• 2 days ago
00:00There is no god but ALLAH
00:10The condition of the people, the way they speak, the way they listen, all of this is very easy.
00:14They say that only the dead knows the condition of the grave.
00:16They are like us, they have the same skin, the same blood, they are like us.
00:22But we can't imagine spending a single day
00:27in the environment in which they have spent many years of their lives.
00:34If a person thinks even once that instead of these children,
00:38in this scorching desert, on this scorching sand, in this heat,
00:42there are no means, there are no facilities,
00:44we could have had our own children,
00:46we could have been born in those houses.
00:48We didn't think before coming here.
00:50Our decision was not in our control.
00:52So to thank ALLAH for this,
00:54I think this Ramadan is telling us that we should open our treasure chests for the poor.
01:04And the biggest thing is,
01:06even if someone opens it,
01:08it benefits them the most.
01:10The one who opens his treasure for the poor,
01:12when the treasures of ALLAH open for him,
01:14then whatever he is giving to the poor,
01:16no matter how much he gives,
01:18there will be some quantity, some estimation,
01:20and some computation of it.
01:22But whatever is given by ALLAH,
01:24whatever comes from ALLAH,
01:26there is no quantity of it.
01:28There is no limit to it,
01:30there is no scale to it.
01:32When my ALLAH comes to give,
01:34then such a prayer is offered.
01:36Anyway, there are good people in the world
01:38because of their love,
01:40because of their emotions,
01:42because of their feelings,
01:44because of their actions,
01:46that they donate to any institution.
01:48So this is the reason,
01:50that my brother has donated
01:52160 US dollars.
01:54May ALLAH accept his service.
01:56And he wants that
01:58it should be a charity of goat.
02:00And whatever reward he gets from it,
02:02we pray to ALLAH that
02:04it should be multiplied.
02:06May ALLAH accept his service.
02:08Similarly, my brother Mohammad Javed,
02:10he has contributed
02:12200 US dollars.
02:14He has donated.
02:16And he wants that
02:18his contribution should be accepted
02:20in the ration price of Ramadan.
02:22Sir, thank you very much.
02:24Ms. Lubna Kareem,
02:26she is our sister.
02:28She has presented her love
02:30with 130 US dollars
02:32in the form of Ramadan Ration Pack.
02:34May ALLAH never let you
02:36lack anything.
02:38May ALLAH bless you.
02:40May ALLAH enable your
02:42generations to earn
02:44Halal food and
02:48This is a good deed.
02:50This is a service
02:52by which you are benefitted.
02:54There are success stories
02:56that a person who
02:58spends his life in serving people,
03:00he is not alone.
03:02His future generations,
03:04generations after generations,
03:06will be benefitted.
03:08The one who expands his
03:10pantry for the poor.
03:12The one who provides water and food
03:14and believe me,
03:16he does not do it himself.
03:18It is my Lord who makes you do it.
03:20You have no power.
03:22May ALLAH enable you.
03:24We have seen many people
03:26who are apparently billionaires.
03:28But their hearts are so poor
03:30that we have not seen anyone
03:32poorer than them.
03:34And we have met such people
03:36who do not have millions or crores.
03:38But when they come for charity,
03:40for the help of Allah's people,
03:42we have not seen anyone
03:44richer than them.
03:46So we have come to know that
03:48only having money and wealth
03:50in abundance is not a sign
03:52of your wealth or poverty.
03:54How do you help someone?
03:56If you have a lot and
03:58you are just living your life
04:00and you do not care about anyone,
04:02then you also know that
04:04we call such a person selfish.
04:06We say that he is a shameless person.
04:08He does not care.
04:10And if you do not move forward
04:12and do not remove his pain
04:14even though you can,
04:16then maybe physically you have
04:18this part to see.
04:20But if it is said spiritually,
04:22then this eye is dead.
04:24If you cannot move forward
04:26and give support to a fallen person
04:28and lift him up,
04:30then physically your feet
04:32may be fine.
04:34But spiritually,
04:36these steps of yours
04:38are dead now.
04:40So if you want the help
04:42of Allah's people,
04:44then this is the best way
04:46that Allah has given us.
04:48Let us come together and
04:50resolve that we cannot
04:52remove the poverty of the poor,
04:54but we can certainly
04:56illuminate our part.
04:58Allah Almighty mentions
05:00in the Holy Quran
05:06We understand this
05:08through this verse that
05:10Allah Almighty is telling us
05:12by giving us awareness
05:14that spend from that
05:16which your Lord has given you.
05:18So that we keep this awareness
05:20that what we are spending
05:22is all from our Lord.
