge
00:03I'm gonna randomize all the new skins in the battle pass and only use one color of weapon depending on which skin I get
00:09If I get Valentina, it's gonna be gray weapons only. Joss will be green weapons
00:13Fletcher Cain will be blue. Big Dill is purple. Keisha Cross is gold weapons
00:18And finally if we get Sub-Zero, it's gonna be mythic weapons only. To complete this challenge
00:22I'm gonna have to get a win with two of these skins
00:24So make sure to watch the whole video because things get crazy, but not crazier than this YouTube is telling me that
00:2977% of you watching right now are not subscribed. I upload Fortnite videos every day and we're almost at 10 million subscribers
00:35So do yourself a favor and subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos. Let's go spin the wheel
00:40Let's go ahead and spin the wheel. I like this battle pass a lot
00:43So wherever I land on I'm cool with playing with them, except if it's Josh. Joss?
00:50It's Fletcher Cain. We take that. We're gonna be a big bad wolf. Oh
00:55Now for blue weapons only I'm gonna have to land at Fletcher Cain's lair, which is the lone wolf lair right over here
01:02This is gonna be tough. But let's just say that I know my way around these parts. All right
01:06I see something blue on the ground. I yeah, that's a launch pad. I can't really use that, huh? Okay, let's look around
01:11Maybe I land over here break in
01:14Baseball bat would be nice to use but it's purple. I've got a blue AR perfect
01:18I can use the baseball to run around quick, but I can't use it to damage people and someone's like right here. I think
01:27Hurts yeah, I gotta go find heels and stat. I'm just gonna hide in this corner. I think this guy's coming up here
01:31Oh, wait, nobody's running on the side
01:35Guys gonna try jumping through the window
01:38Got him. Hey, there's heels right there. I gotta go. Oh
01:42My gosh, what a crazy start to this game seal up
01:44I'm gonna talk to this NPC see if they'll give me a med kit this heavy ammo crate will have minis in it
01:48Which is great. Talk to them. I got a med kit popping the med kit. Oh my goodness. I really turned this around
01:52Oh shoot. There's a guy right the front. Okay, we're good. We're good. We're chill. I'm not too worried break this perfect
01:57All right, let's go in me if I pretend to be a guard. There's a guy out there
02:02He's in a launch bed
02:08I'm so hard. Oh my gosh. I'm insane grabbing thermite. I
02:15Thought that was a real player, but I was just a guard. Okay, I got two ARS as my weapons right now
02:19I'm figuring this out. All right, I think the guy launched pad and got a car and drove away
02:23So this is officially my lair always has been always will be right. There's some footsteps over here
02:31Beneath me me. Oh
02:34He's above me
02:38Hit him so hard
02:42Well, that's not good for you
02:45You went sky-high, huh? Was that really the strategy? All right, I'm taking these shockwaves instead of the baseball bat
02:51We're gonna go open up the vault. Let's go ahead and throw a thermite at the vault, which I don't know if you knew this
02:56That works. Let's go get some more heels real fast. Sounds like people are fighting. Oh right over there. Oh
03:02He stole that in his barrel from such a great distance to I got that a limb. Where's the other guy?
03:06They were fighting somebody. Oh
03:08Sub-zeros combat kit. I really wish I could use that but glass I cannot. All right vault is
03:15Getting opened here. I got to focus up and take it out the guards
03:18Throw one of these on it
03:19Oh, you can't go too far out of range or you have to throw a new thermite. Got you. Take out these guards
03:25We're speed up the process. Come on. Come on. Come on
03:30More guards are gonna spawn. Oh look a painting of me how luxurious
03:34We're almost done. We're like 80% done this vault another boss
03:39Be a shredded and let's finish this off by pickaxing it it's going to bust open. Oh one more guard
03:45There we go. We are and we can get all the dill bits
03:49rare chests, oh
03:51My little scanner down just in case no plasma burst right for me. It's purple
03:55I have a lot of gold already, but why not some more, you know?
