We played Border Hoarder again and saw how many more items we could find..
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00:00Welcome back to a Minecraft map we are playing called Border Hoarder.
00:04Our challenge is to collect every single unique item in the game,
00:07and there's over a thousand of them.
00:09But the twist is, we're stuck inside of this border.
00:12Every time we collect an item, it expands.
00:14I'm joined by my lovely friends LDShadowLadySmallishBeans and Orion Sound.
00:18We have currently over 400 items collected,
00:21and let's see how many we can collect today.
00:24We are back here on...
00:25Oh, get him, get him, get him!
00:28Hey Jim, how you doing?
00:30Go back, go back.
00:32Sorry, we were a bit silly there.
00:34Oh gosh.
00:35That was a bit silly, wasn't it?
00:36That was silly, I'm embarrassed.
00:38That was not planned whatsoever.
00:40That was not, that was embarrassing.
00:42Anyway, welcome back to Border Hoarder.
00:47Don't you dare.
00:48I was so close as well.
00:50Welcome back to Border Hoarder part two.
00:52You've wanted a part two.
00:53We are here.
00:54We are 416 items in.
00:57I did one fish before we actually recorded this,
01:00and I fished up a water bottle and it added to the border.
01:03We didn't have water bottles?
01:04There's lots we can do with the bottle.
01:05That's kind of it.
01:06Well, we've done it now.
01:06Yeah, can I have the bottle?
01:07Can I have the bottle?
01:08Give her the bottle, Jim.
01:09It's through there, it's through there.
01:11You're bottling it.
01:12What are we trying to get to today?
01:14Do we have a goal?
01:15So I reckon the goal should be...
01:17Oh, this is going to be tough.
01:18Look at all these guys.
01:18The thing is, we've done all the easy ones.
01:19I feel like half of what we did last time is probably reasonable.
01:22Yeah, do you reckon we...
01:23Jeez, there's so much.
01:24Do you reckon the goal should be...
01:26What do you guys think?
01:27I think like 630.
01:30We did all the easy ones and now on the hard ones.
01:32So I think like half of what we did last time would be like a reasonable amount,
01:36and it would get us over 50%.
01:37Yeah, I reckon...
01:38Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:38I reckon we aim for 630.
01:41Right, what we're going to do is...
01:43Ollie, you are in the skulk.
01:45Before you die, give us your code so we know where it is.
01:50Us three minus 6426.
01:54Us three, okay?
01:55We're gonna start a cheeky little farm because we're running out of food all the time.
01:59So I reckon we just try get some food back at spawn.
02:03Back at base.
02:03I'm on the hero and you're like...
02:05Everybody ready?
02:06Ow, what the heck?
02:07Hey, that's your wife.
02:09I'm your wife.
02:13I've always wanted to tell you how I feel.
02:15Tell me!
02:15And I like telling you to subscribe and hit the like button.
02:18And if we need a part three...
02:19Do you want a part three?
02:20Let us know.
02:21Right, let's go.
02:22I just think we're gonna struggle for food all the time.
02:26You've found some items, haven't you, in that chest?
02:28Oh, yes, I have.
02:29Oh, gosh.
02:30Where's the stonecutter?
02:32Didn't we have one?
02:32It's down there.
02:33It's down there on the coast.
02:34On the coast!
02:36This is such a weird looking area.
02:38Smooth stone!
02:40There it is.
02:41That's the one Lizzie was looking for.
02:43Oh, right, chicken.
02:44Oh, I need a seed.
02:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:45Right, right, right, right.
02:46Dude, this will be good.
02:48If we can get loads of chickens, that would be fan-dabby-dozy.
02:51Hey, can one of you...
02:52Any of you got like a tiny little pen you could really quickly make,
02:55and I could put them in there?
02:56Oh, wow, Ollie got a golden apple.
02:58Do you think he's making some headway in the skulk room area?
03:02Kind of wish I had torches so I could light up spawners when I see them.
03:06I got lucky he didn't try and kill me.
03:08Super cool.
03:08I'm gonna go over here because I know in this direction,
03:13the mesa is nearly open.
03:15The desert and mesa are so close to being open.
03:18So close.
03:19So that's exciting.
03:20By the way, thank you so much for all the support on the first episode of this.
03:25You are so tough.
03:28I'm rough.
03:29Jeez, all right.
03:30Oh, look how close that cactus is, my dudes.
03:32Oh, that's a close one.
