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00:00What is the connection between remote viewing and UAP that is being spoken about right now?
00:05Jake Barber has described what he refers to as psionics in the military who have basically,
00:13they have the capability of summoning or inviting UAP to appear and then they have interactions.
00:20Has there always been this connection between remote viewing and UFO phenomena or is this
00:26something that we're seeing more recently? No, there's definitely always been a connection and
00:31to be honest, it probably goes back way beyond that as well because you can see many stories
00:38going back to the 50s, 60s and maybe even the 40s and earlier of psychics that have what we call
00:46channeled conversations or they have communications in some other psychic format with what we call
00:53non-physical beings or non-human kind of entities. We can't prove these beings exist at this
01:00state in our science technology but that kind of stuff goes back way before modern
01:08remote viewing really and even the modern wave of UAPs I'd say, the earliest stages of
01:15people talking to non-human entities and non-physicals I think goes back to something like 1890 that we
01:20have on record. So it's been, it's always been there but generally in the background but those
01:25within remote viewing and who practice remote viewing know that even from the early days of
01:30the early 70s at SRI, they started encountering potentially looking at UAP type craft and
01:40non-human life forms but using remote viewing which is slightly different than the classical
01:47techniques in that all remote viewing is done within a set of rules or protocols that try to
01:52keep it more scientific and testable. So under those circumstances yeah from the early days of
01:591972 onwards there was this UAP kind of crossover with everything that was doing with remote viewing
02:06and you know it also, we have to bear in mind as well that one of the people that is at the core of
02:11UAP disclosure, Harold Puthoff was also you know the person that started the remote viewing program
02:19in the 70s and he saw all the way to through to 1985 when he left the program for looking at
02:26zero point energy. So there's always been that connection from him as well. Yeah so it's a complex
02:32you know it's a complex answer there I have to give you on this. Remote viewing has always been
02:37entwined with it but then again all psychic kind of connections had a non-human, non-physical
02:44life form communication thing going on there way before remote viewing was invented. There are
02:49numerous declassified documents that are readily available with a quick google search you can
02:54access from the 80s and 90s disclosing programs that you know the government spent lots of money
03:01on and they wouldn't have done that for no reason. Why do you think this hasn't been
03:07more widely spoken about in the public discourse over the years? It's a strange one isn't it? I
03:12mean for me it's you know it's common knowledge and everyone I know but I guess that's because
03:17we're really into the remote viewing side. I don't know how to answer that really other than
03:22there seems to be a strong effort by people out there all at all parts of our society
03:32to try to keep the knowledge and the use of intuition and paranormal abilities
03:40at bay and at a minimum really. So I really do think it's been swamped. For example you know
03:47Google right now if I try to do a search for remote viewing on Google none of what I would
03:54call the most comprehensive, the most credible websites with the most information come up in
04:00the first 10 pages of Google. You know it is almost like it's been blacklisted but we can't
04:04prove it's been blacklisted as a topic. But yeah I really don't know why the public hasn't caught
04:12on till now. As you said you know the documents right there there's 110,000 pages of CIA Stargate
04:20information out there you know and that was when the CIA worked from 1972 to 1995 on it you know
04:2723 years to the tune of something like 24 million dollars over those 23 plus years you know and
04:35that's not a lot a million dollars a year but you know it's a substantial program and we know that
04:40wouldn't have been continued year after year if they didn't meet the requirements of all the
04:46congressional and scientific oversight committees because they have those each year you see and you
04:51could see that in the documentation each year to get the funding for the following year they had
04:55to prove that they were actually getting results and they managed to do that for a continuous 23
04:59years. So after all this time what do we know about what they were up to and what they what
05:04they achieved? How much do we actually know about Project Stargate? Yeah some of it's still hidden
05:08some of it I don't think would ever reach the light of day in fact you know there are rumors
05:13that a lot of the documentation was even shredded at one point but we know that you know they had
05:19an active program there was this what we call a code war between the Russians doing this kind of
