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USC Trojans’ Lincoln Riley On Recruiting Success


00:00here. So kind of step one, and then how do all these additions
00:04tangibly impact recruiting success? How does it all lead
00:09into the outcome you want?
00:10Yeah, I think it's something that we've all been aware of for
00:14a long time. And I think there's, there's been, I think a
00:17lot of part a lot of opportunities along the line
00:20where we've started to have those conversations. I mean,
00:23really, you know, when when we hired Dave, you know, several
00:26years ago, it was really for more of a role like he's going
00:29to be for us now. But then, obviously, college football
00:32changed, our administration changed, we had, you know, we
00:35had a few things moving. And so, you know, David's, like I said,
00:38really has been kind of for the team, what we needed him to be
00:41in a certain moments. But I think we always believe that
00:44this transition was coming. And I think, you know, both both,
00:48both Jane Cohen and J Hill brands their experience in this
00:52business, having constant conversations with with really
00:55all four of us about the future of this and kind of when was
00:59the right time and who do we target was important. You know,
01:02and I look back on it now, we could have rushed into, we could
01:06have rushed into different people, different structures at
01:08different times. And I don't know that we would be feeling as
01:11good as we do sitting here today, to be completely honest
01:14with you. I think our patience was tested throughout this
01:17process. Because anytime you've got a new hired, you know,
01:20that's something you want to do. There's also there's an
01:22excitement and an eagerness to just get it done. Get it behind
01:26like kind of get moving. But I think we all recognize that this
01:31is very important to get this right. And it's not