03:34Oh, look at Lizzie go.
03:36She's getting the wool.
03:37All right, it's my time to shine.
03:39Let's go get some sand.
03:41Wait, someone's left a block of redstone here.
03:42I bet I could make some stuff with this that no one's made yet.
03:45Like, I bet no one's made a note block.
03:48I wonder if anyone's made a redstone torch.
03:50Oh, they have.
03:52Next up, blue wool.
03:54Bada bing, bada boom.
03:55Make a little blue carpet.
03:57Can I make a blue bed?
04:00Add it to my bed collection.
04:02Code red, meet in lobby.
04:04Not again.
04:05Dude, I can't save him again.
04:07Not again.
04:09Not again.
04:10It's code red, Jim.
04:11I can't find you again.
04:13No, no, no.
04:13So this time is different because instead of me running out of food,
04:15what's happened is that I didn't bring enough wood to make a crafting bench,
04:18so I can't make another pickaxe.
04:20I have the wood to make the sticks, but not the wood to make the crafting bench.
04:24Where are you?
04:25Oh, well, I currently, uh, hard to say because it's teleporting me to the lobby.
04:29Uh, I will put it in the chat though.
04:31I was minus 22.
04:32That seems not that deep, right?
04:34That's what I'm saying.
04:34I think it's doable for you, a big strong man like you with your big arms.
04:37Pack your stuff, Ollie, because I'm coming to get you.
04:43I said I wouldn't.
04:44But my brother needs me.
04:46Jim, is that you I see over there, Jim?
04:50Jim, is that you?
04:56Jim, are you okay, Jim?
05:01Jim, I can't, I can see your name plate come closer, Jim.
05:03It's been so long.
05:05Where are you?
05:06Cover the wall.
05:08Cover the wall.
05:09Bring me your, uh, your sword and your shield.
05:13Oh my gosh, he's...
05:14Come closer to me.
05:16I'm trying to...
05:16Closer to me.
05:18Crafting bench and your wood, so together we can be freed.
05:22Are you crouching?
05:24No, I was, yeah.
05:25No, I was crouching.
05:27It's because I was trying to do my own dance.
05:29Oh, yeah.
05:31I've been out here long enough to do, like, whole vocal lines as well.
05:34Dude, it sounds amazing.
05:36Can we...
05:36Yeah, it's because of the cave echo, I think.
05:38It adds to the reverb.
05:39Can I come out soon?
05:40Where's your...
05:41I can't even see your name tag.
05:43Look left.
05:45I'm looking left.
05:49Come on, Jim.
05:50Dude, this sounds amazing.
05:52I know.
05:53One more step.
05:54You're so close, I can smell you through the bricks.
06:01Come on, one more.
06:02Oh, he's got me.
06:03He's got me.
06:06So you want iron pick and then we get out of here.
06:09I might stay down with the iron pick.
06:11I was only coming up for the...
06:12If you leave the crafting bench with me, I can stay down here longer.
06:16Yeah, you might starve, though.
06:17You might...
06:18No, because I've got an axolotl I can eat.
06:22Anyway, place the crafting bench.
06:24You haven't seen this little guy I got?
06:25You want to see my little guy?
06:26You're not supposed to eat him.
06:28Right, see you soon, bye.
06:29Wait, no, the crafting table, crafting table.
06:31I gave it to you.
06:32No, don't have it.
06:33See you later, bud.
06:34Bye, man.
06:35Later, man.
06:37Keep playing that song.
06:42Bye, Jim.
06:42See ya.
06:43Bye, have fun.
06:44Find stuff.
06:45I always find stuff.
06:47Let's try being the keyword here.
06:51Get out of here.
06:52And then we can get mud, which should be a new one.
06:55What? Where's it gone?
06:56Oh, there.
06:58And then we can use wheat on it to make packed mud.
07:00We can use that to make mud bricks.
07:02We can use stone cutter to make mud wall.
07:06Then we can use it for stairs.
07:08And then we can do slabs.
07:09And there's a load of free ones as well.
07:13Look at that.
07:14Thanks, Jim.
07:15He's giving me a compliment.
07:16He's giving me a compliment.
07:17I'll take it.
07:18Oh, look at him.
07:19Look at him.
07:19He's found mud.
07:21He's mudding it up.
07:23Oh my gosh, look at that.
07:24Copper brick.
07:24Not copper brick.
07:25What am I on about?
07:26A thingamabob.
07:27A block of it.
