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Druski visits WIRED to offer up answers to his most googled questions. How did Druski get his name? Why did Druski get added to 2K? How did Druski and Jack Harlow meet? Who won season 1 of Druski’s Coulda Been House? Answers to these questions and many more await on the WIRED Autocomplete Interview with Druski.

New episodes of Coulda Been Love are available Thursdays at 9pm ET on Druski's YouTube Channel.

Director: Justin Wolfson
Director of Photography: Javier McIntosh
Editor: Cory Stevens
Talent: Druski
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Brandon White
Production Manager: Peter Brunette
Production Coordinator: Rhyan Lark
Talent Booker: Mica Medoff
Camera Operator: Marcus Zimmerman
Gaffer: Justin Wyatt
Sound Mixer: Bubba MacDonald
Production Assistant: Eric McIntosh
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Rachel Kim
Supervising Editor: Christina Mankellow
Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds


00:00I'm Drewski, and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview.
00:03I am fashionable.
00:07I'm very demure.
00:14Why is Drewski in 2K? What are you guys saying? I'm not an athlete? Huh? Is that what it is?
00:20All right, I get it. I'm in 2K because I can play basketball.
00:25It's pretty obvious. Look at my build.
00:29Why is Drewski on the news?
00:32I'm a smart guy. I'm sorry, man, but a lot of people think comedians are dumb.
00:38We're not. We're smart people.
00:40Yes, I was on MSNBC. I've also been on amongst other news channels as well.
00:46They ask me about serious topics all the time.
00:49Why is Drewski so funny?
00:51Hey, man, we ain't all born with this shit, but some of us is, so you get it.
01:04Why does Drewski wear ski goggles? That phase is over for me.
01:08You guys can stop Googling that bullshit. I'm done wearing ski goggles.
01:12You guys have bullied me into forgetting about even ever fucking doing that again.
01:18All right.
01:20How did Drewski get his name?
01:22A friend in middle school started to call me Drewski, which was inspired by a show called College Hill at the time.
01:30Yeah, if you've seen College Hill, it's like a black show.
01:33So for all the white people in here, you guys probably definitely have never seen College Hill.
01:38Well, the one where the guy's name was Drewski, at least.
01:41How did Drewski meet Willie?
01:44That's a great white question.
01:47Willie is a interesting guy from the boonies of Alabama.
01:55He naturally was a funny guy on the Internet.
01:57He always made funny videos, and I reached out to him, and we linked up.
02:02And it naturally was probably the best situation I've ever gotten myself into.
02:08So if you've seen any of the videos, look at them.
02:10Bubba Joe Roll Tide Willie videos.
02:13How did Drewski and Jack Harlow meet?
02:16One of us DM'd each other.
02:18We figured out that we were both fans of each other.
02:23He had music that I enjoyed at the time.
02:26Of course, he enjoyed my comedy at the time.
02:28And I think naturally, we just clicked, man.
02:31And then I asked him, I was like, yo, where do you stay?
02:33He said, I stay in Atlanta.
02:34And sent the address, and it was like two minutes down the street.
02:37So match made in heaven.
02:42How does Drewski come up with skits?
02:45I'd probably say just living life and just being around funny shit.
02:50Always surrounding myself with funny people.
02:53I grew up around a funny family.
02:55Yeah, I just, for some reason, the world always involves me in funny scenarios.
03:00So that's how I come up with material.
03:02And it just never ends.
03:04So, yeah.
03:06All right.
03:09Who is Drewski door-dash girl?
03:13Who's asking these questions, man?
03:15Is it kids?
03:16Is kids on this, doing this?
03:18What is this?
03:19Who's the door-dash girl from what?
03:23These kids got to get off the internet, man.
03:25It's getting weird.
03:27Who won Drewski could-have-been-house?
03:29One of my favorite artists at the label did.
03:30Ugliest rapper alive.
03:32He won could-have-been-house, and we ended up getting the dental plan going for him.
03:35We fixed his teeth.
03:36So he's on the up and come, up and line, man.
03:38Go check him out.
03:39Ugliest rapper alive.