05:24So spend from that which your Lord has given you
05:26before the day comes
05:28when no lending will be useful,
05:30no friendship will be useful,
05:32and no recommendation will be useful.
05:34And those who do not believe
05:36and who are disbelievers,
05:38they are the oppressors.
05:40In the light of this verse,
05:42you can imagine how much it is important
05:44and significant to spend
05:46from the sustenance that Allah Almighty has given us.
05:48So people are waiting.
05:50They are in millions.
05:52They need water,
05:54they need Ramadan ration pack,
05:56they need to be fed at the time of Iftar,
05:58to start helping such needy and suffering people.
06:00I want that the achievements
06:02that we have achieved so far,
06:04you see our many projects throughout the year,
06:06from birth to death,
06:08all the departments
06:10you go to,
06:12you feel that you are doing some service.
06:14What are the arrangements for Ramadan?
06:16What are the arrangements that we have made?
06:18What are the targets?
06:20Motivation reaches our viewers
06:22and then our viewers convert into donors.
06:24As you know,
06:26last year we did Iftari
06:28to 50,000 to 60,000 people.
06:30This year we have a double target.
06:32From 1,20,000 to
06:34as far as possible.
06:36Almost it is double.
06:38It is more than double.
06:42Because the number of needy people is increasing.
06:44Like every year.
06:46From 2-3 months ago,
06:48we have started getting applications
06:50from our focal persons
06:52that people are waiting
06:54for Iftari.
06:56These people are waiting because of you
06:58that when will we have Iftari again.
07:00We should get our children ready.
07:02We should show our children
07:04that this time also you will get Iftari.
07:06You will get Eidi clothes.
07:08These are the words of the focal person
07:10who reach us.
07:12Let me say that
07:14not only those people
07:16are waiting for your donations,
07:18their worship is also waiting
07:20for your donations.
07:24those people are waiting for Allah.
07:26But they are waiting for the realisation.
07:28I have said this again.
07:30And the realisation
07:32that people need
07:34is because of you.
07:36All the necessities
07:38like Iftari,
07:40food, water,
07:42all that is possible because of you.
07:44Without your help,
07:46people cannot survive there.
07:50Ramadan is coming.
07:52It is a very special month.
07:54I say to my people
07:58I say to my people
08:00who go to our team
08:02that this is a favour of Allah
08:04on the donors.
08:06This is a favour of Allah on you
08:08that Allah has chosen you for this work.
08:10You leave your home,
08:12your families,
08:14and go to the places
08:16where people are in need.
08:18I say to them
08:20that if someone comes to you,
08:22do not think that
08:24I am tired and I will not be able to talk to them.
08:26I or you
08:28or those who listen to me
08:30would never want their parents
08:32to beg in front of anyone.
08:34I would never want that.
08:36My parents are not in this world.
08:38If they were, I would not want that.
08:40I would not want my mother
08:42or any head of any family
08:44to beg in front of anyone
08:46It is a very difficult phase
08:48for those families
08:50and their elders
08:52who beg for their children
08:54to get water
08:56and food for their children.
08:58I have never heard
09:00a head of any family
09:02begging for his children.
09:04Whenever I have heard this,
09:06he begs for his children.
09:08He begs for his family.
09:10So think about this.
09:12May Allah never give us
09:14to beg in front of anyone.
09:16It is a very difficult phase.
09:18Begging for anyone
09:20to get food for my children.
09:22This is aftar.
09:24Only He can know
09:26who goes through this.
09:28I request you
09:30to help the people there
09:32as you do every year.
09:34Because they are doing it in the way of Allah.
09:36Only Allah can reward you for this.
09:38The one who is fasting,
09:40whether he is a child or an adult,
09:42the prayer that comes out of his heart
09:44for you,
09:46there is no measure for it.
09:48That too for those in need
09:50who do not even have a piece of date to eat at home.
09:52I am quoting you
09:54from those families.
09:56I saw it with my own eyes.
09:58It is a very difficult phase.
10:00So, like every year,
10:02expect as much as you feel.
10:04In fact, expect more
10:06because the number of people
10:08has also increased.
10:12we stand with a resolve.
10:14And certainly,
10:16Allah is great.
10:18He is very Merciful.
10:20When with the pain of the heart,
10:22with the heart of truth,
10:24whatever step is taken for goodness,
10:26my Lord helps.
10:28And then this is the reality
10:30that brother Fahad said.
10:32Viewers, you also think about it.
10:34Certainly, no one asks for it on purpose.
10:36In our minds,
10:38there are a lot of poor people.
10:40So, somewhere,
10:42such an idea has not become
10:44that the one who does not have it,
10:46he just asks for it and eats it.
