• 2 days ago
A powerful alien threat arrives on Earth under mysterious circumstances and Barry, Iris and the rest of Team Flash are p | dG1fY1JMcGhHRTFORGM
00:01My name is Barry Allen, and I'm about to do something impossible.
00:08I came a long way to find you, Flash.
00:11Now that I have, I'm going to end your existence.
00:16You have seven days.
00:17Everyone I love is gonna die.
00:19There is always hope.
00:21I need your help. I'm asking you to save the world.
00:26Hey, you been working out?
00:27Yeah, thank you for noticing.
00:30Where's the future?
00:31Right here.
00:33I have to go blow this fuse.
00:36I'm tracking at least a hundred earthquakes.
00:38This could be the end of the world as we know it.
00:41No man will shut his doors on me!
00:44You shouldn't save us.
00:45Run, Barry, run!
00:49You never know what face fate will wear when it shows up to change your life.
01:00Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
