DO THIS NOW! **By February 26th, 2025 Amazon will discontinue support of the "Download & Transfer via USB" option** for its Kindle purchased e-books. This will remove your ability to download & backup your Kindle library, and it purposely makes it nearly impossible to move your library to another ecosystem if you so choose in the future.
Links: Kobo Libra Colour (My Top Pick for E-Reader β’ Has physical page turn buttons, comes in white, better color display):
Kobo Clara Colour (closest to colorsoft but better)
Download Calibre here:
Download the DeDRM plugin here:
Go to Amazon - My Orders dropdown - Your Content - Books - More Options
or try clicking here (Amazon US)
AEMBR (my brand of luxury non-toxic candles & laundry care) π―
This video is not sponsored. * (./) .
Links: Kobo Libra Colour (My Top Pick for E-Reader β’ Has physical page turn buttons, comes in white, better color display):
Kobo Clara Colour (closest to colorsoft but better)
Download Calibre here:
Download the DeDRM plugin here:
Go to Amazon - My Orders dropdown - Your Content - Books - More Options
or try clicking here (Amazon US)
AEMBR (my brand of luxury non-toxic candles & laundry care) π―
This video is not sponsored. * (./) .
00:00Probably should result in a class-action lawsuit against Amazon
00:14We need to talk I truly did not think that I was gonna be filming a video today as you can probably tell from
00:19The sound of my voice. I am NOT feeling
00:23100% today. I have been getting through two back-to-back colds. So you'll have to pardon the like nasally
00:29Sound of my voice, but this is really important
00:32And this is something that I just discovered and I think it is important that we spread this message because I think this
00:39could and should
00:41Honestly, not that I'm a fan of litigation in general, but probably should result in a class-action lawsuit against Amazon
00:49Let me explain. I just found out today that you have until February 26th
00:55Which at the time of filming today is February 17th, which means you have 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 days
01:04From the time of me filming this or whenever you're watching this god forbid. It's past February 26
01:10Check your phone to download to have the ability to back up any book that you have bought
01:17Any ebook that you have bought on
01:21Let me explain this is probably a feature that you did not know existed and
01:27If you didn't that's okay
01:28But today's the day you're gonna learn about it because you need to Amazon has always
01:34Historically allowed you to download the books that you bought from the Kindle store
01:40to your computer a lot of people like to use utilize this method for being able to
01:47Back up the copies of the books that you have purchased
01:51Because the cloud is the cloud and as we know
01:54Amazon has always adopted a very very tight and
02:00restrictive policy
02:02When it comes to ownership of your Kindle books, here's where I think this is a problem
02:07Historically you have been able to download the books that you have legally purchased with your own hard-earned money
02:13That yes, you can one-click send to your Kindle you can one-click read on your iPad or iPhone using the Kindle app
02:20No problem
02:21You're also able to push or send to Kindle
02:25Books that you've purchased elsewhere or PDFs that you want to read or things like that. That is not changing
02:32What is changing? However is the ability to download?