07:28That's exciting.
07:29I'm getting in my boat.
07:31I'm off to find some wood while Joel's distracted.
07:33You are carrying this, by the way.
07:34I'm not.
07:35I'm carrying the wood, the wool situation.
07:38Yeah, you're carrying that situation.
07:40Okay, somewhere around here, there's got to be a spruce forest.
07:44I just know it.
07:45And I'm going to be the first to find it.
07:47Yes, indeed.
07:48Yes, I am.
07:49Had we had made a mine cart?
07:52And then I could make a mine cart with the TNT in it.
07:55But I just need to get sand.
07:56Let's go get sand.
07:57Oh, we got...
07:58Oh, yes.
07:58We can dye the sheep.
07:59That's a very good idea.
08:00Oh, we got sand here.
08:01Sand here.
08:02Sand here.
08:03I got an emerald.
08:04Let's go.
08:05Let's go.
08:06Mine cart TNT.
08:08There we go.
08:09Have we got any birch?
08:11If we did, we could have made a birch boat.
08:14A watery route?
08:15Oh, no.
08:16Wow, it's just to there.
08:20That's sick.
08:20What a wonderful new area we've discovered.
08:25I might...
08:26The longer I can live on iron pickaxe and not make diamond is probably the better, right?
08:31Because I can make armor and stuff with this if I find more damond.
08:33We're doing good things here, everybody.
08:35Am I matching?
08:36I'm beating Oli!
08:38I'm beating Oli!
08:39Right, I need it.
08:40I need food.
08:41We're in this situation again.
08:43I need food.
08:43Oh, we're so close to the mace.
08:45I can see the red sand.
08:46It's like four blocks away.
08:48Wait, this is terracotta.
08:51I could mine this.
08:52Wait, this is orange terracotta.
08:54Has someone already got this?
08:55What the heck?
08:56But there'll be like more, yeah, underneath.
08:58And this is regular now.
09:00So if I put that in, I can just mine this out.
09:01I don't have to smelt clay anymore.
09:04Oh my god, ravine.
09:04Oh my god, ravine.
09:05Is this the first one we came in?
09:07Are we back where we started?
09:09Well, that'll take the iron.
09:11And I'll continue on my merry way.
09:13Oh, she's finding all the spruce, man.
09:22I finally made it back, man.
09:24Where are you?
09:24Underground, as I always am.
09:28You nearly here?
09:29Oh, I hope so.
09:30It's been so long.
09:31It feels like it.
09:34Because it has been.
09:35Yeah, it has.
09:36Mesa is open, kinda.
09:38See ya.
09:39I'm going.
09:42See ya.
09:43Dude, I gotta get some points.
09:45Gonna get some points on the board.
09:46Joel's popping off.
09:48He's making it all.
09:50Oh gosh, he's making it all.
09:52I bet he's saying stuff like,
09:54oh, look at me.
09:55244, 245, 240.
09:58I bet he's saying something really, really, really cocky.
10:01I bet he is.
10:03Oh, here you are.
10:04Here I am, lad.
10:05Racking up the points.
10:07You know it.
10:08You know it.
10:09I bet you were saying something so cocky.
10:12I was not.
10:12I'm not cocky.
10:13What are you on about?
10:15Just done a bit of Mesa, lad.
10:17I'm only at 249 and you're only at, what, 71.
10:20So it's nothing.
10:20It's only four times.
10:22I'll witness the 250.
10:25I don't know if I can find some.
10:27Maybe this.
10:28Let me try this.
10:30Not sure if I've done this yet.
10:32You ready?
10:34If this hasn't been done.
10:35Three, two, one.
10:38Yeah, there we go.
10:39There it is.
10:39There's the 250.
10:43Diamond axe.
10:45Oh, he's going crazy with his diamonds.
10:47He loves a diamond.
10:49Loves it.
10:50Loves it.
10:51Should we have a little lobby?
10:54Walk along this border, I reckon.
10:56Just quickly, let's walk along this border.
10:57Let me jump in.
10:58Let me.
10:58No, wait, I've got my own boat, don't worry.
11:00It's all good.
11:02There is a.
11:03There is something.
11:04If you've got birch.
11:04Have you got any birch or not?
11:06No, not on me.
11:07Right, just a little hint.
11:10If you get it before me.
11:11Birch boat with a chest.
11:13Haven't been done yet.
11:14Oh, I've got a birch boat on me.
11:16Have you got any wood?
