• last month
00:00Hello, everyone! How's the Comic-Con been? In case you guys don't know, my name is Alex Mendez. I
00:29am an esports commentator. I know I know why I'm here.
00:35All right, we're going to do this wrestling style, if you guys don't mind me. I'm going to need a
00:40lot of cheers. First up, please welcome to the stage the creator of Tekken, the one and only
00:50Horata-san and Michael McQueen!
01:04Next up, you know him as WWE superstar Xavier Woods. I know him as Austin Green as well.
01:11Please welcome to the stage, Xavier Woods!
01:29Next up, let's welcome to the stage the only Grand Slam champion in MMA history,
01:38the legendary Chris Cyborg!
01:54And last, but certainly not least, and I'm actually kind of tongue twisted and scared
01:59that I even get to do this, please welcome to the stage, Iron Mike Tyson!
02:08Let's give it up one more time for your panelists!
02:24Okay, so thank you so much for joining us here. Obviously, we've been talking about the art of
02:30fighting. Let's jump right into it and start talking about what this panel is going to be
02:34about here. Because, you know, what we want to do is we just want to talk about the passion that
02:39we have for fighting, whether it's making video games, being a professional wrestler, an MMA fighter,
02:43and of course, a legendary boxer. We just want to talk about this cool thing and share this
02:47experience with y'all. So let's go ahead and do this, shall we? First things first. Obviously,
02:54the spark to fight began somewhere, but let's actually talk about the origin stories for
02:58everyone here. First, for Harada-san, as well as Michael, you know, the inspiration to...
03:05I've lived it, breathed it, every single day that I could watch it, I was obsessed with it.
03:10And when I realized that I could possibly put on my shiny pants and I could be flown around the
03:18world and someone else is going to pay for it, I can have all these crazy experiences that I might
03:23not have otherwise in life, I said, I have to do this. And so that's when I started amateur
03:27wrestling and got into track and field and football and played all these sports so I could
03:30turn into an athlete, a real athlete, so that I could eventually become a professional wrestler.
03:35And now, next year will be 20 years in the game.
03:48For me, I started to play sports in school. I really enjoy it. I play handball,
03:53soccer, I play basketball, and then I never think I'll be a fighter. I never had a dream,
03:58I was an athlete. And then one guy saw me play handball and he talked to me after and said,
04:03I think you can be a great fighter. I said, I don't like fighting. He said,
04:07no, come to the gym, you're going to like it. So I started training, shoot about the gym,
04:11and in six months I started training, I did my first fight. I lost my first fight, but I see
04:16how much I have inside me. I say, man, I want to finish the fight, do my best I can. And here I am,
04:2280 years doing this, the only Grand Slam champion in sports, and I love it. I love it, I appreciate it.
04:27Amazing, amazing.
04:38All right, I started fighting when I was 12. I was in a reformatory for boys,
04:43and then one day Muhammad Ali came to visit us. And I said, wow, just like an enemy came out. I
04:49said, I want to be like him. And then a couple of months later, I watched Roberta Ramfite shoot
04:55right here in the 1980s. I said, this is what I want to do with my life, and this is why I'm here now.
05:04Monica, if you don't mind me asking, what was it about, you know, obviously, you know, besides
05:08it being Muhammad Ali, but what was it about him as a boxer that inspired you as well to want to
05:14pursue that craft? Um, food he went in and made me crave it. Wow!
05:21I like that. That's incredible stuff. Now, obviously, you know, there has been a lot of
05:30like evolutionary growth, obviously, in the craft over the course of the years, right? Whether it's,
05:34you know, making the game and how advanced games have become, or professional wrestling and how
05:39far that has gone, the same thing for MMA and boxing here. So I think what will be interesting
05:44here is, you know, how do you, how do you view, I guess, your start? If you can go back and say,
05:50like, hey, I would like to try something different. I guess we'll start with our panelists
05:54over here real fast, and we'll talk to the devs after. So I'll start with you, if you don't mind.