10:48It is not like that.
10:50There are thousands of people
10:52who are so selfish.
10:54They say,
10:56they will die,
10:58it is good,
11:00they will not spread their hands in front of anyone.
11:02When the feeling finds such houses
11:04and takes them out,
11:06Allah will help you.
11:08Stay with us.
11:10We will meet you after a break.
11:12Yes, welcome back viewers.
11:14Ramzan Apeel 2025
11:16under the umbrella of
11:18Ahsaas Foundation.
11:20We are present.
11:22The transmission has been going on
11:24for about an hour.
11:26You are called,
11:32There is a very large group
11:34of people
11:36with whom you can easily
11:38fulfill your life's needs
11:40and also thank Allah.
11:42To thank Allah,
11:44there is a very good concept
11:46that we see in Islam.
11:48If you are given more than
11:50those who have not been given,
11:52then give it to those who have
11:54received less.
11:56This is your test.
11:58And those who have received less,
12:00are they patient to receive less or not?
12:02Allah, the Lord of Glory, has tested
12:04them and they stood with patience,
12:06with steadfastness.
12:08There is no god but Allah with
12:10Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.
12:12The reward for them is that
12:14Allah is with them.
12:16And those people who
12:18thank Allah on the
12:20command of Allah,
12:22they get a great reward,
12:24a great motivation,
12:26and a great guarantee
12:28that we see in the Qur'an.
12:30If you are grateful,
12:32then we will add to your blessings.
12:34And you can trade with that Lord.
12:36Any business of the world,
12:38there is a very basic definition
12:40that there is no business
12:42where there is no risk.
12:44But this business,
12:46the trade you do with Allah,
12:48believe me,
12:50there is only benefit from
12:52worldly trust and also
12:54from the other side.
12:56You cannot be at any loss
12:58when you become the illuminator
13:00of other people's lives.
13:02I guarantee you that
13:04the light of the Qur'an and
13:06the Hadith that I received
13:08from the scholars,
13:10do not worry about
13:12your own light.
13:14It will illuminate
13:16the light of your life
13:18and the light of all
13:20the joys related to it.
13:22Because the one who
13:24makes the work of the earth
13:26easy for him,
13:28makes his work easy for him.
13:30Everyone spends their life.
13:32I wish that Allah gives us the ability
13:34that we not only spend our life,
13:36but live our life.
13:38And the secret of living life
13:40is that you illuminate
13:42the lives of others.
13:44You turn the worries of others
13:46into comforts.
13:48You make their pain easy.
13:50You illuminate their history
13:52in their lives.
13:54Then you will not spend your life,
13:56but you will live your life.
13:58And then you will live
14:00as the poet said,
14:02live outside the world,
14:04be sad or happy.
14:06Do something like this
14:08that you remember a lot.
14:10Every good deed of yours
14:12is a part of the record.
14:14There is nothing hidden from us.
14:16Who knows with what intention,
14:18with what passion,
14:20where he helps the poor.
14:22We will be rewarded
14:24on the day of resurrection,
14:26on the day of judgment.
14:54you are among the volunteers
14:56in the first row.
14:58You were also talking,
15:00and when you were talking,
15:02there was a lot of motivation,
15:04there was a lot of motivation,
15:06believe me viewers,
15:08it is not easy to share
15:10those feelings with you.
15:12Certainly, the state of the grave
15:14is known to the dead.
15:16Until a person does not go through
15:18that state himself,
15:20the pleasure of Allah Almighty,
15:22then we will have to understand
15:24that our children can also
15:26be the place of those children.
15:28Our parents can also be the place
15:30of those parents.
15:32They are also Sanjay,
15:34they are also Muslims,
15:36who have read the Kalima of
15:38Allah and His Prophet.
15:40Islam tells us this relationship
15:42that all Muslims are brothers.
15:44So my brother is in pain,
15:46knock on the door of pain,
15:48that standing, opening the door,
15:50whoever can help me,
15:52even if I don't help,
15:54it is an impossible scenario.
15:56So if we really consider our
15:58Muslim brothers as brothers,
16:00then it is our duty,
16:02it is our ethical and religious
16:04responsibility that we have to
16:06stand up and we have to do
16:08whatever we can do so that
16:10we can help our brother.
16:12Believe me, you are doing this
16:14to help someone else,
16:16but the reality is that
16:18you are actually helping yourself.
16:20You are making your world and
16:22your hereafter easier for yourself.
16:24Inshallah, there are many rewards
16:26for you.