02:37The books that you have purchased from your desktop computer
02:41And if you didn't know this you have a section on your Amazon account that says manage your content
02:47So this is your digital library your footprint what you have historically purchased not Kindle unlimited
02:53Nothing like that. No samples of books. Nothing like that books. You have outright purchased for the list price or whatever
03:01you are able to legally download and
03:05Transfer to another Kindle via USB
03:07now where this comes into play and why I think Amazon is getting rid of this is because
03:13historically what people like I have recently done and I think Amazon is is
03:18aware of this and I'll get more into that in a second is that you can
03:23Take your legally purchased books and remove the DRM
03:27Which is that digital rights management that thing that locks it to only being able to be read by an Amazon device
03:34Kindle device and you can put it on another e-reader. This is what I did
03:39I'm not gonna get into the legality of this, but I bought these books with my own hard-earned money and
03:45I have switched to the Kobo. I switched to the Kobo ecosystem in December 2024 and I have not looked back
03:52We will get into that and we will also get into why I think Amazon is doing this
03:57What you can do is remove that DRM
04:00from your Kindle and
04:02You can basically make it unlocked into what is called an EPUB format. This is the
04:08Universal standard for ebooks. It's called EPUB. It has the covers
04:13It has all of the features of a Kindle book. It is probably more features than a Kindle book and
04:20It is not digitally rights protected meaning you can transfer it from computer to computer
04:25You can put it on your Kobo. You can move all of your Kobo books on to another e-reader
04:30There's nothing locking you to a particular device or in this case a particular brand
04:36So Jeff Bezos doesn't want you to do this
04:39He doesn't want you to move your your purchases that you purchase outright. You bought a book. Let me compare it to this
04:46It's like buying a paperback book and Jeff Bezos saying you bought this from
04:54You can't take this to the library. You can't give that to your friend to read to borrow
04:58You can't take this out of the country. You can't
05:03Read this outside of your own home because that's where you purchase it and that's where we want you to keep it
05:07Sorry, it doesn't matter that you bought the whole book with your own money
05:11Because you bought it from us. We don't there's certain there's certain places. We don't want you to read that book
05:16Can you imagine?
05:19This is what they're trying to do
05:21You bought a book with your own hard-earned money and now they want to tell you you cannot
05:26Take this book and this is they've always had DRM on the Kindle books the Kindle books come in their own format
05:33You know that when you purchase it, yes
05:35But there are ways to remove the DRM by inputting in there's I'm not gonna go into that
05:40but there's a way that you could put in to show to prove that you purchased it legally and that you have a Kindle by
05:45putting your Kindle serial number in and
05:48There are tools that will remove the DRM for you
05:51If you're familiar with the Kobo ecosystem or if you've ever moved from Kindle to Kobo
05:55Which is much easier than you than it than you think
05:58Let me know if you want a whole video on that then
06:00You know that this this is your book and you are just removing the the Bezos if I'd you know password on it
06:08So that you can use it how you free, you know how you want to okay?
06:12I'm not gonna get into the legality of that because I'm not a lawyer
06:14But I do know that I believe if you purchased a book with your hard-earned money
06:19You should be able to read it. However, you like and wherever you want to so here's where I think it gets interesting
06:24I think this all started with the downfall of the
06:29monstrosity of a PR just
06:32Nightmare that was the Kindle color soft release if you didn't hear about this
06:38I covered this a lot on my Instagram
06:40But the Kindle color soft released and then rapidly myself included having pre-ordered that Kindle color soft
06:47Which is their color new color Kindle and they've never had before got it realized there was a yellow tinge to the bottom of the
06:54Screen. I thought it was a defect sent it back got a replacement same thing
07:00Held on to that because we were told for a month or so that they would be fixing this via a software update or something
07:06Like that and that they would reach out to us whenever these issues had been
07:10Resolved. Well as it turns out they didn't resolve it
07:13They held shipments for three months and then they recently started shipping them again
07:18Except people who have kept their original color soft and got a replacement
07:22Especially like reviewers tech reviewers big notable websites that cover tech releases
07:28Noticed and took pictures of the screens that it looks like the color soft
07:32All they did was tweak the color soft display to be warmer than it originally was
07:37So they just made the whole thing yellow
07:39But the but the yellow strip is still there and they just tried to make it less noticeable by making the overall warmth of the screen
07:47Warmer, okay that
07:50Notwithstanding it has been a disaster
07:53For Amazon because if someone like me who is so fully invested by the thousands of dollars
08:01Into the eat the Kindle ecosystem. These are all Kindles and these are just my most recent Kindle purchases if
08:09Someone like me
08:11Can jump ship from Amazon Kindles ecosystem and go to the Kobo?
