• 2 days ago
FASTag Rules Updates: अगर आप फास्टैग (FASTag) का इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो यह खबर आपके काम की है। आज यानी 17 फरवरी से फास्टैग के नियमों में बदलाव हुआ है। सड़क परिवहन मंत्रालय ने टोल प्लाजा पर भीड़भाड़ और देरी को कम करने और यात्रा में तेजी लाने के लिए इस सिस्टम को लागू किया है। नेशनल पेमेंट कॉरपोरेशन ऑफ इंडिया (NPCI) द्वारा फास्टैग के नियमों में बदलाव किए गए हैं जो सोमवार से लागू हो गए हैं।

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00:00In order to cross tolls and avoid traffic jams, FastTrack technology was introduced.
00:07However, even after FastTrack, long queues are seen on toll plazas.
00:11After this, changes were made to the rules regarding FastTrack, but even after that,
00:16the problem of traffic jams remained the same.
00:18Now, new rules have been introduced regarding FastTrack, so let's know what these rules are
00:23so that you don't have to face any problems.
00:26You will be penalized if there is less balance, delay in payment, or FastTrack is blacklisted.
00:32The purpose of this is to reduce the long queues on tolls due to the problem in FastTrack.
00:37If FastTrack remains inactive for more than 60 minutes and after 10 minutes of crossing tolls,
00:49then your transaction will be rejected.
00:52In this case, the payment error code 176 will be written and it will be rejected.
00:57So, if after crossing the toll reader of the vehicle, the toll transaction is done in more than 15 minutes,
01:03then users will have to pay extra charges.
01:06Earlier, users could recharge FastTrack at the toll booth and go ahead.
01:10Now, you will have to recharge FastTrack in advance.
01:13In addition, there have been some changes in FastTrack validation.
01:16According to NPCI's Circular on January 28, it will be mandatory to complete FastTrack transactions within a time limit of 30 minutes.
01:23Two conditions have been added to this.
01:25One is 60 minutes before the toll scan.
01:28If FastTrack has more than 1 hour in the condition of blacklist, hotlist, or less balance,
01:34then the transaction will be unaccepted and rejected.
01:38After 10 minutes of toll scan.
01:40As I told you earlier, if FastTrack remains inactive or blacklisted for 10 minutes after scanning,
01:45then the transaction will be rejected again.
01:47If both these conditions are met, then the system error code 176 will be rejected.
01:54And the user will have to pay double the toll charges.
02:01FastTrack accounts have been divided into two categories.
02:04One is whitelisted, i.e. active.
02:06And the other is blacklisted, i.e. inactive.
02:09So, there are some reasons for FastTrack being blacklisted.
02:13First, if your balance is insufficient.
02:15Second, your KYC verification is pending.
02:18And third, if there is something wrong with your vehicle registration.
02:21So, under the new rules, if your FastTrack has been blacklisted 60 minutes before reaching the toll booth,
02:27and you want to save it by recharging it at the end moment, then you cannot save it now.
02:33However, if it is recharged within 10 minutes of the toll scan,
02:37then you will have to pay double the toll charges.
02:44The purpose of this new system is to make the toll collection more transparent,
02:48so that traffic jams can be stopped at the toll plaza and your travel can be made easier.
02:54Users who do not know these changes may have to pay extra charges.
02:58Therefore, it is important that all the vehicle owners maintain their FastTrack properly.
03:04What should FastTrack users do?
03:06So, to avoid penalties and extra charges,
03:09FastTrack users have to take some precautions to ensure the toll transaction properly.
03:15First, if you are going on a long trip, then you should have sufficient balance in your account.
03:21Second, to avoid being blacklisted, you have to update your KYC details from time to time.
03:27Third, before reaching the toll plaza, you should check your FastTrack condition once.
03:33If the user has updated information and manages it properly in FastTrack,
03:38then you can easily move forward according to the changed rules.
03:42And you can avoid any delay or any unnecessary penalty.
03:46And the second change will be that there will be a significant reduction in the condition of the traffic jam at the toll plaza.
03:55What do you have to say about these new rules?
03:57Do tell us by commenting.
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