05:59If you can go back and be like, hey, I want to try and make some changes here. You know,
06:04maybe protect my body a little bit more. What were some of the things that you kind of like
06:07pulled away from your experience that you would love to go back and tell your former self?
06:11I don't know. I feel like that's always a weird question, because I feel like the things that you
06:15did, the mistakes that you made, have turned you into the person that you currently are today.
06:19You get to shape yourself. And so I don't know what I would tell myself. Maybe don't get as
06:24down on yourself as you used to, because doing something like professional wrestling, it's one
06:28of the hardest things in the world to become successful at, because the field is so huge.
06:32There's so many people that are involved in it. And there have been times where I just didn't
06:36think that I could keep going. I didn't think that I was going to be as good as I wanted to
06:41be. There's times where I didn't think I could be as technical, or as sound, or as strong,
06:43or as fast, all those things. But you push through, and you persevere, and that's how
06:48you become a champion, you know? So I probably just tell myself to give myself more grace.
06:54Stay on the path.
06:55Yeah, man.
06:56Okay. Chris, what about for you? Because obviously, you know, starry-eyed young kid,
06:59get an opportunity, someone wants you to play handball, and they're like, you can fight?
07:03So what happened there?
07:04You know, for me, I feel like it's a gift to be a fighter. I think I never had a plan,
07:09as I was an athlete, I was prepared for something I didn't know I was going to be.
07:13So I think all the sports at 12 years old, I took 19, I play sports to make who I am.
07:18And of course, I stay a long time on the field, but I believe, like, when you get a loss,
07:22my first loss, I learn a lot. So it makes me improve and get experience of who I am today.
07:27And I think it's a changing thing, you know? I think everything is natural, like you said.
07:32You learn from your lessons, your mistakes, and you get better, and you get better fighting.
07:37Makes sense? Makes sense?
07:38Mr. Tyson?
07:40I don't know.
07:44I was hard on myself, fighting. Everything with fighting, my whole life with fighting,
07:49I had nothing, nothing. I had to be the best ever.
07:52And that's what I just wanted to be. I just wanted to be who I am today.
07:56That's it. Awesome. Awesome stuff.
07:59Now, obviously, for you guys, you know,
08:03Roberto, I'll just translate it real quick, was just mentioning about how it's been a fight,
08:07but a different type. You know, for developers, it's a fight against technology,
08:10always trying to be able to implement their ideas,
08:13but with the limitations of the current time, etc.
08:16And then, obviously, the history we've gone through of starting in the arcades,
08:20then the jump to consoles, and then the audience, you know, the reactions,
08:25what they feel about the game and the franchise kind of dictates our actions more than used to.
08:30For example, if everyone here was like, wow, you need to put Mike Tyson in Tekken.
08:35Our president's here today.
08:42What's his answer?
08:43For me, if I had to do it again, I'd tell my younger self, stay off Twitter, maybe.
08:50For real, though, I mean, it's kind of like what Austin Creed was saying,
08:53to kind of maybe believe in yourself a little bit more.
08:55When I first joined and I first met Rob, I was a fan just like you guys.
08:58I thought he was just like God and all the other creators in our company.
09:02And I was like, I can never be like him.
09:04You know, they're just so skilled.
09:05But when you look at them closely, you start to realize that it's just about
09:10taking that first jump and taking a leap and actually doing it again.
09:13You know, everyone starts at the same place.
09:15So it's a video game show.
09:20Well, you know, we have seen fight evolve a lot over the course of the history,
09:26as far as games goes, you know, whether it's seeing the evolution of Tekken or even in your
09:32case with some wrestling games or MMA games as well.
09:36How have you, for you Woods, how has it been the evolution of fighting from the old days
09:40of All-Star or what was it, pro wrestling on the Nintendo all the way till now?
09:45What has it been like for you to see that evolution?
