• 2 days ago
भागलपुर, बिहार: पीएम मोदी के भागलपुर दौरे पर बात करते हुए बीजेपी प्रदेश अध्यक्ष दिलीप जायसवाल ने कहा कि देश के यशस्वी प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी आज भागलपुर हवाई अड्डा मैदान में पहुंच रहे हैं। वह आज भागलपुर में करीब तीन लाख किसानों को संबोधित करेंगे। किसानों की समृद्धि, कल्याण और खुशहाली प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी की सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता है। जिस तरह से भारत के नेतृत्व को विश्व स्तर पर मान्यता मिल रही है, वह उल्लेखनीय है और प्रधानमंत्री मोदी और भारत के प्रति लोगों का विश्वास बढ़ रहा है। देश भर के मतदाता मोदी की गारंटी पर भरोसा करते हैं। हमने हरियाणा, महाराष्ट्र और दिल्ली चुनावों में इसके सकारात्मक परिणाम देखे हैं।

#pmmodi #bjp #bihar #biharpolitics #bjpnews #biharupdate #nitishkumar #farmers #bhagalpur #pmvisit #pmmodinews


00:00Prime Minister Narendra Modi is arriving at Bhagalpur's Hawaii Adda Maidan today.
00:12He will address approximately 300,000 farmers in Bhagalpur today.
00:21The well-being, prosperity and welfare of the farmers is the priority of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
00:31And the way India's leadership is being challenged all over the world,
00:37Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India's faith in India is increasing.
00:43The people of the country, the supporters, believe in Modi's guarantee today.
00:49And you have seen the positive outcome of this.
00:52The elections were held in Haryana, Maharashtra and Delhi.
00:56Many leaders wanted to take votes in the name of distributing rations and distributing them for free.
01:04They wanted to entice the voters.
01:07And the way Arvind Kejriwal did the work of distributing rations for free and forming a government,
01:14but today the people of the country have understood this.
01:18They have recognized that there is only one leader's guarantee in this country.
01:23That is Modi's guarantee.
01:25Look, I am telling you that today a new environment has been created in the whole country.
01:30And the people of the country, the supporters, do not believe in any leader's words.
01:37That we will distribute this, we will distribute that, we will give Rs.2500, we will give Rs.2000.
01:42Today, the people of the country believe only in Modi's guarantee.
01:46In Bhagalpur, there is an atmosphere of celebration.
01:49The card game is today.
01:51Modi ji is coming to Hawaii Adda Maidan today.
01:54But a week ago, the scooty rally by women,
01:58Mansa Devi's separate card game,
02:02Similarly, Kalam Manjusa's card game.
02:05The celebration has been going on for a week in the whole of Bhagalpur.
02:11Wonderful and historic.
02:13This is going to be a public assembly today.
