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An unsettling situation for Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban ... cops say an intruder broke into their home.


00:00A famous couple who may need an interior decorator because because there's a lot right?
00:05Yeah, there's at least some a couple things broken at Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban's home here in the LA area
00:12They are the latest victims. We discovered just broke the story today on the site that
00:17they're the latest victims of
00:20Burglary happening like it is just crazy so much. We've for years now
00:25It's been going on in LA and they are the latest victims
00:29They've been burgled. Yeah. Yeah, so this is what happened over the weekend
00:33someone smashed a window a little before noon got into their house and
00:37One of the one of the housekeepers or one of their employees came home
00:40Ended up scaring these people off before anything could be taken when they went through the house
00:44It appeared nothing was taken
00:45But Keith and Nicole who were not home at the time will have to come through the house and see if anything was you know
00:50Taken small that was LA right? Yeah, it was LA area home and they're out of the city
00:55I don't know exactly where they were
00:57I don't know the schedules, but they were not home at the time and they haven't been back since there an alarm on
01:01Yeah, that's what everybody wants to know was the other the layout of their house, but that someone got
01:08Window, right? Yeah. I mean, I don't know what that but I noticed I've talked to a lot
01:12I've covered a lot of these burglaries and what happens a lot of time they go to the second story like Jeremy Piven was a
01:16Second story and sometimes the second stories are not alarmed like people always take care of the bottom of their house
01:21But they don't take care of the top of their house. Huh? That's kind of crazy. Number one, right?
01:26So we don't know whether the alarm was on or not, right? No, I don't know yet and
01:31But I think it's relevant to know where they out of town because what's happening is they look at social media social media
01:38Or they look at events that that celebrities are attending, right?
01:41And then they say okay that person's out of town and then they hit the house
01:45Yeah, so we don't know whether that happened here
01:47I mean you saw recently there's been a rash of
01:49Athletes getting hit and we don't another story about a soccer player that was hit, you know recently but you know all over the country
01:54They're hitting so it's a big issue
01:56Hi, I'm Kumar from Atlanta and two things to point out here these burglaries
02:01I mean they're being heightened so many people are getting their home broken into
02:04But for the housekeeper to come in and then have to really ward off the burglars
02:10It really puts people in a tough situation
02:13I really hope they recover everything and like you said get a security system because I ring doorbell or a ring light that could
02:20Probably help as well. Yeah, well
02:22Hopefully they didn't lose a lot. Hopefully they were scared off before they made up but it's just getting your house broken into like that
02:28It's just scary