09:48It's really cool to see the advances that have been made, not just in video games,
09:53but the way that I guess the quote unquote outside world sees video games.
09:57It feels like now as opposed to back in the day, people are finally starting to accept
10:01that this is a valid form of entertainment, possibly the most valid, most entertaining
10:07form of entertainment on the planet.
10:09So the fact that a game like Tekken can go from the original Tekken and everybody is
10:13on fire.
10:14They're loving it.
10:14We go to Tekken 2.
10:15Oh, this is the best thing I've ever seen.
10:17These graphics are insane.
10:18Remember those moments, you know, and now we're at Tekken 8.
10:23All of these different fighting styles that somehow this amazing group of people have
10:27put together and made this amazing game and all of us are foaming at the mouth to play
10:34Oh, it's great to see the fact that we can fill this room, you know, so the advancement
10:38in games, like I said, it's not just an advancement in video games, but an advancement in our
10:41entire video game culture.
10:43And I think Tekken has been a huge part of that.
10:46I mean, yeah, I actually wholeheartedly agree.
10:50Obviously for you two guys, you've both been in video games quite a bit in your lives.
10:56How interesting is it for you to see yourself portrayed in a video game?
11:00Because that has to be, and Chris, we'll start with you on this one.
11:03That has to be quite the feeling.
11:06It's nice to see yourself and to see what is different than when you're fighting and
11:10you blame yourself when you fight each other.
11:12You take a little bit more liberties.
11:14You punch a little bit more.
11:16Yeah, you can do some mistake there and turn again.
11:20So like you said, the technology, dude, for us at the beginning of the sport, like you
11:25may have 30 years only.
11:27So and then the technology will help you.
11:30For example, if I have an opponent now, I can study my opponent.
11:32I see where she's good, where she's not good.
11:34And then before the first day of the game, you're going to fight somebody that's good
11:38at wrestling.
11:38So you have to prepare for everything to be ready.
11:40So the technology really helps for you can get better, improve it.
11:45For sure, you get very excited the same way when you fight your hand sweats, when you
11:48play your games.
11:50You have the feeling.
11:50This is really cool.
11:51Yeah, it is.
11:52It is an awesome feeling here.
11:54And Mike, you've been in quite a few games, obviously one of my personal favorites of
11:59all time, Punch Out.
12:02I had to get in there just once, just once.
12:06But that was many years ago.
12:08That was such a turning point, I think, in games history where you'd see an individual
12:14a celebrity, an athlete be on the cover of a video game.
12:18How was that experience for you?
12:20Was it surreal?
12:21Or was it just get back to work, focus on the fight?
12:24At the time, it was too geeky for me.
12:26Oh, okay.
12:28But now, what is it now?
12:29I've never played a video game before.
12:31Okay, fair.
12:32It made me, it gave me a game.
12:34I've never played before in my life.
12:36I've played a game probably twice in my life.
12:39I like the game where you're shooting people.
12:41Not what I had expected, but I'm not mad about it.
12:46So it's fantastic.
12:48And then, obviously, you know, for you both here, Michael, as well, for our three panels
12:54over there, a particular fight that changed you in some way, or changed how you approach
13:00a fight, or, you know, just things like life in general.
13:04We'll start with you.
13:05Any moments in your career that stick out to you?
13:09Yeah, so, if you're not familiar with it, we have a match called a Hell in a Cell.
13:17So, huge cage placed over the ring.
13:20You're stuck inside.
13:20So it was a tag team match, me and one of my partners, Big E.
13:26And we're both in Kingston.
13:30Even though it's a new day.
13:31New day!
13:35So it's me and E against the Usos.
13:37And at one point, yeah, I get handcuffed, and my hands are strung up over the ring post,
13:45and the Usos are on either side of me, holding kendo sticks.
13:49And then, exactly what you think happened, happens.
13:52They destroyed my rib from kendo sticks.
13:55I still have scars all over my stomach to prove it.