16:28You just have to do this,
16:30if someone is saying that
16:32Aisaas Foundation, yes,
16:34they have credibility from the
16:36whole world, people give them
16:38donations, but we tell you that
16:40it is more necessary than that
16:42that all the funds are available
16:44in the world. May Allah
16:46bless us all. Before Ramadan,
16:48you have made many preparations.
16:50Make one more preparation,
16:52that you send the portion of the
16:54poor to them. You send Ramadan
16:56ration packs to the poor so that
16:58they also start giving you
17:00blessings four days before Ramadan.
17:02And the beginning of Ramadan
17:04should be so beautiful that
17:06on one hand you are taking the
17:08blessings of your Lord through
17:10your worship and on the other
17:12hand, when those blessings reach
17:14you, then your generation
17:16also benefits from it.
17:18So you are humbly requested
17:20to come forward and start helping such
17:22needy and suffering people.
17:24If you want Aisaas Foundation to
17:26build a mosque in such an area where
17:28there is a dire need to build a mosque,
17:30you are supposed to donate 9500
17:32US dollars. If you want
17:34Aisaas Foundation to install
17:36a hand pump, you are supposed
17:38to donate 185
17:40US dollars. If you want Aisaas
17:42Foundation to feed 50 people at the
17:44time of Iftar, you are supposed to
17:46donate 200 US dollars.
17:48If you want
17:50to help in any other project
17:52of Aisaas Foundation, you are more than
17:54welcome because there is a dire need
17:56to provide ration packs,
17:58to provide hand pumps, to provide
18:00mosques. So my dear
18:02viewers, my dear donors,
18:04this is the time. If you are blessed
18:06with wealth, this is your responsibility.
18:08You are going to be accountable
18:10that you have to spend from the
18:12sustenance what Allah Almighty has
18:14given you.
21:26Allah o Akbar, Allah o Akbar, my dear viewers, on account of building a mosque, my brother
21:53Mr. Naveed Khursheed has donated 9,500 US Dollars, Allah ta'ala qabool farma hai, bohot
21:59badi saadat hai sir, bohot bohot congratulations, bohot bohot mubarak ho aapko, yeh bohot badi
22:05saadat hai, yaani ke masjid ki taameer ka matlab hai, aapke jo naam-e-amaal mein neki
22:09hai na, they are going to be multiplied, aur yeh saari baatein, badi aap samajh lein
22:14ke, meaningful ho jaati hain, ke jab koi kadam uthata hai, hum kehte hain aamari saari
22:19meinat, saari motivation, jitni guftu ho rahi hai, aur jo aapko yeh peghaam pochaye
22:23jaa rahe hain, aap tak aisa-aisa jazbaat aap tak pochaye jaa rahe hain, ke aayiye madad
22:27kijiye, ek aur kaam jo bada aisaas foundation samajhta hai, ke wo aap ke liye, apne donors
22:32ke liye, viewers ke liye aasaan kar chuka hai, jo duniya bar se is faqt humein dekh
22:35rahe hain, koi Canada mein baitha hai, wo chahata hai, ke yaar, bas, mera bast nahi
22:38chale, ke main Pakistan ke un do ilaakon mein jaaun, jahan masjid ki taameer ki ashad
22:42suroorat hai, aur main wahaabar masjid ki taameer mungkin manao, aap sochte hain, ke
22:46yaar, main aisa karna chahata hoon, lekin main kaise jaaun, meri job hai, mera business
22:49hai, mere saare maamlaat hai, ghar darasti hai, kis tana se main yeh kaam karoon, toh
22:53main samajhta hoon, ke pehraise mein, aasaas foundation itself, ek bahot badi blessing
22:57ban jata hai, aise afraat ke liye, jo dilon mein itna jazba rakhte hain, wo chahate hain,
23:01ke hum badi tadaad mein ramdaan rashan packs pochayein, hum masajid ki taameer karein,
23:04hum paani ke hand pumps install karayin, lekin aasaas foundation unke liye blessing
23:08yoon hai, ke they are, matab aasaas foundation is going to play its role as a communication
23:13bridge between the people who are blessed with wealth, and the people who are needy,
23:17yeh ek bahot bada kaarek hai, yeh aapke liye ek bahot badi naimat aasaas foundation ki
23:21surat mein, ke aapko wahaan, duniya ke kisi bhi kone mein baith kar, agar kisi gharib
23:26ghar mein, aapne charaag roshan karna hai, aapne kahin par hand pump lagana hai, aapne