08:16This is a problem because no one was more loyal to the Kindle than I was I told you guys
08:21Kindle is the best. We love the Kindle Kindle is
08:25Life, it's amazing. It's so easy. So user-friendly. They just do it really well and they they typically have done but
08:33What they have done now is shot themself in the foot and they've lost a loyal customer not only in me but in
08:40thousands of people go take a search on YouTube and search for
08:45switch from Kindle to Kobo because they are popping up on the daily and
08:51They're all people like me who are avid bookish readers who spend
08:56Hundreds of dollars a month on books and they're all jumping ship and moving to the Kobo or other
09:03ecosystem why I think because
09:05Kindle botched the color soft launch then botched the response to it didn't take ownership of what was happening and
09:13now they've noticed how
09:15Many people are no longer buying Kindle books because they're buying them in the Kobo ecosystem or elsewhere or they're doing things like
09:24you know borrowing them from the library, which you can do with Kobo and they've noticed and
09:30So now as of today, what what what is just no announcement? No fanfare. No heads up
09:37No warning
09:38Just if you happen to log into your manage your content
09:41You will notice a banner that pops up that says hey you have until February 26 to be able to download these books
09:48Now they're saying you'll always be able to send them to your Kindles
09:51You'll always be able to like just like push them to your Kindles download them to your Kindles over the air
09:57But what you can't do is download them to your computer
10:00Which is the way that you have to do it in order to transfer it to another?
10:06Ecosystem does that's I do you smell a rat? I smell a rat. I smell some funny business going on
10:12I think they know this I think they have looked at the numbers and seen that
10:16That Amazon is losing millions of dollars from customers since the Kindle color soft launch
10:23Because it was botched so terribly people are
10:27Getting wise to this and then they are realizing how much better like myself included how much better the Kobo is or any other?
10:35It's like a cult. It's like once you're out you realize what you've been missing and it's so so so much better
10:41It's you feel like it's so insurmountable getting out
10:45but it is actually easier than it appears and
10:49It's completely
10:51Okay to do that and not only I have been able to purchase and read and download for free
10:57Using like overdrive Libby my local public library
11:02hundreds of books
11:04Hundreds of books per month. It's amazing. I absolutely love it. It is so easy
11:10It's literally as easy as dragging a file from your computer into a folder like you know
11:17How like you take something you're gonna drag something to a USB drive that's on your Mac
11:21You just like click and drag it's that easy. I now manage my entire catalog of books
11:27I can put my ratings on there. I can look at my annotations. I can organize sort everything
11:33Visually using an app called
11:36Calibre or Calibre I I call it Calibre even though it probably should be Calibre because there's like a Libra reference in there like
11:43Books, but Calibre is so awesome
11:46I love being able to update the covers of books download the metadata connected to Goodreads
11:52there's so many plugins that are available and
11:55this is what I used to root to download my books legally from the Amazon content library and
12:01Be able to convert them in a format that the Kobo can read and I literally did I think I did the whole
12:07Migration in less than 40 minutes while I was waiting for my Kobo to arrive. I just did all of that
12:14Amazon does not make it easy to download the books. You can't just like select all and download them
12:18You have to go book by book
12:20you need to select your Kindle like select the same Kindle that you plan on moving it to and
12:26So whatever it is like Christina's second Kindle or my case Christina's 26 Kindle
12:32And you want to select the same one every time because that's the one whose serial number you're gonna use
12:36You grab the serial number you figure it out
12:39I'm not gonna go into it because there are other YouTube videos that will show you how to do this very easily and
12:44I will link some of those down below as well those channels those those videos that helped me figure this out and
12:50Allowed me to do this in less than 40 minutes
12:52So I was ready before my Kobo even came point being this is something that you need to do
12:57Even if you don't plan to make the switch I would put a pause on
13:02downloading on purchasing
13:05purchasing any
13:06Kindle books at the moment and then I would go if I were you I would just go through and make up backup copy by
13:13downloading these books
13:15remember which Kindle you're assigning it to when you download and
13:19Make a backup copy of all the books you've ever purchased on Amazon because this is something that will be going away
13:26Imminently in just a few days and you will lose the ability to do this
