• last month
Bigg Boss Malayalam is telecasted by Asianet Television and production by Endamolshine India. Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 6 Grand Finale was on 16 June 2024. BBMS6. Everyone waiting for Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 7 (BBMS7). We share initial updates of the upcoming Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 7 expected in 2025. Channel Issued a public notice stating channel not entrusted anyone third party for Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 7 audition. We discuss the reason for postponement of Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 7.

#bbms7 #bbms6 #biggbossmalayalamseason7 #ss10 #biggbossmalayalamseason6 #biggbossliveupdates #BBMS6Promo #bb6malayalam #bbmalayalam #biggbossansif #biggboss6asianet #biggbossMalayalamSeason6 #biggbossReview #biggbossmalayalam #asianet #promo #biggbossreview #BiggBoss​ #BBMS5ViralCut #BBMS5Uncut #BiggBossMalayalam​ #bbms6update #biggbossmalayalamseason6update #bbm6 #biggbossmalayalaseason6predictionlist #BBMS6 #BiggBoss #BiggBossMalayalam #BiggBossSeason6 #BiggBossMalayalamSeason6#bbms6nominationlist #biggbossnominations #biggbossnomination #biggbossliveupdates #biggbossliveupdate