23:31kahin par masjid ki taameer karni hai, aur sirf yeh baat nahi hai, ke hum aapke liye
23:36ek communication bridge ka role play kar raha hain, thoda sa ghor kijiye nazareen, ek bahot
23:40badi responsibility hai, that is going to be shifted on the shoulders of aasaas foundation,
23:45yeh katayi taur pe aasaan nahi, duniya bar se funds aur donations ikhatte kar lena,
23:50hum religiously, ethically, yeh ek bahot badi accountability apne liye generate kar rahe
23:55hote hain, lekin, all these activities are going to be organized under the guidance
24:01of ulama-e-karam, islamic scholars, ek-ek sharai taqaziye ko poora kiya jaata hai, aur
24:06koshish ki jaati hai, ke aapki yeh mohabbate, aapki yeh donations, aapki yeh khidmat, jis
24:10andaas se aap chahate hain, usse bhi zyada, aapki soch se maawara, behtar andaas se, yeh
24:16tamaam khidmat, paani ke hand pumps ki surat mein, masjid ki taameer ki surat mein, ramzan
24:22ki surat mein, aur jo target bataya, one lakh plus ka yeh dastarkhan, jo iftaar ka
24:26dastarkhan hai, kitni badi saadat, ki jisko aap iftaar kar war rahe hain, maari ek behan
24:30hain, miss, missis bilqees, to rafiuddin, unki jaanif se, mashallah, canada se, ino
24:36ne apni mohabbat pesh kiye, aur two hundred canadian dollars jo hai, wo ino ne donate
24:42kiye hain, mashallah, aur ghaza appeal ki madmein ino ne yeh diye hain, Allah ta'ala
24:46salmano par rahim farmaaye, aur maari is behan ka yeh atiya, yeh mohabbat, yeh donation
24:50apni bargaam hain, kabool farmaaye, aap logon ki yeh donations hote hain, aapki yeh mohabbat
24:54hote hain, kahin na kahin yeh yaqeenan ek motivation ban kar, duniya bhar mein jaati
24:58hain, doosre log jo abhi baith kar sirf program sun rahe the, appeal sun rahe the, unka dil
25:03narm to ho raha tha, mild to ho raha tha, lekin bas, wo unki jo intention hai, wo practice
25:08mein, ya phir amal mein tabdeel nahi ho rahe the, lekin jaise hi, do chaar logon ke naam
25:12hum share karte hain, aur batate hain, ke agar mehngai ki aag hai, berozgaari ki aag hai,
25:16gurbat ki aag hai, muflisi ki aag hai, to dekhen chaar log khade ho gaye, Allah ne unko taufiq
25:20di, wo bujhane lage, agar aapko yeh sitaat mili hai, aapko yeh taufiq mili hai, to aap
25:25sun kar, aap bhi uth jaate hain, aur aap bhi apne hisse ki aag bujhane ki koshish karte
25:29hain, bas apna naam usme zarur likhwayen, ke jab madad ki ja rahi thi, to maula hum
25:33madad karne walo me se the, jab aag bujhaye ja rahi thi, to maula hum aag bujhane walo
25:38me se the, bas yeh choti choti nekiya hain, wo badi mashoor poem hum bachpan se sunte
25:43the, aap bhi sunte the, ke little grains of sands make a big land, and little drops of
25:49water make a mighty ocean, yeh humari choti choti nekiya bhi, yeh nekiyon ka samandar
25:54banengi, nekiyon ka darya banengi, aur phir yeh humein us paar lagayengi, ke jis paar
25:59ke liye, jaani ke daakhil-e-jannat hone ke liye, har banda-e-mu'min tamanna kiya karta
26:04hai, huzoor ke ghulam-o-par aapki yeh jo muhabbat-e-hain, yeh jo unke saath aapka taaluk
26:08hai, ek rabt hai, wo kehte hain na, fard qaim, rabt-e-millat se hai, tanha kuch nahi,
26:13moj hai darya mein, aur bairun-e-darya kuch nahi, yeh bohot badi motivation hai, aap
26:18unke kaam aa raha hain, yeh Allah se kitni muhabbat karte hain, iski toh koi guarantee
26:24humare paas nahi, lekin khalq-e-Khuda, makhlook-e-Khuda, yeh Allah ki family hai, isko Allah ka kumba
26:30karar diya gaya, toh yaad rakhein, inki muhabbat kitni pure hai apne Rab se, iski guarantee
26:35humare paas nahi, lekin iski guarantee zaroor hai, ke Rab inse bohot muhabbat karta hai,
26:40aur Rab sabse muhabbat karta hai, toh jo Rab ke pasandida hain, Rab jinse pyar karta
26:45hai, Rab jinse muhabbat karta hai, agar aaj aap unke zarurat-e-poori kar rahe hain, unke
26:50zakhm-o-par, aap marham rakh rahe hain, unke daad-rasi kar rahe hain, unke dukh-o-ka madawa
26:54kar rahe hain, toh yead rakhein, aap unki madad kar rahe hain, jinko Allah pasand karta hai,
