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新闻报报看 | 国阵巫统的霹雳亚亦君令州议员依山,今天下午在槟城踢球时,怀疑是因为心脏病爆发晕倒。送院后,抢救失败宣告死亡,享年59岁。(主播:颜江瀚、罗美伶)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E website.
00:30Let's watch the video.
01:01Yishan won the first election in the last general election.
01:04He succeeded in holding the Icunaean military order for the country in the five-pointer battle with a majority of 2,213 votes.
01:12The data also shows that Yishan was once a well-known football player before he was born.
01:16After he retired from the field, he turned to the business world to do business and then invested in politics.
01:21He is also the chairman of the Wutong Daba District in Pilizhou.