03:58Oh, I would love to use a sticky grenade launcher, but that is not a blue weapon
04:01I need a shotgun for tonight, please. It's gonna break all these for fun
04:04I'm already a max gold and we got an SMG. I'm gonna pick it up because he uses a different type of ammo
04:09That's actually gonna work in my favor. Let me see if I can loot a little bit more
04:13These duffel bags. Oh
04:15More ARS where it loves me, but they also hate me right now
04:21Another blue AR. Yeah, let's check one more chest a
04:25Sniper, okay. Let me drop the minis for the sniper. Sounds like somebody's right here moving sniper time
04:34I'm so hard. The other guy is
04:37Doesn't look that weak. I'm gonna chop even
04:41Where you at, there you are
04:43It's got box from like a mile away. What was that when I check that guy's account?
04:49I actually got a shotgun, which is nice
04:50I mean this shotgun sucks, but it's nice that I have a shotgun. You know what I mean?
04:54All right, let's keep moving. We're popping off this Fletcher Kane right now
04:58Seven a limbs to start things off checking over here and there's a bunch of mats and gold but nothing else
05:04Let's take the car customize for Fletcher Kane. Oh
05:08The blue whip sounds like people are fighting by the forecast hour here. Oh here there
05:17Going in
05:21Hmm they got deleted throw this down
05:24And I'm not gonna pop big pot. I'm staying here. Just while I'm in the storm
05:28I'm gonna hop in my car and get out. All right. Oh, there's a squishy there. I
05:31Can get to basically full health, there we go
05:35There we go. 99 shield. That's not too shabby. Not too shabby at all. Okay, we are officially in the zone
05:41I'm feeling pretty good about myself. I really do want to find a better shotgun
05:44This is gonna be super rough without a better shotgun
05:49Okay, I tried to run away
05:53They all get clapped hopefully one of them have better gun
05:55Off the cliff we go on to the rock. Yeah, hopefully the water doesn't take away my car. Let's pop this open
06:01There we go. What does this guy have doesn't have a blue shotgun does have splashes though. Let's throw that down
06:07Let's check the other person who has a whole lot of nothing. Ah, it is rough out here. What's in this box?
06:14I guess nothing is from the pickle company. So I expected pickles, but all right, we are moving right now
06:19Now the train is coming this way. Oh wait, no train got stopped
06:23Yeah, it looks like it got properly looted or anything for me though. No, it doesn't look like it. Okay a shame
06:28I tell you that's a shame people are fighting over in this direction. Well, they're fighting a crime city
06:32I think mmm, they're robbing the vault. Who am I to stop them? Honestly? Oh
06:39My gosh
06:45Oh my goodness that was almost bad
06:47He's a mythic pump so much good loot that I can't use teal up all the way
06:50I mean, they just had an incredible loot. I think they busted open the vault. I'm going in
06:54I think there's like a real player above me. I got to be careful. Can I build in this vault? Oh again, okay
07:00Take more dill bits. There you go. There you go. There you go more dill bits. I've got five dill bits right now
07:06It's a big deal. Let me tell you about it. Oh my a gold sniper a
07:11Purple shotgun, we got the gold ammo boon as well seed ammo when you pick up gold bars interesting
07:16There's a lot of ruckus I got to get out here somebody on the bridge
07:19I'm gonna just take this person's car and move they're fighting up top over here. Oh
07:27My gosh
07:34Really just did that yeah, I really just did a little risky but heck that was really funny. Is there any more minis?
07:41Wow, there was no minis in this vault got a big pot here though and another painting of me how incredible
07:45There was a mini right there. Okay, I'm gonna pop this big and then get these minis if we can get some more stuff a
07:52Scanner here throw it down just in case see if anyone's hiding in this vault area and we're in a top-ten situation now
07:57Don't forget even if we win this game, we have to win another game with a random chapter 6 season 2 skin
08:02So make sure watch this whole video. Alright, let's say this car and let's bounce. Wait, is that a better shotgun?
08:06Oh my goodness. My
08:09Prayers have been answered and we found some more shock waves. All right, let's move it along here
08:13Oh, we'd go into the black market area. There's so much good loot there, but I don't need any of it
08:17All right. Oh my what is this?