26:59aur jab aap jinko pasand karein, unki koi madad karein, toh phir woh khud-ba-khud uske
27:03mehboob ban jaate hain, toh jitne donuts hain, agar woh donuts humare Musliman bhen-ur-bhai,
27:08woh mukhayyar hazarat, woh sahibaan-e-sarwat-o-daulat, woh is jazba-e-khidmat-e-khalq-se-sadshaar
27:14apne shab-o-rooz khalq-e-khuda ki khidmat mein gudaartein, woh yaad rakhein, woh Allah
27:18ke bando ke saath yeh naik amal kar rahein, Allah unko is duniya mein bhi kabhi akela aur
27:22tanha nahi, be yaar-o-madadgaar nahi chhodega, mera Allah bada mehrbaan hain, woh chahta
27:27toh bara-e-ras unko waris de deta, yeh uska aap par kitna bada kharam hain, koi usne
27:31apne bando ko chuna, ke woh is madad ko aage tak pochayein, Fahad bhai main chahta hun
27:35is par aap kabhi thoda sa ek input jaaye, insaan yeh karta nahi hain, yeh insaan se
27:40karwaye jaata, yeh Rab ki ata hoti hain, jeb se paise nikaal kar dena, yeh har kisi
27:45ke baska nahi hota, yaani Rab chahta hain jisse yeh madad lena, yeh mohabbat lena, yeh
27:50neeki ka kaam lena, Rab usko hi yeh taufiq ata, aapka kya take hai?
27:54Mishaq, aisa hi hai, yeh bhi Allah ki devi taufiq hai, ki Allah har kisi pe apni yeh
27:59karamnawazi nahi karta, kitne duniya mein log maujood hain, paison wale, har pati, khara
28:03pati, lekin Allah ne taufiq nahi di, agar Allah aapko taufiq deta hai, yeh Allah ka
28:08aap pe ehsaan hai, yeh aapka karam hai, ki yeh Allah ne aapko taufiq de, ki aap aage
28:13logon ko de, aur yeh bhi main aapko bataun, aam dinon mein toh yeh hi iska sawab, lekin
28:18khalsa hope Ramzaanon mein, iska kitna bada sawab hai, iska kitna bada ajdar hai, yeh
28:22sirf Allah hi jaanta hai, ki ek guna ka, sattar guna aam dinon mein, toh Ramzaan mein iska
28:27tadaat jo hai, iska ajdar aur sawab kitna bada jaata hai, yeh aapka guman mein bhi
28:31nahi hoga, main bataun, aapko dubara aapse appeal karta hun, ki humare paas boho zyada
28:35tadaat hai logon ki, tayyariyein shuru ho chuki hain, humare aapke gharon mein Ramzaan
28:39qiyamat ka silsila bas shuru hi hua jaata hai, har ghar mein duniya bhar mein iski tayyariyein
28:44shuru ho chuki hain, lekin un ghar mein abhi tak tayyariyein shuru nahi hui, ki jin ko
28:48aftar aur aapki hamari zarwat hai, wo log abhi tak us cheez se mehrum hai, humare paas
28:53applications aa rahi hain, calls aa rahi hain humare focal person ki, rozana ki buniyat
28:57pe calls aa rahi hain, ki jal se jal yaha pe aftari ka indizam karwa hain, humare paas
29:02logon ka bohot hujum aaya gaya hai, matlab jitni taadaat pehli tu se zyada double abhi
29:07se ho chuki hai waha pe, abhi Ramzaan aayi nahi hai, pakistan bhar mein, sirf ek shair
29:12ki baat main aap se nahi kar raha hai, yeh poore pakistan ka haal hai, jitne bhi interior
29:16ke areas hain, interior Sino, interior Punjab ho, Balochistan ho, KPK ho, poore pakistan
29:22se darkhason ka silsila shuru ho chuki, abhi se nahi, do se teen maine pehle se, unko figure
29:28laayik ho gayi, kya is time mera bachha aftar karega, is baar, is Ramzaan mein, kya mera
29:32bachha Eidi ke kapde pehle sakega, aur yeh sab kuch jo mumkin hota hai, dar haqiqat, aap
29:37logon ke wakil se mumkin hota hai, main hameja se arz karta hu, aap logon ke bagayar koi
29:42bhi daara, koi bhi logon ki zarurat poori nahi karti hai, Allah aap logon ko taufiq deta
29:46hai, aap Allah apne maal mese logon ki madad karta hai, yeh bhi Allah ka aap logon pe
29:50ahsaan hai, yeh hum sab pe ahsaan hai, agar hum choti bidi bhi koi madad karta hai,
29:54yeh bhi Allah ka devi taufiq hai humare ho par, to aaye, is baar bhi ahsaan ka usi tarah
29:58sahara bane, usi tarah baazoo bane, jaisa ki har baar aap ahsaan ka saath deta hai, aur
30:03yaqeen karein, aapke imdaat ki ahsaan ko utin hi zarurat hai, jitni zarurat waha pe logon
30:09ko apne bachon ke liye aftari ki hai, paani ki hai, ya rashan ke liye, to is baar bhi
30:14mujhe poori umeed hai aap logon se, jis saal purana target tha, is se dada achieve karenge
30:18hum log, aur yeh sab kuch mumkin hai, sirf aap logon ki wajah se.
