Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup di zona hijau pada perdagangan sesi pertama Jumat (21/2/2025). Indeks naik 0,16% atau 11,18 poin ke level 6.799.
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan pada siang ini sebanyak 6,74 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,91 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 657.085 kali.
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan pada siang ini sebanyak 6,74 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp4,91 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 657.085 kali.
00:05From the information we obtained, let's take a look at the Index Price Comparison Index,
00:08where it is monitored until the closing of the trade in the first session
00:11on Friday trading or after the weekend.
00:13IHSG is moving in the green zone by recording a strength of 0.16%.
00:18The Index Price Comparison Index is moving at level 6,799.
00:22It was weak at the beginning of the first trading session.
00:24However, IHSG is able to survive in the strength zone.
00:28During the first session, 269 shares were strong, 295 shares were weak,
00:32and 391 other shares were moving steadily.
00:35There was a transaction value of 4.9 trillion rupiah.
00:39The strength that occurred was in the opposite direction of the weakness
00:42that occurred for two consecutive days on Thursday trading,
00:44where the Index Price Comparison Index on Thursday was weak at 0.1%.
00:49And a number of data or shares included in the Top Gainers and Top Losers category,
00:54as follows, we show the analysis where from Top Gainers there is WEFE share,
00:59which rose 13.53% to 2,350,
01:02OBAT share rose 9.22% to 770,
01:06Data share rose 18.52% to 2,240,
01:10as well as the Brand share that entered Top Gainers with an increase of 2.61% to 6,875.
01:18Meanwhile, from Top Losers there is Bang Mandiri or BMRI,
01:21with a correction of 1.94% to 5,050,
01:24BRMS fell 1.4% to 424,
01:27BBNI fell 3.14% to 4,320,
01:31and there is also Sam Antam,
01:33fell 2.97% to 1,635.
01:38Meanwhile, from the sectoral side,
01:40the technology sector led the strengthening with an increase of 6.04%,
01:44property strengthened 0.53%,
01:46primary consumption weakened 0.33%,
01:48as well as the financial sector was corrected 0.12%.
01:58And make sure you are still with us, IDX.
02:01Precession Closing.
02:02Be right back.