05:23stuff the Chinese doing this kind of stuff and the Americans doing it as well. Each country had their
05:29own programs and we know that you know Stargate it meant we went under many names before I think
05:34there were around about six to seven names for the programs and it changed like every three or
05:38four years. It was you know had very good results the the official close of it with the CIA come up
05:45with a contrived report you know there was no evidence of it being of any intel use but you
05:51only have to do a deep dive into the 110,000 pages to find numerous reports from the CIA, the DIA,
05:58the NSA and even drug agencies that were using remote viewers to look for drugs on you know on
06:04ships that were being brought in and stuff. They were getting accurate and very actionable intel
06:09for for decades you know so it does work but yeah why hasn't been more known I really don't
06:16know to this day. I mean it's getting there now with the with all this disclosure and psionics
06:21and stuff. So something else that Jake Barber mentioned in a recent interview and I'm going
06:25to keep coming back to him because I have a lot of questions about and he's being spoken about a lot
06:29right now but it was different methods this was during his interview with Jesse Michaels. He
06:35described various methods for psychics to get into the remote viewing state which is something that
06:41I hadn't heard before and I thought I thought it was interesting I'd like to get your opinion on it
06:45there's the through meditation I mean this is the most typical one that you would hear about but he
06:51said it can also be stress induced. You can put your body through a stress response to get into
06:58the this the frame of mind that you can achieve remote viewing or it can be chemically induced
07:03with drugs. How can like what comments do you have on that? Are you familiar with these practices?
07:10I'm not if I'm not familiar with stress induced remote viewings get you into the state
07:16they did lots of research for this during the you know the Stargate early years
07:22and generally they use meditation you know because they sent people on courses to the
07:26Monroe Institute where they use gateway tapes you know which plays different you know binaural
07:31beats and different frequencies to try and get you into altered you know altered states alpha
07:36theta delta I can't remember which one to be honest. So a lot of people use those
07:42general basic meditation techniques they absolutely work as well many of us use those
07:47within the remote viewing field. I haven't heard the forced stress I guess that could work
07:52but the problem is remote viewing as a process is so subtle that even the smallest thing like
08:00and I would have thought the stress inducement of it I would have thought that to be honest
08:05from my experience that would hinder remote viewing more than help it. For example if I you
08:10know I literally only have to have an argument with someone by email or you know me and my wife
08:14have a bad word with each other an hour before I'm doing remote viewing and then that sits heavy in
08:20my head you know because I'm constantly churning over so that would have a negative effect on me
08:24remote viewing so I don't know how they would get better results by inducing stress. All the
08:31research I've seen so far shows that reducing stress and eliminating stress makes you a better
08:37remote viewer but as I said anything can it's so subtle as a process anything can affect removing
08:43we even think that maybe even sunspots or geomagnetic storms you know all kinds of things
08:50like where you know maybe even solar activity or where the moon phases are there's evidence to
08:54support that even those could even affect you know the quality of a remote viewing on a on a
08:59room if you're on in any given day to be honest. Then there was also the the question of chemically
09:05induced like using using drugs which kind of relates to psychedelic experiences I guess
09:11different psilocybin or LSD type drugs how do those affect a remote viewing experience
09:19to your knowledge? I don't have a huge amount of experience on that other than you know I've done a
09:22couple of rv sessions pretty drunk on tequila and vodka and I've had really good remote viewing
09:28sessions of those because they have you know they have kind of relaxed me and gotten me because
09:33essentially what you're doing with remote viewing is you're trying to get rid of the day-to-day
09:36noise so you can concentrate and hone in on the as I said the very subtle signals that come that
09:42bubble up for your your consciousness. I do know a lot of people that do uh you know smoke marijuana
09:48and have tried other stuff and they they've also said that they've had really good uh psychic and
09:52remote viewing experiences off that as well so I would have thought that they would work but you
09:57know as with everything in life we're all individuals so you know what works for one person
10:01might not work for the next person next to them so you would have to find what were you know what
10:05was your kryptonite or what was your you know your your spinach kind of thing from Popeye days.