08:21See if I can get an angle
08:2430 on them
08:27With so many people fighting outside
08:37They're both down I want to get involved here. Oh someone's got tranquil eyes
08:55This guy is playing this house very oddly, I don't really went he's on the house
09:00Get over here dude, stop running. Oh
09:05My gosh, she's so hurt almost sniped him
09:10He's so hurt get some medallion I want to go for it
09:2234 white he's got no choice but to fight me. He's gonna go down the storm. Oh
09:28Good try good try good try. Oh, yes Barron's double-down pistol
09:32I feel like you know as Fletcher Baron, I should be able to use it, but I listen to the rules
09:36All right, and I'm not gonna use it
09:38We'll grab the space of that and run though
09:40I need to get some heels and stats could go to the black market and buy some heels
09:43It actually would be a pretty good idea. So let's head over there
09:46the problem is somebody could be hiding inside and that would
09:49Cause the problem, but let's check it out. I'm gonna miss grenade
09:54Get to full or running in a little risky, but
09:58Checked everything. I think we're good. Plus I can just break these barrels instead of buying any heels
10:03There we go. Let's talk to skill in a rift
10:06And we are so good, we're actually popping off right now, it's so crazy that you can actually stop the train
10:12I love the new feature. I love this season
10:14I told you before high seasons are my favorite and this one is
10:18Incredible, by the way, his glider is sick right a wolf in the battle
10:20Oh, there's two people fighting over here. See if we can get a little third party going me a little snipe
10:24They're chillin in the water
10:31Done I'll see if I can get a headshot
10:35189 not even 200. I think gold and up one shots people not a hundred percent sure
10:41But I think so. All right 1v1 situation. Can I pull this off blue weapons only there is
10:49Let's go
10:51Baby blue weapons only with Fletcher Kane
10:53Let's spin the wheel and see who we get next one down and one to go five options now
10:59Who is it gonna land on? Oh my goodness. Is it gonna be the one and only is it gonna be big deal?
11:04the giant pickle
11:06Purple weapons only it is big deal. Let's get it. All right with the big pickle
11:12We got to do purple weapons only let me tell you I got a strategy
11:15So I'm gonna land right here, which may look odd, but it'll make a lot of sense in just a sec
11:20Wait a second. We got a lot of people coming here too. Oh
11:23This is gonna get tricky fast
11:29I'm gonna heal up quick. I got a purple weapon though. I see another purple weapon there
11:39He's coming I'm gonna go here I got an idea
11:50Got him. Oh
11:52My gosh, I gotta leave. Oh
11:54My gosh, the boss is chasing after me. I just got to run around them and go back down to the hole
11:58Holy smokes high heels. Oh, that was stressful. The first weapon I found was the plasma burst rifle
12:03But I guess you know, I have to use it more purple weapons on the wall, though. That's good
12:06I don't need a crown. I have my own but you know what? I'm gonna swap it. Okay, let's buy this pump
12:11And let's buy this AR. This is so good
12:13We're stacked and I was gonna rift out but that lady does not like me. We got a pretty sweet loadout now
12:19Who's chasing? What's the lady still? Okay, you know what I got it
12:23Gotta take her down
12:26Thank you now in doing that I've pacified her now I can go ahead and use it a rift
12:30Which essentially by doing this all I've used like all my gold
12:34I'm gonna land on these people try to eliminate them and get all their loot. The big deal is going into battle
12:43Thank you got lots of mats from that holy smokes
12:49Yeah, not so good of an idea now, huh, that's what I thought buddy. Wait a second. Oh my gosh
12:55I can use sub-zeros combat kit as the pickle nice sliding mobility. Just has a lot of nice parts to it, you know
13:02Let's take the launch pad let's up purple weapons only it's a big deal
13:07Deal with it. All right now I gotta say I think I have the best loadout possible
13:11Maybe just maybe I swap out the striker burst for a hollow twister. But other than that, it is perfect
13:16Let's see if anybody's in seaport city real quick
13:19I feel like most people probably land at the new area. So you've been seeing less love for seaport city. Somebody's here
13:24They're there
13:30Absolutely lazy. Yeah, I don't know. I actually don't know which AR is better the striker burst or the hollow twister
13:36Let me know your thoughts in the comments. What there's a guy just standing here. I
13:42Think they were trying to go afk for a second. Hello. Oh
13:47This is a big deal gold sniper, oh shoot
13:58Okay, they did a decent amount of damage to me from range they look to be a little bit scared