30:22Beshak, there is no doubt, yeh motivation bohot zaroori hai nazari, yeh aisaas bedaar
30:28hona bada zaroori hai, humara bachha, humari bachi agar, humara haath pakad kar bore, aur
30:33badi hasrat ke saath bole, baba bohot bhook lagri hai, mujhe bohot zoor se bhook lagri
30:38hai baba, aur suppose karein, Allah na karein, khakam badhan, baad liye na khasta, khaane
30:42ke liye kuch maujood na ho, aap apne tamaam efforts karenge, aap kuch bhi manage karenge,
30:48aap kahin se bhi usko khaana la kar denge, baba bohot pyaas lagi hai, aap check karein
30:52apne paas ho, aur aapke paas paani maujood na ho, main sirf chahata hoon ke un situations
30:56ko feel karein, jin situations se 24 by 7, laakho log aaj guzar rahein, hume jab tak
31:02wo feelings humare dil tak nahi pochegi na, wo kehte hain aisaas bedaar nahi hoga, feelings
31:07develop nahi hogi, yeh ek baar develop ho jaye, phir banda kehte hai na, phir yeh ek baar
31:12develop ho jaye na, aur Allah phir aapko chun le is kaam ke liye, phir pata hai kya hota
31:16hai, kya agar ek roti hai na, phir aap yeh nahi kahte hai, main madad kar deta, lekin
31:19mere paas sirf ek roti hai, phir aap, ya to aap us makaam par poch gaye, ke aadi roti
31:25aap rakkar, aadi roti de dete hain, lekin phir ek aur us se aage bhi, jo sahab-e-ikram
31:29ki zindagiyan, ahl-e-baith-e-athar ki, jo ittiba ke liye, jo khidmat-e-khalq ke hawale
31:35se, sakhawat ke hawale se, jo roshan misaale hain, Allah hu Akbar, phir aap apne hisse
31:40ki roti de dete hain, phir aap ishaar karne par aa jaate hain, baaral hum aapse yeh nahi
31:43kah rahe hain, apne hisse ki roti, aap hume de de, apne hisse kya, saara samaan uthaakar
31:47aap gareeb ko de de, hum aapse yeh kah rahe hain, ki aap apne hisse ki shama zaroor jala
31:52hain, agar aapke paas do roti hain, to ek roti aapne gareeb ke saamne rakhni hain, humare
31:56ek bhai hain America se, Iftikhar Rao sahab, mashallah, Allah ne humko yeh taufeeq diye,
32:00unhone 65 US Dollars, Ramadan Roshan Pak ki surat mein diye hain, isko hum Roshan Pak
32:06hi kahenge, baaral, jo bhi khidmat hain, dekhen, message yeh yeh, ki humara kaam yeh nahi
32:11hain, aapko yeh bataana ki aapne kitna dena, humara kaam yeh ke bas, is collective effort
32:15mein, is ichtimaayi koshish ke andar, apni koshish zaroor shamil karlein, ek dariya
32:20hain, jiski tiyari hain, aap apne hisse ka paani usme shamil karlein, aapse bas yeh
32:25hi kaha jaa raha hai, to, do roti ome se ek roti zaroor den, apne hisse ki plate us
32:29dastar khaan par zaroor rakhein, ke kal, wo aaj tap ka jo nadar hain, muflis hain, gareeb
32:34hain, isme yateem bachche bhi hain nazareen, isme bewa behne bhi hain humari, iske andar
32:39buzurg bhi hain, ke jinse uthkar chalna mohal hai, aur unke paas adhviyaat nahi hain, bahusi
32:44bimaariyon ne bhi unko ghera hua hai, baaral, agar wo yeh sab cheeze lehenge, aur aap, unki
32:50yeh, aapki yeh mohabbate, ramzan roshan pak ki surat mein, aur paani ke hand pump ki
32:55surat mein, aur deekar jitni madad ki jaa rahi hai, khaas toh peh masajid ki taamiri
32:59hawale se, hum aapse baar baar appeal kar rahein, ek to ramzan ki aamat aamat hai, jo
33:03aajar aur sawab bada jaata hai, bilkul beshak quran aur hadees ki hi taaleemat ki ek roshani
33:07hai, jo humare gulab tak pochai jaati hai, ke kai guna aajar aur sawab bada jaata hai,
