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A lone teenager's only hope of getting accepted into his dream film school is by seeking help from some unexpected new f | dG1fTmFrU1BKUmM0c3c
00:00Final question, why do you want to work here?
00:03I have to pay back my mom for fixing my phone, so I can use it to make a short film to get
00:08into USC.
00:09No, no, no, no, no!
00:10So you're a filmmaker?
00:11I want to make films in Hollywood.
00:13I'm not going to stand in the way of your dreams.
00:15You are hired.
00:17When do I start?
00:18Showtime is in a couple of hours, and you still need to get into makeup.
00:22Guys, do you remember Bobby from school?
00:24I do!
00:25Welcome to the land of the dead.
00:27Who's our next victim?
00:28I think I found some.
00:34You should help me make my short film.
00:37I have to finish my film by July 15th, and tomorrow is already July 1st.
00:44It's Kazaki Anatan Yoshi.
00:46Kazaki what?
00:51This is pretty cool.
00:52Hey, so what's the deal with you and Natalie?
00:55I gave up on relationships.
00:56They're just not conducive when following a dream.
01:00That guy looks just like Henry Cavill.
01:02Do you work at the drive-in?
01:03No, no.
01:04You think you know everything, and you don't want to listen to anybody else.
01:07You don't know anything about me.
01:09What did we even do to you?
01:10Besides helping you make your film?
01:12I want you to have friends, and you made them this summer.
01:15Yeah, and then I screwed it up.
01:17Hey, dude!
01:18Don't beat yourself up!
01:20It's not that I don't want friends or don't want to let others in.
01:24It's just...
01:25You're scared.
01:27I was supposed to be a teacher, and instead I've wasted my life running this place.
01:31You haven't wasted your life.
01:33Look what this place means to some of us.
01:37Hot dog in a bun!
01:40Kazaki Anatan Yoshi!
01:48See, there are no setbacks in life.
01:50Just creative opportunities.
01:52When you surround yourself with people who care about you, you can get through anything.
01:58You're like Yoda, you know that?
02:00Learn from the movies I have!
