• yesterday
00:00that's subjective actually art is subjective beauty is subjective beauty is in the eye of the beholder
00:07any more allegories for beauty that you can think of but you can see it right and now you can
00:14yeah that seems like a private affair we shouldn't be watching this exactly but
00:18they broke that wall yep okay a special planner or how it's called what is this
00:27i don't want to say protect protractor i don't think it's a protractor
00:30i think there's another word but i'm just i'm blanking on it
00:46here we go that's pretty neat that's a very nice clean little uh little stand there yeah
00:53all right some isolation for the tube i guess so we're gonna fix the uh yeah get the right
01:00angle there there's still a little hole in it though so it's not perfect come on guys
01:05you got work to do but it's still there all right okay so that you can adjust
01:14while it's still protected very good
01:15unless there's a burst in that specific area and then you then you're screwed
01:24okay nice little carpet thing get the angle right
01:27boom that's satisfying and now you have empty carpet on the other side
01:36are you if it's not on the screen it didn't happen
01:39okay oh here we go now let's make more sense than previous hack but which was similar to
01:47to this one sorry oh i like this i like this a lot this is very good
01:56okay just make it full perfect and go a little welding action here nice
02:03oh problematic oh no we can't get to it just hammer a ruler here we go wow that was nice
02:12that was pretty good oh okay is it a car it looks like a mini car yeah are you making uh
02:20okay what a nice paint job that's a pretty good paint job oh so we have polystyrene
02:25polystyrene how do you pronounce that i don't know polystyrene cutter foam yes okay so we got
02:30these little pyramid triangle things they're not pyramids but you know what i'm talking about yep
02:36all right cement okay so what are we making with this it looks like a 40 chess like 40
02:42chess play iq 5000 i don't know it's looked like the thing for your walls to absorb some sound
02:49oh yeah it looks like a recording artist yeah yeah yeah maybe it could work yeah for sure
02:55but wow what a nice gadget pretty good yeah and with this it's the same one
03:00it works well nice very easy easy to do okay what is this drywall okay a tool to
03:08make a perfect hole that's good okay and that works yeah it probably wouldn't be that clean
03:15though you'd have to sand it off the edges yeah i can agree with you but generally it's good work
03:22yeah wow nice very good you probably unless someone sticks a finger in it
03:28actually but they should add something right okay what is oh what a nice measuring so that
03:37they have all the same uh measurements very cool oh wow okay oh credit card that's good yeah
03:43hopefully it's void ah the marks you know usually when you beat it i gotcha gotcha what what the
03:51comments from me all of our comments are obvious what are you talking about
03:59we got a wall and some wood wow you're gonna screw it whoa and we're gonna putty over it so
04:06it looks clean and i'm gonna guess the end of this he's gonna clean it up so it looks brand new
04:10yeah wow not a brand new brand new at all i was wrong i overestimated them
04:16all right so we got a soldering iron
04:20i'm gonna guess they're turning it into shoes it's shoes yeah okay if i'm wrong then
04:27then what i'm not wrong see this is for design i guess yeah front of the drill bit so it won't be
04:36as sharp next time uh i think no if it's special drill bit okay yeah this should be sharp enough
04:42to cut any any piece of metal but you of course you need to sharpen it as well from time to time
04:48i mean after a while it'll become yeah poopy yes the scientific term yeah but the thing is you need
04:57to use the special uh drill for special work that's use special drills for special work i mean
05:05if it's a wood use the special drills for wood quote archie 2023 use special drills for special
05:12wood or something all right oh i'm lost i'm lost help me be found uh it's just the way how you can
05:29stack them for them to dry and stuff nice with the glue if you don't have any additional clamps
05:36for it you can use this paper clamps excellent okay we're getting all the right angles here
05:44oh to make the perfect uh some connection not the connection the angle oh that was nice
05:53all right yeah it's usually impossible to do such a perfect cut in your wood
06:01with such an angle without such a gadget yeah that's very nice that's a nice gadget
06:08oh perfect very well this is this is excellent woodwork
06:16okay well
06:17all right i like how they do these little diagrams against like a piece of glass so
06:25that you can see how it actually goes inside very very neat visualized
06:34this is almost like uh i don't know like wood porn
06:39yeah this is very strange i have weird feelings it's you know what usually happens
06:47inside the wall a ruler yeah okay we got a okay uh what's the point what are we doing
06:54it's a handle oh wow so it doesn't burn your hands that's good i need that i need that for my
07:01grocery runs because i don't have an i live on a very high floor so when i'm carrying up all
07:06the grocery i obviously don't want to take more than one trip because yeah i'm a i'm a warrior
07:11so i take all of them and then by the time i get upstairs my hands have like red marks all over
07:17them i i i saw some gadgets special for some bags you know when you can put it there is some
07:24hooks ah yeah that'd be nice plastic thing and you can put many pegs that's smart i need that
07:30yeah or i need like a teleporting device where i can just like
07:34and they all teleport into my fridge yeah that would be lovely yeah i think that's more plausible
07:41that's gonna happen before full that's subjective actually
07:46art is subjective beauty is subjective beauty is in the eye of the beholder
07:51any more allegories for beauty that you can think of um art is um yeah that's pretty subjectively
08:00okay everything in our world subjectively that's the best uh compliment you can give someone
08:06subjectively you're very pretty uh yeah no because otherwise you're just you know you're lying
08:14because maybe someone doesn't find them pretty but you're telling this from your point of view
08:19exactly so it's implied that it's subjective yep and it should be common guys let us know yeah
08:25what are we talking about where were we okay on the video
08:31okay okay all right buy me dinner first geez okay okay easy and touch tough oh tough that's
08:40an oxymoron why how can it be both easy and tough um or it's easy to do and it's tough
08:46easy to screw and it doesn't pull out yeah they could have elaborated a little bit better
08:52okay some space all right a match we're gonna start a fire maybe what it was just so that it
09:00would like if it's loose then you can add that little bit and so it stabilizes a little wood
09:05kind of have a stink you just need to fill it in yeah what's that oh easy to use the box
09:14that's cool oh wow it's like a reverse wood donut
09:21what uh what are we doing with it though what a waste of
09:24wood it seems like a bit of a waste of wood i'm very lost in in the wood process here
09:30drill drill okay some tips uh some random tips no i completely understand yeah i get the topic but
09:38but what did you lose yeah i'm it's more about the functionality ah okay ah did you get it now
09:44yes i got it now yes it's you put the woods on the magnets on the thing on the clamps
09:50so that it wouldn't make a gross design on your wood gotta keep your wood clean
09:55yeah without any marks okay okay oh i know what is this word isosceles triangles i think
10:01no they're right angle triangles i'm just kidding i didn't get it but you know yeah
10:07ah it's like a jack yeah a wood jack wood jack wood jack don't you come back no more all right so
10:18nice little wire hack in the midst of all the woods yeah to make a spring
10:24what what are we making this spring for guys uh come on i need context is it for