11:16Have you got a chest?
11:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:18See, look at that.
11:19You could have given me the birch, you know.
11:22Do you know what?
11:22You could do it, lad.
11:23But I want my boat back.
11:25All right.
11:25I appreciate that.
11:26There it is.
11:26And I just have 250.
11:28Can I have my boat back?
11:29I'm just happy I'm beating Ollie.
11:32Five, three, five.
11:35Oh yeah, Joel.
11:36Tell us how good you're doing.
11:38I'm doing all right, Ollie.
11:39I'm not a bragger.
11:40You know, I don't brag.
11:41And it's not a competition though, is it?
11:42Is he not a bragger?
11:44If it was a competition, I'd be winning.
11:45But it's not a competition.
11:46It's not a competition.
11:47But I will say, Lizzie and Joel.
11:50You're popping off with these colors.
11:51We're kind of carrying.
11:52I love you are color carrying.
11:54It's really hard getting specific colors.
11:56It is.
11:56And you know what?
11:57Thanks to Ollie for getting that one gapple.
11:59Yeah, it was an hour to get that one.
12:01Have you eaten it?
12:05That's okay.
12:06That's okay.
12:06I thought maybe you would have made an enchantment table, maybe.
12:09Instead of the diamond axe.
12:10But nope.
12:11You win some, you lose some.
12:13We made a diamond axe.
12:16That's okay.
12:16We still need it.
12:17So it's fine.
12:18You'll need it.
12:19I didn't know if you guys had done strip logs.
12:21Yeah, but you had.
12:23Five, three, five.
12:24We don't need a diamond axe to strip logs.
12:26You need an axe to strip logs.
12:27It was a diamond axe.
12:28You can do it for use.
12:30You can do your street.
12:31How have you got spruce?
12:32But we've not got spruce log.
12:33It's embarrassing.
12:33I don't want to talk about it.
12:35What is it?
12:35Is it?
12:36You've done the spruce and it's hidden behind the ship.
12:39She went to the ship.
12:44That was, that is, that is high IQ play.
12:47That is.
12:49I didn't think of that.
12:50That's very well done.
12:51I might.
12:52Do you know where's the nether portal, dude?
12:54Uh, I don't know.
12:55I can't remember.
12:57I keep going.
12:58If you go like from spawn.
13:01Behind where we went and then run in like a diagonal.
13:03I don't know.
13:04It's like an above ground.
13:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:06Okay, good.
13:07All right.
13:10Let's keep going, guys.
13:11Let's keep going.
13:12So go back to where we were.
13:15Then go on a diagonal line.
13:17And we, I will find the nether portal.
13:19Oh, how'd you get there?
13:20Oh, sorry about that.
13:21Oh, oh, oh, all right.
13:25We're okay.
13:25Which diagonal do I go?
13:27Don't know.
13:28All right.
13:30We're on 535 at the moment.
13:32We're aiming for the 630.
13:34We were.
13:35Hopefully we can get it.
13:36That is the goal.
13:37Oh, banners.
13:38We haven't done banners either.
13:40Oh, that's a whole new world opened up.
13:42I guess I should keep all my spare wool.
13:44I'll do banners next.
13:47Honey, I'm home.
13:49I'm home.
13:50I'm just occasionally feeding the chickens.
13:53Uh, I got 13 planks.
13:55Could I have some planks, please?
13:57You need to make a bed.
13:58Cyan bed.
14:02All right.
14:03Oh, good flower find.
14:06All right.
14:06He said diagonal.
14:07This way.
14:08Oh, another one.
14:12Someone in my comments said about bamboo blocks, by the way.
14:15Um, we're in 1.19 bamboo blocks.
14:18Bamboo planks didn't exist at this moment in time, my friends.
14:22Uh, so that is why we haven't got it.
14:25I'm going to drown.
14:25I'm going to drown.
14:26I'm going to drown.
14:26I'm going to drown.
14:27I'm going to drown.
14:28I'm going to drown.
14:29Wait, that's the prismarine thing.
14:31If I can get in quick, that is actually huge.
14:34We'd have to be like super quick.
14:36Oh, my God.
14:36There's guardians.
14:37I don't have the health for it is the thing.
14:39Oh, my God.
14:40Well, that I can't do it now.
14:42I can't do it now.
14:43Is that mining fatigue for like ever?
14:45Four minutes.
14:46Oh, so annoying.
14:47This is my big break.
14:49It's my big break.