14:01I think they're gonna hop back in their car over there where they're hiding in the bush
14:04I'm gonna ignore them for now because I hear some shooting on this bridge over here or the dam if you will
14:13It's a party what's going on it's a party. Hello. Oh
14:20Oh my gosh, there's a gold sticky grenade launcher every time I do a challenge where I can't use a certain weapon weapons
14:27I really want just start coming out to play. You know, I see up there
14:31Here we go
14:35Going up
14:45Okay, there's two people here still
15:08Oh my gosh me run run this car
15:15They're both mean muggin they're both attacking me it wasn't nice popping this big
15:20Oh my gosh, big deal almost got destroyed. That was very scary. This car is kind of cool. That's some splashes over here
15:26I got to reload everything. Look I will say they were not messing around there. Oh
15:33Seems like that guy might have been though. Give me that loot. Give me these barrels. Oh my gosh. Look how fast I pickaxe
15:42And for a little bit, oh
15:46That's not good
16:11That mythic pump does a lot of damage we got close but we didn't get it
16:15Let's spin the wheel and see who get next, you know, I like to get my back-to-back wins
16:19But sometimes it doesn't happen, you know, even the best players go down and it looks like we're gonna be rolling
16:24Is it gonna be Josh this time Joss? I can't pronounce the name Keisha cross it is
16:29Weapons only let's get it. Now. This is gonna be a hard one gold weapons are actually pretty hard to find this season
16:35Especially if you have to start with gold weapon like later in the game, you know
16:39Anyone could find them but right now tough and that is why we are headed over to shiny shafts
16:43If you haven't watched my best drop spot video
16:46I would definitely recommend going to do that as this is one of the places that was featured for good reason
16:50Well one of a bunch of places so I'm gonna land over here on the north side and spin this
16:55There you go turn that pressure valve have this mini while I'm doing that this rail
17:00We're moving. We're gonna go all the way to the end here. We're gonna turn this pressure valve
17:04then we're gonna go ahead and turn this final pressure valve here that is actually gonna open up a
17:09Secret vault which of course has a rare chest in it. So here's hoping I get a gold weapon
17:15Okay purple, all right, come on, please I
17:19Got a gold sniper, you know, I'll take it
17:21It's gonna be kind of rough with just a gold sniper
17:23But you know, I can use that to finesse my way into other gold weapons pop all these. There we go
17:29All right, let's get on out of here. Hit the sport of potty. Oh
17:34There's somebody here up again
17:37Thank you, you can kind of quickscope with this thing which is others give up
17:43The fact that you can quickscope with the fact that you can quickscope with it gives me some hope
17:48A hope cannot carry me the entire way. I am a man of action. So I will jump into action
17:53That's why we're taking a road trip to outlaw oasis. I
17:59Bet you there's people here. I gotta be careful. Oh, there's one
18:04Sniped him
18:07I gotta get distance get behind this chimney. He's gonna look at me. What is he doing over there? Oh shoot
18:16Don't so one shot. Oh
18:19my gosh, I do
18:22Quick scoped didn't get any more ammo though. It sucks
18:25Thank them
18:32Come on
18:35Not his arm his arm was sticking out. Oh my goodness. It's so many good weapons that oh no
18:41He did what I thought he did. He opened up the secret vault here, too. I needed that man. I needed that. Oh boy
18:47Well, he stole everything from it, but that's all right. I'm gonna figure it out
18:51That's what makes a challenge a challenge keep getting as much loot as possible
18:54About this med kit. Look at that as good as new. I'm gonna hit this to fly
18:59Now I believe I can get gold weapons from the black market, but there's a big but I need dill bits without dill bits
19:07It's kind of down bad through so I think my goal is going to be to run into crime city kind of figure it out
19:11from there
19:12Head shot. Oh, yeah, that is the added benefit here do one shot head shot
19:18Again this thing is so good at like quick scoping that's giving me some hope, you know got that gold rush
19:23Okay, so crime city has been looted. Oh
19:26Heck, I didn't know you can get boon from like a basic chest these drop gold weapons
19:30No, I don't think they can more shockwaves runs as well. Oh my gosh. They forgot the dill wait
19:35They even loot this go away. This is sus. I'm gonna get the dill bit up open these chests. Oh
19:41my goodness, please give me a gold weapon a
19:44purple purple shotgun to