13:30I would also stop purchasing books on Amazon
13:33Like I mentioned and I would explore looking at different e-reader options moving forward. I would suggest
13:42Selling your Kindle on Poshmark or something because this is I plan on doing that
13:46I have absolutely no use for the Kindle ecosystem anymore. I am done. I am an Amazon user. I love Amazon
13:53I have nothing against Amazon. I'm not one of those like anti Jeff Bezos people like who just like hates it or whatever. I
13:59I am an Amazon customer. I love Amazon. I've been using Amazon since 2003
14:03I am now anti Kindle because I just think that what they're doing is
14:10Way too much oversight. I think it takes away the benefit of the freedom of the customer
14:16and and you know the music industry did this a long time ago and they faced a lot of backlash and
14:21They lost so many billions of dollars in revenue
14:26Because remember where there was a period where they were clamping down on digital rights management
14:31DRM they they just
14:33You were not able to move
14:35you could only have your song on three devices at one time or five devices and
14:40It failed that approach failed and they need to understand that that's what's now happening to books and Amazon
14:46You don't get to tell me. Here's what I don't like. Here's what I don't like if you said to me you can
14:53Here's what here's if I were them. Here's what I would do to to mitigate my liability here. I would say as of
15:01February 26 any books purchased after this date will not be able to be downloaded by USB
15:08okay, so I would have it so you can't just sit there and say all the books you've purchased over the last 20-25 years
15:16You don't get you don't get to download anymore. You don't own them
15:19You don't you don't have any ability to back those up
15:22You don't if we update them or if we delete them from our catalog, there's nothing you could do about it
15:28No, that's not what my rights as a consumer were when I purchased that book
15:33I if I were them I would say moving forward. Here's a notice
15:37Put it on every Kindle product page put Kindle book product page by purchasing this book you acknowledge
15:44You will not be able to download this book via USB and transfer it to another Kindle via USB
15:50Because that's what it's for. It's to be able to transfer via USB to another Kindle, right?
15:54But technically you can you own the book technically you can download it and then whatever you do with that
16:01Information do what you will
16:03Amazon can't stop you, but they're trying to stop you
16:05so I just I'm gonna make I'm gonna cut this short because this is just what I want to give you a quick heads-up video
16:10I will be making more content about this as we get closer to the deadline
16:15I just think it's really really really important and I'm so fired up about this because I think that I personally think this is
16:21illegal, I think that this is a a
16:25Consumer rights problem and if I were a lawyer, I would be smelling
16:31The cash right now with a class-action lawsuit and if I were Amazon
16:36I would think twice about what that what they're planning on doing and
16:41If I were them, I would just say make a deadline
16:45Books purchased after this date you fully acknowledge that you are not gonna be able to download via USB
16:50But you can still download all the ones that you purchased in good faith that we did allow you to download and back up, right?
16:57But anything moving forward will not be able to okay fine
17:01Now I'm an educated consumer and I know that I'm not gonna be buying Kindle books moving forward
17:05But I should still have and retain access and and don't hide it in a little notice
17:10And nobody checks and nobody goes to like put it everywhere on your first login
17:16There should be a pop-up that says hey heads up
17:19You might want to go to your manager content and no none of that just a little if you happen to check it
17:26thank God people did because I received a notification from
17:30another YouTube channel and I will link his video down below and
17:34That was just like on my for you kind of page if I didn't see that I wouldn't have known
17:39So I think you just go to go. I'm gonna give you the link
17:44To the plate that I'm gonna show you what to click through to get there and you need to go to start downloading
17:50All of your books. I'm just telling you just do it. We can get into the house
17:54What's wise and how you get those over to other devices if you show choose?
17:59but for now
18:00While you have the ability, please go download your books and back them up and make sure you share this video to anybody
18:06You know that has a Kindle or reads
18:09Books on their Kindle or Kindle app because this affects everybody not just Kindle device owners
18:15This is anybody who reads Kindle books on their iPad on their fire tablet on their phone
18:21It affects you all so you have been warned make sure you share this video with a friend comment down below what you think about
18:27this situation and
18:30Prepare to be sick of me because I'm gonna be making a lot more videos about this. I'll see you very very soon