13:57And that was a crucial moment in my life where I said, maybe I can start hitting people harder.
14:07So, a lot of stuff changed after that match.
14:10But it's very true.
14:11When you go through something extremely painful like that,
14:14you look at what you're doing very differently.
14:17Yeah, I cannot imagine.
14:19So, and I don't want to imagine any time soon,
14:22him viciously attacking with kendo sticks.
14:25Chris, what about for you?
14:26You know, I did my first fight in America, I didn't speak any English.
14:30And anyway, I was fighting the girl, and I saw she dropped.
14:34And I was like, okay, I win.
14:36I run to the cage, and you look, I win, I win, I won.
14:39And then, I looked at my team, you didn't go back, you didn't go back.
14:43You wanted me, I won the fight.
14:45And anyone that looked at me, free and free, and looked at me and said,
14:47no, I didn't stop, you have to stop.
14:50So, I have to take it over again in the fight.
14:52So, the fight didn't stop, but you ended it.
14:57Yeah, it didn't stop.
15:01All right, Mike?
15:02It was my second 10-round fight.
15:07The guy wasn't that great of a fighter, really.
15:10But he hit me in the stomach a couple of times, and it hurt.
15:14And I wanted to stop, but I didn't, and I won.
15:17And I was proud that I didn't stop, and I fought back,
15:20but I couldn't walk for three days on my stomach.
15:24And ever since then, just trying to avoid body shots.
15:27No, not really, but I know I can take them now.
15:31So, I'm kind of curious, how do you guys see,
15:44like, and Mike, maybe we'll start with you here.
15:46How do you see fight, or like combat, I guess, evolving over the next few years?
15:51Especially, you know, advancements in technology and stuff.
15:54I'm genuinely curious, from your perspective, having seen so much,
15:57and seen boxing evolve to the point where it's at right now.
16:01How do you see it potentially evolving, or not evolving, in the next five to 10 years?
16:06Mike, let's start with Mike and then Chris.
16:07Fighting, in all aspects now, because of technology, is safer.
16:13Fighting's safer now.
16:15Fighters have big opportunities to make more money now.
16:18We still didn't have what promoters really have had them,
16:22enslaved contracts, and they couldn't do anything outside of boxing.
16:25Left the promoters at that as well.
16:27So, boxers and fighters in general have more opportunities now.
16:31From a financial perspective, from an entrepreneurial perspective,
16:35you're able to do more now than you were before.
16:37Because before, it was just, it was typically slavery back then.
16:42From the beginning to the 80s, it was pretty much slavery.
16:46And do you see it, you know, getting better as well?
16:48I think most of the fighters are more in control of their career.
16:54They have lawyers, you know what I mean,
16:56handling their career instead of managers, you know.
16:59So, it's different now.
17:00For now, if he wants to fight and make a negotiation for a fight,
17:03he's not going to go to no damn manager.
17:04He's going to go to his lawyer.
17:06I think if you're a fighter, that's all you need.
17:09You need a trainer and a lawyer.
17:10You don't need no hang on.
17:13That's all you need now.
17:14Now, before, you needed a manager, 20 hang on guys,
17:19and this and that dirty girl, but all you need now is a trainer and a lawyer.
17:26Your life is simple, real simple.
17:29Yeah. Chris, what about for you?
17:30You know, the first, I think, is the technology
17:32helping you be connected with your fan.
17:34You know, you can be connected then.
17:36They can see you training.
17:37They can see your day.
17:38This is really nice.
17:39Then follow you up to all your camp and you wake up to the fight
17:43and they really feel connected with you.
17:44I think it's one of the things.
17:46I think it helped athletes for recovery.
17:48Like, I went to Colombia for the stem cells,
17:51hyperbaric chamber.
17:52They really helped you, long career for the fighter.
17:55And in this sport to grow, you know, technology,
17:58like the kids now, you see them training.
18:00Like I started in Muay Thai.
