• 2 days ago
Taste of LegenDerry.
00:30Okay, I'm Kerry Chambers and I'm from Red Gate Cider.
00:40Can you tell me a bit about Red Gate Cider please?
00:43Yeah, so we started making Red Gate Cider ten years ago.
00:46It's a wee family business, it started as a hobby and turned into a, well, a small business really.
00:54I've got three boys and my husband, we're all involved in the business.
00:58All the apples are grown out in Drummahill in our orchard.
01:01We've 800, 900 trees, all different varieties, different cider apples.
01:07And then we hand pick all the apples, we press them ourselves, everything's handmade.
01:13And the only things that go into the cider are apples, wee bit of sugar and yeast,
01:19so there's no additives or preservatives or anything like that.
01:24And it's basically organic, but we can't describe, it's basically organic.
01:30How important is events like these for a business like yours?
01:34Well it's great because this isn't our full time business.
01:37My husband has another business and I was a nurse so we don't have time to promote it.
01:43So these kind of events are crucial for us really to get our brand out there
01:48so people know about Red Gate Cider.
01:53Red Gate Cider
02:03Introduce yourself please.
02:04Of course, my name is Hannah and I am part of Fairleigh's Flavours.
02:07And can you tell me about your business?
02:09Fairleigh's Flavours is created by my husband, Fairleigh.
02:13He's from South Africa and whenever he moved here he'd had a really good background in chefing
02:19and the food industry in South Africa and he wanted to do his own thing here.
02:24So at the start of lockdown, the start of COVID, he was furloughed because obviously hospitality was closed
02:30so he decided he wanted to start his own sauce and that's where it all was born from.
02:35And how important are events like this for a business like yourself?
02:38I think it's amazing because it really puts us on the map and it shows outside of this local area
02:45that we have so much to offer tourists and local people too
02:49and people maybe further afield if we're talking about the mainland or down south.
03:15Offing Coffee
03:24Introduce yourself please.
03:25My name is Stephanie and I'm from Offing Coffee.
03:28Can you tell me a bit about Offing Coffee please?
03:30Offing Coffee is a local cafe that's based down on the Foyle Road beside the Foyle Valley Railway Museum.
03:37And what does events like this mean for your business?
03:40It's a great opportunity to get our name out there and network with lots of other local businesses
03:45and see what opportunities come out of it.
04:10Offing Coffee