33:11toh ek to dekhe masajid ki taamiri khud atna itna azeem kaam, itna neek kaam, itna bada
33:15kaal-e-khair, aur phir agar ramzan ke mawqe bar ho, uski ibtida yehi ho, ke waha par,
33:20jab ramzan ka maheena ho, aur ilaake waale pehli baar unki samaaton se azaan ki awas
33:27takraaye, nazreen aap sochiye toh un bandagaan-e-khuda ke dilon se phir jo duayen nikalenge aapke
33:33liye, mere paas alfas, main bilkul, once again, main surrender karta nazar aata ho, mere
33:38alfas surrender karte nazar aata hai, yeh jo kaifiyat aur khushiya hongi, Allahu Akbar,
33:42yeh neek kaam aap zarur karein, agar Rab ne aapko diya hai, aapne duniya mein baut kuch
33:46banaya hai, baut kuch kamaya hai, bank balance hai, Allah aapko aur salamati de, aapki nasle
33:50khayin peeyen, aish karein, lekin us akharat ke liye, us abadi zindagi ke liye zarur kuch
33:56ke jayein, ke jab aap is duniya se jayein na, toh mere aapko afsos na ho, ke kash ke
34:00maut ne aakar, apna panja na mujh par gara hota, aur ajal ne aakar mujh ko na pakda hota,
34:06toh agar mujhe dubara zindagi lotaye jayein, toh main sab kuch Allah ki raah mein laga
34:10doon, nai, jo ek baar aankhe band ho gayi, ek baar maut aa gayi, ek baar rooh jism se
34:15nikal gayi, uske baad phir kisi ko koi maulat nai milti, main bahut shukriya dar karna
34:20chahata hoon, Fahad bhai, thank you very much for being here with me, aur yaqeenan
34:24aapka saath tha, toh yeh humein time pata hi nahi chala, baaral break ke baad, hamara
34:29yeh program, hamari yeh khususi telethon transmission, Ramzan Appeal 2025 continue
34:34rahegi, Syed Adnan Khalid, hamare co-host, hamare bahut hi talented host, aur Fawad
34:40Baig, jo representative hain, Ahsaas Foundation ke, jaise Syed Fahad Hussain hamare saath
34:45the, isi tarah Fawad Baig sahab bhi yahan maujood hote hain, aur yeh woh representative
34:49hain, jo field par rahe kar logon ki madad karne mein, aage aage hote hain, pesh pesh
34:53hote hain, saf-e-awwal hote hain, toh mashallah inki yahan par maujood gyi, hamare lehi bhi
34:57aapki lehi bhi ek baad badi motivation hoti hain, plus yeh jo mere aqab mein aap, yeh
35:01jo footages dekhte hain, visuals dekhte hain, yeh ek khud badi motivation hoti hain, hamare
35:05viewers aur donors ke liye, baaral, is khusurat message ke saath, break ke baad, hamare co-host
35:10Syed Adnan Khalid, continue karenge, mohabbat ka khidmat-e-khalq ka yeh safar jaari ho
35:15hain, aapne hamare saath jhude rahena hain, khud bhi contribute karna hain, donate karna
35:19hain, aur deegar log, jo aapki circle of influence ke hain, unko bhi aapne motivate karna hain,
35:23convey karna hain, yeh golden opportunity hain, duniya bhar se kahin aap baith kar, yeh
35:28khidmat karna chahte hoon, toh phir aap yeh pesh kar sakte hain, apne mizbaan, Sumair
35:33Ahmed ko, is khusurat message ke saath, ijazat deejiye, break ke baad, Syed Adnan Khalid,
35:38continue kar rahe hain, har lehza hai, momin ki nai shaan, nai aan, har lehza hai, momin
35:44ki nai shaan, nai aan, kirdar mein, guftaar mein, Allah ki burhaan, yeh raas, kisi ko
35:50nahi malum ke momin, qari nazar aata hai, haqiqat mein hain, Quran, Sumair Ahmed ko
35:55deen ijazat, break ke baad continue karenge, Assalam-o-Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