18:01So, and then you see before the beginner MMA,
18:04you see them fighting each other, judo against wrestling.
18:08And they're like, oh, my boxing.
18:09Look, now you see the kids training everything.
18:12Yeah. They're good at everything.
18:13Six years old.
18:14Then I think now you, Chris, we meet you.
18:16Like, no, I think this is the technology
18:18and you've really grown the sport and grown everything for better.
18:21Wow. Amazing. Amazing.
18:23Punched in the gut multiple times.
18:25Woods, viciously attacked by the Usos with kendo sticks.
18:28Hate to see it.
18:29You'll get them back one day.
18:30I believe in it, buddy.
18:32But let's talk about like perseverance and resilience
18:35and getting back into it.
18:38Has there been a time in your guys' lives
18:40where you really felt down and out?
18:42Where you felt like, and Mike,
18:43maybe we start with you on this one, if you don't mind.
18:46Where you had to pick yourself back up.
18:47You said that, you know,
18:48you kind of were really hard on yourself when you were younger.
18:50But was there a time where you were in a position
18:53where you're like, I need to turn this around
18:56and get back to where I once was?
18:58Have you ever felt like that before?
19:01I just always had a great deal of belief in myself.
19:03Even when I was down and out, I just believed in myself.
19:05I never stopped believing in myself.
19:07My ego helped a little too.
19:11I just refused to give up.
19:12I refused.
19:13I want to be up more than anybody wants me to be down.
19:15And that's why I believe I've been successful most of my life.
19:19Were you ever nervous before any of these fights?
19:21Long time.
19:22From my first one to my last one.
19:24If you're not nervous, you're not a fighter.
19:27There you heard it from Mike Tyson.
19:28There it was.
19:31And Chris, for you as well.
19:33Was there a particular time
19:34where you had to really pick yourself up?
19:37Get back into it?
19:38You know, every fight, like Mike said,
19:40you have some butterflies, apparently.
19:42Of course you do.
19:43But they don't make you sharp.
19:45They don't make you sharp in the fight.
19:47You have to be ready for any situation.
19:48And I believe, like, every fight I have a challenge,
19:52I learn something.
19:53You know, like, control your emotion.
19:55You fight yourself every day.
19:56Even the camp.
19:57Sometimes you're tired and you don't want to go.
19:59But you say, no, I need to go.
20:01I need to be ready.
20:01I need training.
20:02But every day is one battle, you know, in your mind.
20:05You have to be there.
20:06You have, even if you're tired, you're training.
20:08If I want to eat something, but I'm on diet for the fight.
20:10So it's an everyday one battle for the fight.
20:13And you just have to prepare and have faith.
20:16My faith will help me overcome every day,
20:20every step in my career.
20:22And what's, for you, my friend?
20:23A few years ago, I tore my Achilles, my left foot.
20:27And that was the point where I was sure I was going
20:30to be able to, like, walk or run again.
20:33So it got pretty down.
20:34I was in my basement for, like, two months,
20:36just, like, away from everything, you know?
20:40And I think at those points, it's really hard
20:42to kind of kick yourself back into motion.
20:45But really, like I said earlier, trying to keep your eyes
20:49on the prize and see, like, what is it that I want
20:50out of my life?
20:51And having that honest conversation with yourself,
20:53that is what helped me pick myself back up
20:55off the ground, start working again,
20:57and get to the point where I can come back to wrestling.
21:00But it's hard.
21:01None of this is easy at all.
21:03If it was easy, everybody would do it, you know?
21:05But like Mike said.
21:06Because it feels like we've seen so many different styles.
21:09Obviously, you mentioned Wing Chun, very prominent
21:12in kung fu movies.
21:13Anything that had inspired you as a kid,
21:16and also kind of, like, influenced a little bit
21:19of your style nowadays from movies in the past
21:21that had a profound impact?
21:23Yeah, so as a kid, I was obsessed
21:27with Jackie Chan's movies.
21:28I could not watch them all in my life.