03:41He's a great guy.
03:42He's a great guy.
03:43And he's very motivated, and we just wanted a reason to be able to fix his teeth.
03:49So we gave him the money.
03:50That's point blank period.
03:52All right, guys.
03:54What do you mean by that Drewski?
03:57Is it definitely kids on the internet?
03:59Guys, get the fuck off TikTok, kids.
04:03It's getting weird.
04:05What is Drewski's favorite comedy skit?
04:09I think any one of my skits where I can really get into character.
04:15It's an indescribable feeling.
04:17It's like a goosebump feeling you get when you're in character, and you know, all right, this is good.
04:25So there's no particular one, but sometimes you get that feeling.
04:29You don't always get it.
04:30But if you play a certain character, the improv actors and the actors of the world know what
04:34I'm talking about.
04:35You get it.
04:36And if you don't, it just might not be your call.
04:39Put it down, buddy.
04:40It's just not.
04:41Next one.
04:43All right.
04:44Drewski standing on business.
04:46You're damn right.
04:48And as always, I have.
04:49I actually appreciate you Googling that, man.
04:51Not sure why you did it, but you were right about that statement.
04:55It wasn't a question, I'll tell you that.
04:57Drewski Kevin Hart casting that movie is on the way.
05:03We are in the works, man.
05:04And I'm super excited.
05:06Always looked up to Kevin Hart.
05:08Loved Kai Sinat's work from the jump.
05:11Became friends with these two guys, man.
05:13And we've made a dope trio.
05:15And I'm super excited for what we have in store.
05:17Drewski Hummer parked outside.
05:23Yeah, these are definitely kids typing this stuff.
05:26But yes, I have a camel Hummer with bullhorns on the front.
05:30If you haven't seen it yet, you should check it out.
05:32Drewski fits.
05:33Why, yes, I am fit.
05:35I'm a bit in shape.
05:37So right about that, man.
05:39I've been going to the gym lately.
05:41Fits can also mean fashionable.
05:43Oh, I thought they was asking.
05:46OK, it makes sense.
05:48I am fashionable.
05:50I'm very demure.
05:51I think I've always had a fashionable sense in my own world.
05:56Since growing up, I always got in trouble for wearing, you know, open-toe sandals and stuff back when I was in elementary and middle school.
06:04And it just carried on throughout life, man.
06:06And but yeah, this applies for both.
06:08I think I'm fit in shape and I can dress.
06:11So it's a long one.
06:16Does Drewski actually have a record label?
06:19And if you don't know about it, get to searching, buddy.
06:21We're actually number one.
06:22And that's just because we're upfront and honest with our artists.
06:25We let them know when stuff sucks.
06:26We let them know when it's good.
06:28Majority of the time, many of our artists, their music sucks.
06:30But we up the entertainment value.
06:32That's what it is.
06:33The entertainment value.
06:35Drewski dancing Kai Sinat.
06:38Guys, it's not making much sense.
06:42Yes, I can dance.
06:44And I do have a dance right now that is pretty everywhere that people enjoy.
06:49So I don't know what the kids are watching these days, man.
06:52Drewski falling.
06:54Well, that's typical.
06:55There's a lot of stuff out there of me falling.
06:57I actually fell on stage on my first tour.
07:03I fell on stage on some steps.
07:06I'm still mad at that guy for setting up a stage like that.
07:09Yeah, it was actually a pretty bad injury.
07:10I came on stage the next night in a wheelchair.
07:13And then following those performances, I was in a boot.
07:16I pushed through, though, man.
07:17That's what it's about. Consistency, man.
07:18It's all about consistency.
07:20Drewski getting roasted.
07:22It's been happening my whole life, man.
07:24It's only a matter of time.
07:25You get roasted, then you become the king of that shit.
07:29Kids, hang in there.
07:33Your time's coming.
07:35But it gets bad first.
07:36It all gets bad first, man.
07:38And then you gradually, as it goes on, man, life gets better.
07:42I have no idea what that came from from roasted, but fuck it.
07:47I appreciated this.
07:48This was great, honestly.
07:50I loved all your Google-able questions and statements.
07:53That was really good.
07:55A bit pointless, but good nonetheless.
