• last month
El mundo del espectáculo argentino está de luto tras la muerte de Atilio Verón a los 65 años. Reconocido actor, dramaturgo y comediante, Verón dejó una huella imborrable en la cultura local con casi cuatro décadas de trayectoria. La Asociación Argentina de Actores comunicó la triste noticia a través de sus redes sociales, expresando sus condolencias a la familia. Verón había enfrentado problemas cardíacos desde 2014, lo que incluyó varios infartos y cinco stents en su corazón. Su partida ha generado una ola de mensajes emotivos por parte de colegas y amigos que lamentan su pérdida.


00:00We have to talk about a great loss in the world of the show
00:03that yesterday shocked all the local artists.
00:07At 65 years old, Atilio Veronelli died.
00:11Actor, playwright, comedian, director, screenwriter of our country
00:16with almost 40 years of trajectory in Argentina.
00:21He caused a lot of pain among his colleagues.
00:24The Argentine Association of Actors communicated it
00:27through their social networks.
00:29With a message of condolences to his family.
00:33Let's remember that Atilio Veronelli already had heart problems.
00:37In 2014 he had a heart attack.
00:39In 2022 too.
00:41And he had 5 stents in his heart.
00:45So yesterday, with a lot of pain, many artists flooded the social networks
00:50saying goodbye to his colleague and friend.