21:32I was just literally obsessed.
21:33So the only thing I'll say, fight scene in this movie
21:37called Wheels on Meals is Jackie Chan versus Benny the Jet.
21:45Benny the Jet has Jackie Chan up against a table.
21:47He throws, I believe it's called a spinning roundhouse.
21:50Excuse me if I'm in the back.
21:53Jackie ducks it, but there's a sting of candles behind Jackie.
21:56And Benny swings his kick so fast
21:58that it blows out the candles.
21:59I remember seeing that as a kid
22:01and running around the house, losing my mind.
22:05And ever since then, I was just in love with it.
22:07And so seeing fight evolve in movies like it has,
22:10so movies like The Raid, movies like The Night Comes for Us,
22:14that whole crew is doing fight choreography
22:15on a different level.
22:17And so it's just, it's awesome to see.
22:18But it is really inspirational because that's the kind
22:20of stuff that all of us love.
22:21We're in this room because that's what we're into.
22:23It's dope to see it in such, in pop culture everywhere.
22:27And Chris, for you as well, any films that kind of stood out
22:31to you, or maybe even something that you were in as well?
22:33No, I was training for Seattle for my last boxing fight.
22:37And I had the opportunity to go to the Bruce Lee grave.
22:41And it was really nice.
22:42It was really inspiring me.
22:43Not just to be a movie star, but his lifestyle.
22:46You know?
22:47And it was really special for me.
22:49So I want nothing.
22:50Yeah, amazing.
22:51And for Mike, you know, I have to ask
22:54because it's one of my favorite movies of all time.
22:56I like it too.
22:57When I was younger, I got to watch this fight with my dad.
22:59Oh, yeah.
22:59Oh, yeah.
23:00Oh, yeah.
23:01Oh, yeah.
23:03It Man 3.
23:07When you were squaring it up with Donnie Yen,
23:09how was that experience like?
23:11Did you feel like you learned anything from it?
23:14Even after all these years?
23:15Or did you just give it your best?
23:17I was having a good experience.
23:19I'm a great fan of the Shaw Brothers.
23:21You know, they jump 100 feet in the air and fly.
23:24So I was living my fantasy.
23:26I was having my best life, yeah.
23:28And what was that?
23:30I guess, you know, even for yourself,
23:32are there any inspirations in film that, you know,
23:35kind of influenced you even in that movie?
23:36Well, all the Shaw Brothers.
23:38All the Shaw Brothers.
23:39All of that.
23:39They jump 100 feet in the air.
23:41And sometimes they can go in your gut
23:44and pull your guts out.
23:47Sometimes they got the iron skin
23:48where you can't penetrate the skin
23:50with swords or bats or axes.
23:52Yeah, I make that kind of stuff.
23:54I make that stuff.
23:56The five deadly venom.
23:58That's another one.
23:59I've learned a lot about you today.
24:00I'm actually quite...
24:04Now, you know, I guess for Bharat Hassan
24:07as well as Michael,
24:10you know, how have you guys taken Tekken
24:12and molded it into something that is easy?
24:15You guys get into this, obviously,
24:17for not just for the money,
24:20but it's also for the glory,
24:21for the opportunity, for the...
24:22To, in some cases, even the adoration.
24:25I'm really curious about the best moment
24:29that you've had in your career.
24:31And Michael, we'll start with you if you don't mind.
24:34Best moment that you can think of
24:36that really like encapsulated your career
24:38and really just made you feel like,
24:41yeah, I did that.
24:42I achieved this.
24:44I don't know.
24:44Maybe when I unified the title the first time.
24:46I was young, like my 20s.
24:48Yeah, that was big for me back then.
24:51Does it like still stay in the back of your mind
24:54until this day?
24:55Like that moment?
24:56Not at all.
24:56Not at all.
24:59Not at all, bitch.
25:01That's fair.
25:01You've had a lot of great moments,
25:02so I kind of get it, right?