14:50That never portal is lost.
14:52It's lost.
14:53It's lost.
14:54It's lost.
14:55Where did Ollie go, by the way?
14:57Where did he go?
14:58He just disappeared.
14:58He was here and then he's gone.
15:01He's disappeared.
15:02We're having a bad time.
15:04This is not a good time.
15:06This is just such a pitiful POV.
15:08I just need some land.
15:10I'd like a cow.
15:11Where are all the cows?
15:13No cows in this whole place.
15:15I've just got a strange feeling that we've just gone in a circle.
15:18Hey, buddy boy.
15:19Where have you been?
15:21I've been sailing.
15:22I haven't found anything at all, man.
15:24Dude, hey, let's try to find the nether portal together.
15:28Me and you.
15:29We could.
15:29Joel said it's in this direction.
15:31I'm just going to make a rail.
15:33I've just got a journey that I've been sent on by God.
15:37What's that?
15:38I found the prismarine.
15:40I just need to get into it.
15:44I've got to do it with TNT, apparently.
15:48The ocean monument?
15:49Yeah, I found the ocean monument.
15:50So I'm going to break in.
15:51He's fine.
15:52No, it's my go.
15:53I've not done anything today.
15:54It's my go.
15:54I've got the TNT.
15:55Yeah, you can do it with TNT.
15:56I'm going to do it with TNT.
15:57You know, make sure the TNT doesn't be open to the water.
16:03It can't be touching water, otherwise it won't explode.
16:07I think for this mission, I will need to be fed by my team.
16:10This is a mission that only one man could do.
16:13I've got nothing.
16:14Dude, I'll cook you some chicken right now.
16:18Fresh, on the house.
16:20You can't have the sheep until I'm done with them,
16:22but soon there'll be loads of mutton on the menu.
16:23Oh, there'll be so much mutton.
16:25When I come home with all the prismarine in the world,
16:27I'll be a lamb sandwich.
16:29When you come back, can you sing the song?
16:31There'll be one waiting for you.
16:32On the way home.
16:33I'll have to see, mate.
16:35I'll have to see.
16:37Lizzie, did you just say the song?
16:40The Ollie and Jim song?
16:41No, there's another song, mate.
16:42Every time I've been in the cave, there's a new song.
16:43Prismarine by you, LB Shadow Lady.
16:45Oh, prismarine.
16:46Oh, you want prismarine?
16:47I don't know prismarine.
16:51You should have got him on the track.
16:53Sorry, I start the hunt on whatever.
16:55Oh, look at him.
16:56He's making mossy stone.
16:58Oh, I've got all the moss as well.
16:59Oh, he's a thief.
17:01Done, yeah.
17:01He is a thief.
17:02He's done it to all of us.
17:04Because I leave all the stuff in the chest,
17:05but I don't know what to do with it.
17:08Right, you do the prismarine.
17:09I'm going to try find this nether portal again.
17:13Okay, we're like in here.
17:15We swim in.
17:16We swim in.
17:17We do that.
17:18We swim out.
17:21Okay, gather, gather, gather, gather.
17:23We got two brick.
17:24Wait, there's air here as well.
17:26Okay, right.
17:27This is a good spot.
17:28Four prismarine brick and room to manoeuvre,
17:32which is the most important bit.
17:33Because now I can, I got the air hole.
17:36I can do this.
17:37Oh, yeah.
17:39Oh, yeah.
17:40And I can't dig anything.
17:41I can't dig anything because I tracked it out.
17:44But I'm pretty good.
17:47Oh, he started it.
17:49He started the prismarine.
17:51Lizzie, I was literally about to do that.
17:54I was.
17:54But also, there's one more thing you can do right now
17:57to get another one with that.
17:59Get that lectern.
18:05You went into decoration.
18:08Oopsie daisy.
18:10I think it's slabs and...
18:12Oh, terrible news, boys.
18:14Oh, terrible news.
18:16Did you get some stuff, though?
18:17I got the charge.
18:18But I mean, you don't keep inventory.
18:20I gotta go back and get it.
18:22Oh, you gotta craft it into the things, don't you?
18:24That ain't good, chief.
18:26And it's okay.
18:26I'll get it back.
18:27Oh, bee.
18:28Okay, where's the hive?
18:30Does it have any honey in it?
18:33Come on.
18:34Okay, maybe we just camp this.
18:37Wait for the bees to bring some honey.
18:39There's not really many flowers around.