19:46Another purple shotgun Wow. Okay, that's okay. That's all right
19:50I'm going to pop this in favor of getting a pulse scanner because the the next stage of my plan is a little bit risky
19:54Grab a car and dip actually want a little bit of a faster car. So let's get this
20:00Right to
20:01night to
20:03Whatever we'll take that. I have one shot on my sniper. This is bad. Well, they have sniper ammo much. Okay, I got some more shots
20:10It's good. I don't have that many though. I have to reload again
20:12There's something wrong with the sniper. It keeps me to be reloaded. I don't think it's user error. This looks closed off
20:18So I'm gonna do I'm through the scanner
20:21Let us scan then we go. Okay, we look chill block off the side. Let's buy ourselves a legendary pump
20:26I could get a mythic bump, but I can't use mythic weapons. So let's buy this. Oh my gosh. This is massive
20:31Oh, I'm buying the mammoth pistol to
20:34Me I to deal bits, right? So, all right, perfect. We're good back in the gold Lamborghini
20:38We go I can turn this thing around. I've got a lot of space. All right, so now we have a great inventory
20:43I don't have any spray weapons, but we'll sort that out. I'm less concerned about that minor detail
20:48This is what I like to see pulling up to the gas station. I think there's usually a lot of people here
20:52I'm just fixing my car a little bit. There we go. I see somebody going up the mountain
20:56They're done tough now, I have a lot of sniper ammo and this is great make sure everything's reloaded
21:00All right, somebody in Seaboard City has the boss medallion. I'm going for it. Oh, I see the train went down here, too. Oh
21:07Oh my goodness. How did I fall off? Can I drive this around the train? Oh my gosh, they're right there. I
21:18Quick scoped him in the middle of it. Wait, the trains like not here for me. I'm like, oh, I don't want to do this
21:23Wait, the trains like not here for me. I'm like lagging through it. What is happening? We get the medallion
21:29Can't really like touch the trains like broken for me. Give me the chug jug, please
21:32I'll do anything for this chug jug. Give it to me. I'm stuck
21:35There we go. I got it. Yeah, that was weird. The lake was here, but it wasn't here, but it was here
21:40I don't wanna be in this area anymore. Okay, I got the medallion now and I'm happy move out
21:44I love the way this medallion looks too, by the way. Oh
21:47Can I do the emote? Oh
21:50All right, we're going full speed
21:58Hit him so hard. I don't know how I got the wall. That was weird
22:06You good?
22:10Oh my goodness
22:12Lucky he missed. That was a close-range pump. I kind of want to go fight the boss
22:15But I actually don't have anything great to take the boss down. Somebody in this bush. Oh my gosh
22:21Oh, that's not good. What the heck? Why are you throwing thermite on me?
22:37So I'm gonna do
22:4299 these are my builds by the way. Got one down
22:51I'm out this way. Ah
22:56Not the way I wanted but I still got you. I still got you laddie
23:00So you give me gold weapons and this is what happens. Oh, look at all this loot so many dill bits
23:05I have four dill bits drop them
23:08Yeah, this car is down bad. I'm gonna switch it out for I guess this SUV which is also down bad
23:14Oh, hey, you gonna shoot my car
23:20The mammoth is just so good
23:22There's no point in carrying the sniper when the mammoth is that crazy
23:24The only difference is that if you had a headshot with a sniper
23:27You will get an instant elimination if it's gold rarity and above otherwise the mammoth does a ton of damage headshot
23:32But not as much but pretty much in all circumstances. The mammoth is better
23:36I'm sure they're actually going to buff the sniper a little bit and make it so that you reload faster
23:41You know, so maybe a little bit more body shot. I kind of like that
23:43It doesn't do like a hundred though frozen gods. All right, we're rolling into mass Meadows
23:47I'm gonna switch up for a brand new car. I love that. They put banks at all locations like that. It's a big W
23:54Drop it out headshot
24:02This guy at all mythics to Lila, oh my gosh, that's insane
24:08What a crazy headshot back-to-back headshots. I take it back. Actually the snipers crazy one-to-one situation
24:13Can I get the dub gold weapons only with Keisha cross? Oh my goodness. Looks like they took down this truck
24:18Oh my look at that gold AR finally
24:21I might need it to win the game and get this last person down
24:24I'm thinking I might do something crazy with a sniper. Let's see how good they look. Oh
24:32Wow, all right, this is the perfect opportunity to do a trick shot
24:39Here's nothing
24:43Wait, how do I take him down? I think I rammed him with the medallion GG
