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Character drawn by @MagnaGallina
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let's play series.
Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft's channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC
The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2025, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
00:00These are the craziest minecraft experiments tested to see if they work. We can take anything
00:04that we want and you're going to see quickly that we have a bed of skulk sensors underneath
00:09giving us these weird patterns. Whoa, this one is like a wave. Look at that. Wow, you can even run
00:17over it seamlessly too. What happens if you were to go through an end gateway in the overworld?
00:21All right, I'm going to survival. See you on the other side. I guess that was literally true.
00:25TNT screensaver by the looks of it. That's weird that it builds up momentum and then eventually
00:30it'll bottom out. It sinks so low that it gets stuck on the soul sand. Then it starts anew.
00:35Observer showed me this very weird way to build an end portal. Now you'll see the direction works
00:41even if the level doesn't. There we go. How weird. What would be faster if we had efficiency five
00:49wooden tools or netherite? You can hear the difference already. Efficiency five shovel
00:53wins out. Even with the pickaxe it works. I would have thought one of those would have won.
00:58What's the highest fall that you can survive? A regular fall, I could survive a 23 block fall
01:04with half a heart. If I were to jump into lava, 43 worked. Honey block, you can survive with 100
01:11blocks. All right, if I hold shift, just fine. Yeah, that's any height. That is dumb. Now,
01:16if you were to knock back me, max knockback on blue ice, whoa. If we were to get myself something
01:22like a saddled pig to sit, oh, we're on the tick sprint. Can you just valet me?
01:28Just the delete from existence. I am now, I believe it's 1300 blocks away. An example of
01:33how much water is inside of a water bucket. I've seen Alexa real show this off, but they didn't
01:38show it off going all the way from the new build height down to the absolute bottom of the world.
01:44All right, so if I place it on water, we have it spread down to its absolute limit. Look,
01:48we're even passing over different biomes. That's what's causing these different colors. I mean,
01:51to keep this in perspective, look at how far we've traveled. Cloud height's like 192 blocks.
01:56We're just now coming up on that. And we finally started to reach the end here of all places.
02:01What happens if we drop rainbow sand into our rainbow cobweb observer? Kapow. It just gets
02:06kind of ugly. I was really hoping we'd get some kind of cool jeb sand. If we were to grab a
02:12vindicator and a villager, this is an IQ test. Well, the door's locked, so he's not that smart.
02:18Oh, okay. There you go. It picked up fast. Yowch. All right. What about the inverse?
02:22Villager. Yeah. The inverse works as well. What we have up here at build height is a sand bomb.
02:28If I go back down to my place on the floor and I just wait for it to be the first of January,
02:34we're going to see some fireworks. Charge. Whoa, charge. Charge is happening. All right. Look at
02:39that. You get this very weird symmetrical patterns. Look, it's two blocks, then one there,
02:44and two blocks, then one here.
