00:00You're using this?
00:01Yeah, I've just got one more set to do.
00:03You must get this all the time, but I tell you, you look like Mr. T.
00:08Mr. T, you know, the bloke out of the A-Team.
00:09Oh, I haven't seen it.
00:10You must know him, though. He's the guy with the mohican and the gold chains. He was in Rocky as well.
00:14Oh, not Sylvester Stallone?
00:15No, his name's Mr. T. Honestly, he looks just like you.
00:18Oh, well, I'll look out for him.
00:19Is that yours?
00:20Oh. Excuse me.
00:22What's that show called again?
00:24The A-Team.
00:25The A-Team. And it's Mr. P, yeah?
00:27No, it's Mr. T.
00:28Mr. T.
00:30See ya.