18:41I need to get some more flowers.
18:43Okay, while we wait for these bees,
18:44there's a few we can make, I think.
18:46I've just discovered.
18:47Let's have a look.
18:48So I believe we can do...
18:49Where's my crafting table?
18:51Oh, it's there.
18:52I believe we can do rails.
18:56And then we can make a minecart with a chest, like so.
19:01By the way, don't tell Ollie.
19:04He gave me the axolotl.
19:05I'm gonna leave him here.
19:06Oh no, I feel bad.
19:08I want to leave...
19:10Dude, all I'm gonna say is if I come across a cow,
19:12I'm milking that cow and I'm leaving the axolotl behind
19:15because we need a milk bucket, all right?
19:17If I come along a cow, I'm milking it.
19:19If I don't, this survives.
19:21Jim, Jim, Jim, code red.
19:23Code red.
19:24All right, all right, all right.
19:26What's happened?
19:27Right, so what's happened is I did the TNT thing
19:30and I got myself in a wall in the Guardian
19:32because I was like, let's stay out of their vision.
19:34So I built my way in with a little brick hole
19:37and I was like, I'll wait out the four minutes
19:39for the Guardian stuff, the mining fatigue to go away.
19:41And what's happened is now every time it gets to 30 seconds,
19:44it resets, so I've now got, I can't get out.
19:46And I have a TNT mine cart, but it won't explode
19:49because I don't have rails, so I can't blow my way out.
19:51So I'm just trapped in a wall forever
19:54under the Guardian area.
19:55So what would you do in that situation?
19:58Kind of sounds like we need to,
19:59it's an impossible mission almost, doesn't it?
20:01Like, is there anything else we need from that place?
20:03Uh, well, you need all my prismarine.
20:05You know, you've got to turn it into,
20:06you've got to make it into slabs and tiles
20:08and stairs and walls.
20:10I'm going to have to come and get you, aren't I?
20:11I think you might have to.
20:12I think you might have, if you want my precious goods,
20:14you're going to have to get me out.
20:15How do I, how do I?
20:16You've got to get into me.
20:17I'm just going to get fatigued though, right?
20:19Well, you've got to make yourself a TNT and blow me out.
20:21You've got to blow me out, Jim.
20:23I'm getting, um.
20:26My back's up to the wall, Jim,
20:27and I need you to blow me out.
20:28No, not the back!
20:29Wait, um, right, wait.
20:32What if I bring Lizzie?
20:33Because Lizzie, it seems like she's quite experienced.
20:36She's competent with prismarine for sure.
20:37With prismarine.
20:38What if I-
20:39I don't know what she means when she sings about it,
20:40but like, I guess she knows it for sure.
20:42I'll go to Lizzie.
20:43I'll figure out a plan.
20:44We'll come get you.
20:46All right, I'll sit and wait.
20:48As I have been doing for many hours of this.
20:51I'll figure it out.
20:52This ain't good, chief.
20:53This ain't good, chief.
20:55Oh, hello.
20:57Are you going to get him?
20:58Should I come with you?
20:59Yeah, I just don't know how we're going to get him.
21:01What does he want us to get him?
21:03He's stuck in the walls and he can't get out
21:05because he keeps getting mining fatigue over and over again.
21:07We're going to get mining fatigue if we go in?
21:10So how are we going to get him out?
21:11Unless we have TNT.
21:13I don't even think we've got any gunpowder, have we?
21:16We need TNT.
21:17That's what we need.
21:18Or do you reckon I'll quickly go get a milk bucket
21:20and quickly just-
21:22While I get rid of it.
21:24That's weird.
21:25That's weird timing.
21:27I wonder if Joel's going to help.
21:29Joel, can you help Ollie?
21:32Oh yes, a cow.
21:33I noticed someone hasn't done this yet.
21:36And if he drops some leather.
21:40I can make myself an item frame, I believe.
21:44Okay, let's go see-
21:45Oh, I've been distracted.
21:46There's a shipwreck there.
21:47I don't think anyone's got that one yet
21:48because it's spawning from outside the border.
21:51I'm going to go save Ollie,
21:52but we've got to get this on the way, surely.
21:55Is that dark oak wood?
21:56Oh, that's huge if so.
21:58No, it's just regular oak.
21:59But chest.
22:00Buried treasure.
22:01That could be big.
22:03Suspicious stew.
22:04Oh gosh.
22:05Anything else in there?