25:04What about for you, Chris?
25:05Any moments that stick out for you?
25:08When I started the sport,
25:10is we don't have a lot of girls, you know?
25:12I have very, very few girls.
25:14And when I started, I was thinking like this.
25:16I want to fight,
25:19not just people say,
25:20it's a girls fight.
25:21They don't care.
25:22I say, no, I want to fight like guys fight.
25:24So when I started doing violent fights
25:27and people liked my fight,
25:28everybody said, man, she like fight like a man.
25:31It made me happy because
25:33really get open the door for a lot of girls, you know?
25:36And then be here and there in the sport
25:38to see how many girls started now in the sport.
25:41Make me really happy when you see the girls
25:43and you continue the sport, you know?
25:45And because I didn't just fight for myself.
25:48I fight for girls.
25:49When I started, I don't have my division.
25:50And then they started bringing up my division.
25:53Now I have a lot of girls fight.
25:54Be an example for all the girls
25:56and motivate for them.
25:57This is make my day every day
25:59when I see young girls say,
26:00I watch your fight on Gina Carano
26:02and they start training.
26:04And it's really, really make my heart really happy.
26:07That's awesome, man.
26:07I'm sure, honey, we thank you so much for taking the way.
26:09What about you, my man?
26:15Um, probably the first time
26:19that we won the tag team titles.
26:22It solidified a moment in time for us
26:26because so many people told us
26:28what we were doing wasn't going to work.
26:30It wasn't going to be anything
26:31that the crowd caught onto.
26:32It wasn't going to be anything that had any legs.
26:34And so winning the tag team titles
26:37in that arena that used to completely boo us.
26:39They would say New Day sucks forever.
26:42Things started to change and they said New Day rocks.
26:44And everybody kind of accepted us.
26:46And that's when, in my soul,
26:49it solidified, like, we made the right choice.
26:51Did you see how the first slide was?
27:14Just real quick.
27:19First, there's a plug.
27:20Eight o'clock tonight,
27:22there's going to be a premiere of Sand Land.
27:24It's a movie by Akira Toriyama,
27:27famous from the Dragon Ball series.
27:29So please remember this place.
27:30Come back at eight and check it out.
27:45So this is, as you see on the slide,
27:59this is Raiden, Tamaemon.
28:04So as a side note,
28:05he was also mentioning this Progresso
28:07was the model for Gundam as well.
28:09But in this game that you're seeing on the slide,
28:11it's being developed by some people
28:14that he worked with that have some dirt on them.
28:17So he has to kind of present this for you guys today.
28:21So please check this out.
28:28And don't forget, 8 p.m. for Sand Land as well.
28:31What a guy.
28:32What a guy.
28:33Well, folks, that is basically gonna do it for us here.
28:37You guys, thank you all for coming out.
28:40This was just one opportunity
28:41to do something interesting
28:43and obviously one thing to do on time.
28:44I was very glad to get to play with Chris Hauber
28:47and of course, Iron Mike.
28:49Thanks, guys.
28:50We've been having some pleasure.
28:54Stick around and don't forget,
28:55Sand Land, eight o'clock.
28:56I got some money.
28:56All right.
28:57See you guys later.
28:58Take care.
29:01No question.
29:02Please return to your seats for photographs.
29:11Iron Mike, we love you.
29:14Thank you, man.
29:15That was incredible, Mike.
29:162,000 people cheering.
29:18Do you like it?
29:18I always like it, yeah.
29:22Chris did great.
29:22I do not like it.
29:24You stole the show.
29:24Chris did great.
29:25Everyone did great.
29:30You guys did great.
29:32That was very good.
29:33So now we just got to get Mike and Chris in the game
29:35and I think we're good.
29:57I'm Ely Sekbeck.
29:58Ely Sekbeck reporting for esnewsreporting.com.
30:02I'm Ely Sekbeck reporting.
30:04I'm Ely Sekbeck reporting.
