• el mes pasado


00:00Tell me a little bit about your name, if you don't mind, Leonardo DiCaprio.
00:03It is a very rhythmic, very poetic sort of sounding name.
00:06Very nice.
00:06Well, thank you.
00:07Thank you. Is there a story about that?
00:09Your parents have something.
00:09I do have a story about my let me hear it.
00:12Well, the first time I got an agent, they thought my name was about
00:16six years old, seven years old.
00:18You got an agent at six years old.
00:19I tried to get an agent, but I didn't succeed because they wanted to change
00:22my name to Lenny Williams.
00:25They thought my name was a little too ethnic.
00:26So they sort of dissected it and said, hey, Leonardo Lenny.
00:30My middle name is Wilhelm.
00:31So they changed that to Williams.
00:33I didn't want it.
00:33Let's get back to your given name again.
00:35Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio.
00:37Yeah, it's funny.
00:37Wow. That's a good one.
00:38That's great.
00:41And why is it that your folks selected an Italian sounding name
00:44and then a German sounding name?
00:46And your mother's German, my dad's Italian.
00:48There you go.
00:48There's an answer for every story in this life.
00:50All part of God's great plan, isn't it?