22:06Just suspicious stew.
22:08Poisonous potato.
22:09I mean, that's one.
22:10Is there one over here?
22:12Look at all this stuff.
22:14Now the question, is the buried treasure map doable?
22:18I'll be fine for now.
22:19I'm sure I'll be fine.
22:20Oh my god.
22:23I'm in the hole, Joel.
22:27Can you hear the song?
22:29Yeah, I built-
22:30I dug myself into a wall next to some TNT
22:32and I can't light it.
22:35You can't light it?
22:36Why not?
22:36Because it's in a minecart, so I can't place it.
22:39Oh, you fool.
22:40Yeah, I'm a fool.
22:43Do you like the song I've written?
22:44It's about prismarine.
22:47You know, there's already a song about prismarine.
22:49If you're a lady who loves prismarine, say wayo.
22:54All right, okay.
22:55I'm coming down one sec.
22:56Let me see if this will work.
22:57Yeah, I'll give you-
22:58You're next to me.
22:59You're next to me.
22:59There's redstone here in this hole.
23:01Uh, wait.
23:02Let me try and put this door down.
23:04Yeah, yeah, yeah.
23:05Breaking you out.
23:05Breaking you out.
23:06Breaking you out.
23:06Breaking you out.
23:06Okay, let's run.
23:07Run, run, run, run away.
23:10We actually do kind of want the prismarine.
23:11Grab the prismarine.
23:12Are you mining for tea?
23:14Oh, I just got it.
23:15Oh, well, there we go.
23:16Okay, we got out.
23:17Well, you're out.
23:18You're out, at least.
23:18You're a hero, Joel.
23:20No worries, man.
23:21Oh, she's always complaining.
23:23She doesn't know the journey I've been on.
23:2520 minutes stuck in a wall.
23:28That's horrible.
23:29Okay, I've got a treasure map, so I'm gonna go look for it.
23:32Okay, man.
23:32I'll take this home.
23:34Good luck.
23:35Thanks, man.
23:39Hey, there's a lady who loves prismarine.
23:42Okay, I no longer require the sheep, so now it is time,
23:48after a short breeding session,
23:50to kill them!
23:54For their meat.
23:56To feed my friends.
23:57Very good.
23:58Very good.
23:58Yes, I will enjoy eating much mutton from now on.
24:02Let's go see what we've unlocked.
24:05Chew Mama.
24:06It is night time, not the greatest time to go,
24:08but hey-ho.
24:10Oh my gosh.
24:10It helped me get out of the prismarine.
24:13Well, we didn't have any TNT.
24:16We didn't.
24:17Well, guess what I've got.
24:18And I brought back-
24:19Did Joel come?
24:20Yeah, Joel came eventually.
24:22My hero.
24:23So someone did help you, is what you're saying?
24:25Someone did, but not anyone I thought.
24:27Not my close friends.
24:29So I had to make this whole song and for who?
24:32Joel had the milk bucket.
24:33Joel didn't even care.
24:34He didn't use a milk bucket.
24:36What did he do?
24:37He just swam down and dug me out.
24:39Didn't he get mining fatigue?
24:41Yeah, it arrived after he dug the one block.
24:44I was only one block stuck.
24:45I made myself a little house to mine in,
24:47and then I didn't realize that mining fatigue could go through walls.
24:51How would I know that?
24:52Did you get the prismarine shards?
24:54I only got three.
24:55I couldn't get more.
24:57Oh, we need more for the dark prismarine, don't we?
25:01This is stupid.
25:02This is why I hate caving, man.
25:04So much of my iron pickaxes have gone,
25:07and it's...
25:07Oh, it's night time as well.
25:09Oh, prismarine, prismarine!
25:14Oli legend, the king of kings.
25:17Is this another...
25:18Is this another nether portal?
25:20Oh, this is...
25:22Oh my gosh, how big is this?
25:24Holy moly.
25:26The border, man.
25:27Now, I was used to knowing where I was going,
25:30but the border has expanded so much that
25:33I'm just following the border around,
25:35hoping that I get to the water bit to know my way home.
25:38But the border is expanding so much
25:40that I currently do not know where I am.
25:42Oh, Oli was...
25:45Oli was dead.
25:46Oli has been killed.
25:48Just keep moving.
25:48Wait, I needed the spider.
25:51Oh my god, it's so laggy.
25:55Why is it so laggy, man?
25:57Give me those back.
25:58My stuff.
26:00For me.
