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The School Spirits cast is BACK for Season 2, and the first three episodes are streaming now! We caught up with them to talk ghostly wardrobes, real-life hauntings, and what’s in store for Maddie’s next mystery. Plus, could we be seeing a new ship this season?


00:00Hi, it's so great to meet you all.
00:02Congratulations on season two.
00:05How are you feeling being back?
00:07Really good.
00:10It was like no time passed at all.
00:12Oh good, yeah.
00:13I mean, I definitely feel like the, you know,
00:15the episodes pick right up
00:16and everyone's going to be so excited
00:18to see the new mysteries.
00:20I know I'm talking to not ghosts here,
00:24but there's definitely, you know,
00:26like when you're in your ghost form in the show,
00:28you have to have your one outfit.
00:30So I just wanted to start off by asking,
00:31do you know what your one outfit would be
00:34if you were a ghost?
00:35You would want it to be, obviously.
00:36As us actors.
00:37From the whole season?
00:38Like our wardrobes?
00:40I mean, it can be from your personal wardrobe.
00:42Just like if you were to have one outfit,
00:44do you know what you'd want it to be?
00:45You know, I've always been a huge fan of pockets.
00:49Pockets like a trench coat,
00:51just to have everything.
00:52Tools, flashlight, matches.
00:56So if you stuffed your pockets full of things
00:58and you'd have all that.
00:59Oh my god.
00:59Ooh, that's a hack.
01:01Maybe some canned food.
01:03In case you're hungry.
01:05If you had like a candy bar in a pocket,
01:08would it just always,
01:09would you just have unlimited candy bars?
01:11Oh yeah.
01:11Who are we sponsoring today?
01:15I love Claire's cheerleader outfit.
01:18It would be so uncomfortable,
01:19so I wouldn't choose that.
01:20But if it was not uncomfortable to wear,
01:24I would wear that.
01:25But I think just like,
01:27I love her outfit in episode five,
01:31but I can't say what it is.
01:32But I love that one.
01:33And a little preview for everyone to be looking for.
01:37What about you, Spencer?
01:38I would want to wear something with a lot of layers.
01:42Like if you've seen the movie, The Sixth Sense,
01:44Bruce Willis' character is wearing something different
01:47throughout the whole movie.
01:49So it kind of throws you off the scent a bit.
01:51Because he can, you know,
01:52he's in the vest sometimes and then the jacket.
01:54So I'd want a lot of layers.
01:56So you're like dropping little clues for your own movie.
02:00I see where you're at.
02:02What about you?
02:03I'm from New England and I love the fall season.
02:05So there's this outfit that Nicole wears.
02:08We can see the outfits, right?
02:10It's like this jean jumpsuit thing,
02:12but it's shorts.
02:13And then she has the black stockings,
02:14Doc Martens,
02:15and it's like flannel crop jacket.
02:17I was like, this is me.
02:18Giving Tumblr in the best way.
02:21I love tights with shorts.
02:24Always so, so good.
02:27And, you know, just on the same line of ghosts,
02:30do any of you have a good, like,
02:32ghost story from your personal life?
02:34Like, have you ever had an experience?
02:38You first.
02:39I stayed at an Airbnb in Burbank
02:43that was like 110% haunted.
02:47And this was right before COVID started.
02:50And like, there was just too many coincidences
02:53back to back that were terrifying me
02:55and my buddy who I was staying with.
02:58And by the time that Justin Trudeau came on the news
03:02and said like, Canadians, you have to return home.
03:05I was like, I didn't need any push.
03:09Like I was out that door the second.
03:15I have more of a supernatural experience
03:18than ghost, precisely.
03:19But I remember when I was a child in a church
03:24and I was with my mom.
03:25She was praying in front of the statue.
03:26And I was bored.
03:27So I went ahead and tried to leave the church.
03:29It was locked.
03:29All the doors were locked.
03:31And so I thought that I was trapped.
03:32And so I started crying and yelling,
03:34Mom, Mom, Mom, where are you?
03:36And I couldn't find her.
03:37Empty church.
03:38A couple minutes later,
03:39when I'm sitting in the middle of the pew,
03:41I see her.
03:42And I said, why didn't you hear me screaming?
03:44She said, there was no sound at all.
03:46It was complete silence.
03:47And then the doors, when we left, were open.
