• last month
छतरपुर, मध्य प्रदेश: पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी ने गढ़ा गांव में बागेश्वर धाम मेडिकल एंड साइंस रिसर्च इंस्टीट्यूट की आधारशिला रखी। इस दौरान सभा को संबोधित करते हुए पीएम मोदी ने कहा, "देश के गणमान्य चिकित्सक दो महीने से महाकुंभ में बैठे हैं। इस नेत्र महाकुंभ में अब तक दो लाख से ज्यादा भाई-बहनों की आंखों की जांच हो चुकी है। करीब डेढ़ लाख लोगों को निःशुल्क दवाई और चश्मे दिए गए हैं। कुछ लोग ऐसे पाए गए, जिनके मोतियाबिंद के ऑपरेशन की जरूरत थी। इस नेत्र महाकुंभ से चित्रकूट और अगल-बगल के स्थानों पर, जहां अच्छे नेत्र अस्पताल थे, वहां भेजकर बिना किसी खर्च के करीब 16 हजार लोगों के मोतियाबिंद के ऑपरेशन किए गए। ऐसे कितने ही अनुष्ठान इस एकता के महाकुंभ में चल रहे हैं...।"

#BageshwarDham #PMModi #NarendraModi #BageshwarDhamMedicalCollege #Chhatarpur #MP #DhirendaShastri


00:00The most respected doctors in the country have been sitting there for the past two months.
00:09And in this Netra Mahakumbh, more than two lakh of my brothers and sisters have had their eyes examined.
00:23Approximately one and a half lakh people have been given free medicines and spectacles.
00:32And some people have been found who needed operations on their eyes.
00:41So from this Netra Mahakumbh, to places like Chitrakoot and Agal Bagal,
00:48where there were good eye hospitals,
00:54Approximately 16,000 people have been sent to those hospitals for operations on their eyes.
01:03Without spending a single penny, their eyes have been operated on.
01:13So many such rituals are taking place in this Netra Mahakumbh.
01:23Brothers and sisters, who is doing all this?
01:29In the guidance of our saints and sages, thousands of doctors, thousands of self-employed people,
01:39are involved in this with selfless devotion, dedication and service.
01:50The people who are going to this Netra Mahakumbh together,
01:57they are praising these efforts.
02:01Brothers and sisters, just like this, in India,
02:07no matter how big the hospitals are, they are being operated by our religious institutions.
02:16Through the religious trust,
02:20so many research institutes related to health and science are being operated.
02:27Millions of poor people are being treated and served in these institutions.
02:36My sister is sitting here.
02:39The way she is serving the orphans,
02:46she has dedicated her life for her daughters.