26:02I'm just...
26:02I'm gonna...
26:03You see what I see?
26:04The snow biome?
26:07I'm just hoping that...
26:09I think Joel's in the nether.
26:12Wait, but you've been looking for the nether portal this whole time.
26:14I know, I know.
26:15He's a fool.
26:16He's lied to me.
26:17He's kept it from me.
26:19Oh yeah, that is so close.
26:21Is that spruce up there?
26:22Maybe there is.
26:23Yeah, there is.
26:23There's gotta be.
26:24Oh yeah, I can see it.
26:25You can't reach it.
26:26Come on, Joel.
26:27Keep getting closer to that spruce.
26:30He's just wandering around singing.
26:33I'm doing my bit too, Joel.
26:35We're all doing our bit.
26:37All I'm doing is a trident.
26:41Number 300, baby!
26:42I do want...
26:43Oh, this is cute.
26:44I do wonder if there's my blaze powder in the chest still.
26:48Where was it?
26:48Which chest was it in?
26:49Was it this one?
26:51Okay, I can do this as well.
26:54Ollie's just put...
26:55We're six off of our target.
26:58We're six off.
27:00Come on, we got this.
27:01Dude, it's hard to even find...
27:05The board is so big, it's hard to find spawn.
27:08Where is spawn?
27:10Board are so big, now I'm struggling.
27:12But that's a good thing in the same sense, you know?
27:16What a trip.
27:17Oh, look at this.
27:18This is a little party.
27:19A little party going on here.
27:20Oh, look at that.
27:23We can do.
27:24And I can put it in the stonecutter.
27:26What am I placing it?
27:28Yes, sir.
27:29Yes, sir.
27:31Yes, sir.
27:36But I gotta remember, we gotta place more.
27:39Gotta place more copper when we can.
27:41Okay, look at our place.
27:43This is...
27:43This is chaos.
27:45Oh, he's making it.
27:46He's making it.
27:46He's doing it.
27:47I'm going.
27:48I'm here.
27:49Stop now.
27:49He's got 17 seconds.
27:52He's got...
27:52And he's still gaming.
27:53He's popping.
27:54He's popping off.
27:55There he is.
27:56Just in time.
27:58They call him Mr. Quartz.
27:59There he is.
28:01Oh my gosh, guys.
28:03Busy day, hasn't it been?
28:05It's been a busy day.
28:05How many have we all got?
28:06I've got 81.
28:09You've got...
28:10Wow, 71.
28:12We're still under 100, Oli.
28:14Mate, I found five items today.
28:17You found five items?
28:19Is that all?
28:20I think I might have found like 20 something, I think.
28:23Well, I was ahead of you before by like 15.
28:26You guys, I'm in debt.
28:28Me and Lizzie are kind of...
28:29I haven't really done anything this time.
28:31What did you say?
28:31You're the bed lady.
28:34They call you Mrs. Bed.
28:35It's more your guys' series than our series, really, if you think about it.
28:36And next time, I'm going to be candle lady.
28:39Again, not yet, but I'm going to get the honey tome.
28:42Yeah, there's so many candles.
28:42Next time, if Joel overtakes you, Jim, I want to see this...
28:46If I overtake Jimmy.
28:47Yeah, yeah.
28:48If, Jim, if you do less than Joel next time, Joel gets episode three on his.
28:53Yeah, yeah.
28:53He gets the rest of the series.
28:54You can pay for the editing.
28:58Oh my gosh.
28:59We're below four hours, luckily.
29:03A couple more deaths today, but I think we did all right.
29:05I think we did okay.
29:06We need to make sure we find those, the nether biomes, you know, the woods next time.
29:11Yeah, as soon as we do that, we've got loads.
29:13We've got loads more.
29:14If I knew where the portal was, I'd go as Polonky and that'd be fine.
29:16Yeah, Joel really kept that one to himself.
29:17If only someone knew where the portal was, we could cry at the end.
29:20I have no idea where the portal is, guys.
29:21Oh, wait, I'm just...
29:22Oh, I found it.
29:23I happened to find it right when I needed it.
29:24Genuinely, as soon as I found it, I put the coordinates in the chat.
29:26Curiosity killed the dog.
29:27I deserve, I deserve to punch you out that portal for the end.
29:33Don't you...
29:34You know what?
29:35He could be out...
29:40How dare you?
29:41See you next time, guys.
29:43Do you want a part three?
29:44Let me know.