• 17 hours ago
Pensez-vous être doué pour résoudre des énigmes ? Eh bien, ces 7 casse-têtes sont sur le point de mettre cela à l'épreuve ! Certains sont astucieux, d'autres sournois, et quelques-uns pourraient vous laisser perplexe pendant des heures. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas—vous n'aurez pas à rester confus éternellement (à moins que vous n'abandonniez). Alors, êtes-vous prêt à prouver votre statut de génie ? Prenez votre chapeau de réflexion et voyons si vous pouvez tous les déchiffrer ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Indiana Jones was on a mission to find a gold statuette in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest.
00:07After more than three days of searching in the jungle, he discovered the entrance to a cave.
00:12He went into long corridors, escaped several traps, and finally reached a room filled with gold.
00:19Seeing the gold statue, he rushed towards it. But beware!
00:26A trap fell under his feet. He fell into a cache, containing only an empty bucket and three doors.
00:34The first led to a hungry bear and his cub.
00:37The second led to a wall of flames two meters high.
00:41The third opened on a lake infested with crocodiles.
00:44Which door should Indiana Jones choose to escape?
00:56Let's see. It would be wise for him to choose the second door.
00:59If he chose the first, the bear would attack him without a doubt to protect his cub.
01:04As for the lake filled with crocodiles, trying to swim in these conditions would be pure madness.
01:09The best option would be to fill the lake with water to extinguish the wall of flames.
01:14It would take some effort, but it's Indiana Jones. Nothing seems to resist him.
01:20Back in England, Indiana Jones was relaxing in his office when another teacher came to him, visibly worried.
01:27He explained to him that he had to leave the place as soon as possible, because thugs were looking for him.
01:33The teacher gave him a plan of the building,
01:36stating that he should cross each room on his way out,
01:40but without ever showing himself twice to the students in the classroom.
01:44Examine the plan given to Jones.
01:47How could he follow these instructions to the letter to escape without trouble?
02:00Let's analyze the situation.
02:02Two elements are crucial.
02:05First of all, his office is considered as room number 1.
02:09We know that he has to go out through room 16.
02:13We could think that it is enough to progress linearly, going from one room to the other until the 16th.
02:19However, such an approach would prevent him from going through rooms 13, 14 and 15.
02:27Another strategy would be to go from room 1 to room 2, then back to room 1.
02:34Being alone in his office, this does not contravene any rule.
02:39Then he could go down to rooms 5, 9 and 13,
02:43then follow a zigzag path to room 16.
02:47This method would allow him to follow the instructions without being seen more than once.
02:52Well done, Indy!
02:55Barbara had just entered a cafe, enthusiastic about savoring her daily cappuccino.
03:00However, at the time of setting up, she noticed that she had forgotten her wallet.
03:05The barista, instead of getting angry, offered her an alternative.
03:10If Barbara won her game, he would offer her the cappuccino.
03:14She gladly accepted.
03:16Very well, I will reveal three facts about me.
03:19It's up to you to guess which one is false, said the barista.
03:22Here are the facts.
03:24I have seven brothers.
03:26I hate Nirvana.
03:28Actually, I am an artist.
03:30Can you help Barbara?
03:32Which statement is false?
03:42It's the second one.
03:43To begin with, the barista wears a Nirvana t-shirt
03:47and the lock screen of his phone shows a picture of the group.
03:50He clearly appreciates Nirvana.
03:53Anna ran into three random women in the parking lot.
03:56She immediately realized that something was wrong
03:59and noticed that one of the women was actually a vampire.
04:02Look at the picture.
04:04Can you guess who the vampire is?
04:16It's the third woman, the one on the right.
04:18Looking closer, her teeth are quite pointy.
04:21In addition, I am almost certain that the red stain on her top is not paint,
04:25if you see what I mean.
04:28Suzy was alone in her laboratory
04:30and was working on the creation of a time travel machine.
04:33She connected a red wire here and a blue wire there,
04:36and boom!
04:38A time portal opened.
04:40She was not sure of her destination,
04:42but she chose to cross it.
04:45On the other side, she found herself in a desert field
04:48where she met a talking bear.
04:51She asked him where they were and in what year.
04:54But the bear said that he would only answer
04:56if she deciphered his riddle correctly.
04:59Here it is.
05:25Time Travel Machine
05:32She answered, time.
05:35Mia was a student at the Witch Academy
05:37and specialized in the study of ghosts
05:39in order to protect humans from these disturbing creatures.
05:43For one of her exams,
05:45she had to locate a ghost in a big field
05:47located right next to the school.
05:50This field contained a room full of mirrors,
05:52and as soon as she entered,
05:54her ghost detector shook strongly,
05:56indicating the presence of a specter.
05:59Look at the mirrors.
06:01They all reflect Mia's image,
06:03but the ghost is hiding in one of them.
06:05Can you guess which one?
06:15Look at the third mirror.
06:17Mia wears her watch connected,
06:19but her reflection in this mirror does not wear it.
06:21It must be the ghost pretending to be her.
06:23Congratulations to Mia for catching another ghost.
06:29Betty, a brilliant student,
06:31had to, for a school assignment,
06:33invent such a complex riddle
06:35that almost no one would be able to solve it.
06:37After a week of reflection,
06:39she presented it to her classmates the next Monday.
06:42She gathered a hundred students
06:44and assigned them a number between 1 and 100.
06:48Each student had to enter alone
06:50in a classroom containing precisely 100 boxes,
06:53all numbered randomly between 1 and 100.
06:57Inside each box was a piece of paper
06:59bearing also a random number
07:01between 1 and 100.
07:04Their goal was to locate the box
07:06by closing the paper corresponding to their own number.
07:09However, they were subjected to a strict rule.
07:12They could only open a maximum of 50 boxes.
07:15In addition, they had to leave the room
07:18exactly where they found it before they left.
07:21Any communication with other students
07:23after leaving the room was forbidden.
07:26If all the students managed to find their number in the boxes,
07:30they would each win a reward of 100 euros.
07:33But if one of them fails to locate his number,
07:36none of them would touch the prize.
07:38Can you guess the best strategy
07:40for all the students to find their number
07:42and win the reward?
07:52Betty's puzzle is not the most obvious one.
07:54But let's see how it could work together.
07:57If each student randomly searched for his number,
08:00they each would have a 50% chance
08:02of finding the box containing their number.
08:05This is explained by the fact that there were 100 boxes
08:07and that they were allowed to open 50.
08:10However, the probability that all students
08:12manage to find their number
08:14by following this random strategy, is extremely weak.
08:17To increase their chances of collective success,
08:20they would need a more effective strategy.
08:23A possible strategy would be to use what is called the loop strategy.
08:27As soon as they enter the room,
08:29each student should go directly to the box carrying their number.
08:33The number inside this box would probably not be theirs,
08:36but it would not matter.
08:38They should then consult the number found inside the box
08:41and go back to the box carrying the same number.
08:44They would repeat this process until they found the ticket with their own number.
08:48This method would ensure that, 31 times out of 100,
08:53all students would be able to find their number and win the prize.
08:57This is not a very high probability,
09:00but after all, it was Betty who invented this riddle.