03:49And I didn't see her.
03:51She didn't see me.
03:52It was like the strangest, weirdest thing ever.
03:56Like, how do you not hear someone?
03:57That's spine chilling.
03:58Like I got goosebumps.
03:59The way you told it too.
04:01Like this is the new, this is season three now.
04:03This is terrifying.
04:05Do you believe in naming ghosts?
04:08If you do encounter them?
04:08Because I have a ghost in my apartment.
04:10It was named her Tina.
04:11And people have like differing thoughts on
04:14if like you should name them.
04:16You know, she didn't tell me that was her name.
04:18I just felt it.
04:19I like that.
04:20You know, like, does it make it better or worse?
04:24That's a comfort.
04:25Like then I feel like we're more friends.
04:27But maybe she doesn't want to be friends.
04:30In my old, I used to live with my sister
04:32and there was like an entity that we felt
04:34was in our apartment.
04:35And she named it Billy.
04:37And Billy, now that name scares me.
04:40Because it's...
04:41It's living kind of backwards.
04:42Yeah, yeah.
04:43But it was meant to be affectionate.
04:46I don't like the thought of like being
04:48like friends with a ghost.
04:49Like me personally, it just, it scares me.
04:52I'd rather just stay with the real people.
04:53See, I was going to ask like,
04:55so do you think that if you had a ghost encounter,
04:58would you be as chill as like Simon was in season one?
05:01Where he's just like,
05:02oh, I just see my friend.
05:03It's fine.
05:04You know, like, I mean,
05:06there's a level to like coming determined with that.
05:08But like, how do you think you would personally react?
05:10I mean, I believe in that stuff.
05:11So I feel like I would be scared.
05:14But would I run out the house?
05:15No, but would I be like, yeah,
05:18like a little shock effect?
05:21Okay. Okay.
05:22How about any of you?
05:23How do you think you'd react?
05:26I would also have a shock reaction.
05:28But I think I would like it
05:30if they were like a nice ghost
05:32and they were, they were like...
05:34Keeping you company.
05:35Keeping me company.
05:36It's always having a friend there.
05:38It could be fun.
05:39Drinking wine.
05:40Drinking wine.
05:42It can be a bonding experience.
05:45They're always there.
05:49I mean, you know,
05:51I think it differs for every experience, obviously.
05:54And I wanted to ask each of you,
05:56from season one,
05:57obviously there's a mystery that's going on
05:59and we don't always know what's happening.
06:01Did you have an aha moment
06:03where something just really surprised you during filming
06:07or after when you were watching it back?
06:08In season one you said?
06:09Yeah, season one.
06:10Because we can't give spoilers.
06:12Well, the ending for me.
06:14Like the whole jumping into her body.
06:15I didn't see that coming.
06:16Not at all.
06:17Because they don't, they don't,
06:18they didn't give us the scripts beforehand.
06:20So we got the scripts like a week before we shot.
06:23And so when we found that out
06:24and when we had our table,
06:25we were like, wait, what?
06:27We're all like, that was intense.
06:31Every time I watch the first episode
06:33of the second season,
06:35I pause on Janet's face
06:37when she's about to run to Maddie
06:40because her reaction to take Peyton
06:44is so instantaneous that I'm thinking
06:47what is in her adrenaline?
06:49What spikes her to not even think
06:51it's just person, take.
06:53That's like, I want to know about that.
06:56You're like trying to mind read.
06:57Yeah, just trying to, yeah.
07:01Anyone else?
07:02I think that the scene in the finale of season one
07:05where Simon realizes,
07:08at least to his knowledge,
07:10that he is perhaps like imagining
07:13all of this in his head
07:14was such a massive moment for me.
07:17Reading it and watching the way
07:19Christian brought that to life
07:20was just like so sad.
07:22And so like, it totally makes sense.
07:26Like the show could end there
07:28and it could just be like,
07:30oh yeah, he was just imagining the whole thing.
07:32Yeah, yeah.
07:34And the pain that you see in both of them
07:36in that scene is intense, absolutely.
07:38I'm glad it didn't end there
07:40and there is a second season.
07:41Right, me too.
07:42Because I would be heartbroken,
07:43but I agree, like it would be really powerful for sure.
07:49And okay, so going into the mysteries,
07:52I saw that in season one,
07:55Milo had like a vision board to solve it.
