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Dateplant tree india
#farmingidea#farmerslife#farmersindian#plant#plants#trees#fruitstree#farmerslife#farming life#farmers Idea #palm tree and the fruit it produces. The date palm is a flowering plant that is part of the Arecaceae palm family. It is cultivated for its sweet, edible fruit.
Dates are a common ingredient in Middle Eastern and North African cuisines. They can be eaten fresh or dried.
Related terms
Khajur shर्करा: Date sugar
Khajur मदिरा: Date wine
Khajur का पेड़: Date palm
Date palm cultivation
The date palm is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions, including northern Africa, the Middle East, Australia, South Asia, and California. It is also naturalized in many regions.
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खजूर (Khajur) meaning in English - खजूर मीनिंग - Translation - Hinkhoj
OTHER RELATED WORDS खजूरा = BEKTI. उदाहरण : क्या आप मुझे खजूरा ला सकते हैं एक मीठा स्नैक के रूप में? Usage : Can you please bring me a date as a sweet snack? (Noun) 0. खजूरबिलाव = PARADO...

Khajur: 4 definitions - Wisdom Library
24 Oct 2024 — Hindi dictionary Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary. Khajur in Hindi refers in English to:—(nf) date, date-palm; a kind of sweetmeat.

Wisdom Library
खजूर - Meaning in English - Shabdkosh.com
Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as the date palm, is a flowering-plant species in the palm family Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit called da...

Khajoor - Seva Sahayog Foundation
"Khajoor" is the Hindi term for date palm, and it is commonly associated with the date fruit. The date palm tree is known as "Phoenix dactylifera" botanically.

Seva Sahayog Foundation
Date palm | Description, Uses, & Cultivation - Britannica
14 Jan 2025 — date palm. date palm, (Phoenix dactylifera), tree of the palm family (Arecaceae) cultivated for its sweet edible fruits.

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