• hace 22 horas
Exploramos la creciente tensión en un país al borde de la guerra civil. Jueces republicanos advierten sobre un precedente peligroso para la democracia. ¿Qué significa esto para el futuro de EE. UU.? Un análisis urgente y necesario. #InsurrecciónUSA #DemocraciaBajoAmenaza #TensiónSocial #GuerraCivil #EstadosUnidos #AnálisisPolítico #PrecedentePeligroso #JuecesRepublicanos #CrisisDemocrática #Actualidad


00:00Watch out, friends, because this is very dangerous in a country that is at the brink of a civil war.
00:08The United States, which is at the brink of a civil war, which is the most armed country in the world.
00:15And with these sparks of insurrection, even the same Republican judges appointed by President Trump himself in the last administration
00:24already said that it is a decision that is setting a very dangerous precedent for the democracy of the United States.