07:57So do any of you do something similar?
07:59Did you get together for season two
08:01and try to guess what was going to happen
08:03or are you just letting it flow?
08:05Yeah, we definitely had some theories.
08:08We didn't do it as much as season one though.
08:10Yeah, we didn't have a vision board.
08:11I think we were just going for the ride.
08:14I guessed one thing.
08:15Were you correct?
08:16I remember and I was right.
08:17I was bang on.
08:18Oh wait.
08:22Did you write it down to your like evidence?
08:25I said it to a couple of people, yeah.
08:27Yeah, you're like, I called this first.
08:29No one can doubt me.
08:32Well, I'm excited to see what that is about.
08:35Do you have any advice for solving a mystery?
08:38Think outside the box.
08:40Yeah, yeah.
08:41Solving a mystery, that's a good question.
08:43Because you are all like really the detectives here
08:45because the next day I have to go talk to the ghosts
08:47and they're not, I mean, they're trying to solve it.
08:49But I would say, for example, if you're saying,
08:54hey Christian, I want you to investigate this.
08:56Who did it?
08:57I would rule out some people in my life
08:59because I know they wouldn't.
09:00Those are the people to go to.
09:02The people that are unsuspecting,
09:05you give them too much credit.
09:06We'd be really surprised what people would do
09:09if like you were, for example, Janet.
09:11So yeah, don't rule out your first rule out.
09:14Don't trust anyone.
09:16I don't think I would have any skills
09:18to bring to the table with investigating a murder.
09:23I always wanted to be a detective as a kid
09:25but I think I'd be shite at it.
09:26That makes sense.
09:28Like I think I would just not be good at all.
09:31No, I think you'd be really good.
09:33Yeah, he's really great at that.
09:34He's really good at codenames.
09:36You would have been a great detective.
09:38Yeah, thank you.
09:39He's actually an undercover detective.
09:41Keep his persona right now.
09:43I would actually be bad.
09:44That's what a good detective would say.
09:46Oh, I wish I was.
09:47Especially right after he admitted
09:49to guessing the entire plot.
09:52Really not going well for you.
09:55Oh no, I've been caught.
09:59I mean, I know we can't say spoilers
10:01but is there one thing that you're looking forward
10:03to like the audience reacting to with season two?
10:06Just what people can expect.
10:09Episode five.
10:10Yeah, we teased it earlier.
10:12That is, yeah.
10:14My favorite episode.
10:15I think that's going to be a lot of people's favorite episodes.
10:18I can't say anything.
10:21I would say the different dynamics
10:22and like seeing how they grow.
10:25Yeah, no, I mean, I did want to touch on that real quick
10:28just because I feel like Claire and Nicole,
10:31their dynamic is interesting.
10:33And I just wanted to ask you both
10:34kind of like what's going on with that?
10:36What can we say?
10:37What is...
10:39No, go, you go.
10:43They definitely don't start off as friends.
10:45And so their journey is definitely an interesting one
10:52but they're both very strong personalities.
10:54They're both very, they don't deal with BS.
10:57They're very, they don't sugarcoat anything.
10:59They're very, yeah.
11:01And so I think that they both,
11:03they have like mutual respect towards each other with that.
11:06And that's where like the most genuine friendships
11:08come out of honesty and yeah.
11:12Yeah, I agree.
11:13I feel like we were pulled into a circumstance
11:15that we probably didn't plan
11:17but we were kind of forced to work together.
11:18And in that, it sort of created
11:21a more vulnerable relationship
11:23between Nicole and Claire.
11:25And it's just nice seeing that blossom
11:27as the season continues, which you'll see.
11:31Do you think people are shipping them online?
11:34I think eventually they will.
11:36I don't know if they were before.
11:37In season one.
11:38I think, I know in season one,
11:40I think they could tell that we didn't like each other, right?
11:42I read that in the book.
11:43But enemies to lovers is the best in the trope.
11:45For enemies.
11:46Yeah, you know?
11:48No, I think they'll like us this season.
11:50Like our friendship, I think they'll ship it.
11:53Or um...
11:54Oh yeah, ship names.
11:56Oh, Nair.
12:03I think we need to workshop it.
12:05I don't know.
12:07Well, thank you all so much.
12:09Congratulations on the new season.
12:11Thank you so much.
