• el mes pasado
Exactly what the title says

Get the game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3244220/A_Game_About_Digging_A_Hole/
Watch the world record speedrun here: https://youtu.be/DeJUSzRJv3Q
Keep up with the speedrun community here: https://www.speedrun.com/A_Game_About_Digging_A_Hole

My 2nd channel (WEEKLY UPLOADS): https://www.youtube.com/eaziestspeezy
Watch live at: https://twitch.tv/EazySpeezy

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My channel generally focuses on a more casual side of speedruns. With these videos I want to show off cool speedruns, explain how they work, and entertain. Hopefully you enjoy the content and maybe even take up speedrunning yourself, because it is truly a lot of fun!

#EazySpeezy #AGameAboutDiggingAHole #Speedrun
00:00Today we're speedrunning a game about digging a hole.
00:02Yeah, this game is exactly what it sounds like.
00:04Now our speedrun starts as soon as we begin moving,
00:06and right away we want to look for a couple rocks.
00:08So we're just going to dig randomly into the ground.
00:11We can see that that's going to be our first stone.
00:13There's going to be a second one right there.
00:14And yeah, I'm just digging in completely random places and hoping we get some,
00:18because then we can sell them for three dollars.
00:20And we're going to continue doing this one more time.
00:22So I will just go into the ground, hope I find a stone.
00:25And if we do, we can continue on.
00:27Our last one is right there.
00:29Inventory is full, because right now we only have an inventory of three items,
00:33and we can use the money we just got to buy a better shovel.
00:35Now with this shovel, we want to dig again.
00:37And this time I want to dig a little deeper,
00:40because we're hoping we find more valuable resources.
00:42Like right there, we were able to find coal.
00:44And even under that, that's going to be iron, which is going to sell for more.
00:48You can see we got eight dollars from that,
00:50so we can fill up our charge and also increase our inventory.
00:53Now it's finally time, since we have the bigger shovel and the bigger inventory,
00:56to go over to the X marks the spot.
00:58Because basically the story behind this game is we bought a house
01:01that promises there's treasure underneath the ground.
01:04So we're going to try to dig down there and hopefully get that treasure.
01:07Right now our shovel is pretty good, but not the best in the world.
01:09So we're just going to keep trying to improve it,
01:11along with other things as we get more money.
01:13So that's going to be inventory full number two.
01:16I can go take my stuff over there.
01:18That is going to be twelve dollars.
01:19And then we can bring that over here, charge up our battery,
01:22and also get a battery upgrade along with the jetpack.
01:25Now the thing about the battery is if we ever run out of it,
01:27then it is going to explode and we die.
01:30So yeah, not the best thing for that to happen.
01:32And we're going to be careful about that.
01:34You can see every time we shovel, our battery goes down a little bit.
01:37And every time we use our jetpack, our battery will also go down.
01:40But right now, just at the beginning of this game,
01:42we're just digging as much as possible,
01:44trying to keep going down while finding things like iron.
01:46That is also important.
01:47And yeah, it's just a nice calm day where we're just digging in circles,
01:51continuing on our way only three meters under the ground.
01:53But that's going to be another inventory full,
01:56so we can bring that over, sell that.
01:58And this time, all we can get is an energy refill.
02:00Things are going to get more and more expensive.
02:02But the good thing about that is as we go deeper,
02:04the ores are also going to be worth more.
02:06And now at this point, you'll also see we have this thing,
02:08which tells us that there's treasure nearby.
02:10So I do want to dig a little bit deeper.
02:12Usually I like getting to around negative five meters
02:14before we go for the treasure.
02:16And this is probably good.
02:17So I will look.
02:17We see that there are three bars right there,
02:19so I can keep digging in this place.
02:21And sometimes it's in a slightly different spot than I think.
02:25So we just got to keep looking around.
02:27And finally, right there, that's going to be the money bag,
02:29which just gives us a ton of money and is really good.
02:32We also have more than enough energy to make it back up here.
02:34So pretty good grab.
02:35Now we can sell all of our stuff,
02:37and this time we can buy a better shovel,
02:38which it is so nice once you finally get this shovel.
02:41It just is able to dig so much more for us
02:44and really make this a much more comfortable process.
02:46Now we're going to get at least one more shovel upgrade
02:49before we beat this game, and that's going to be even better.
02:51But we'll see that when we get to there.
02:52For now, it's just some more digging down
02:54until we get to around 10 meters,
02:56but you can see our inventory is full.
02:58Once again, we can go over here.
02:59That's going to be $20 so we can refill our charge.
03:02And this time I'm going to upgrade our jetpack
03:03that makes our jetpack move faster
03:05and use a little bit less energy.
03:07It's just a smart thing for speed runs,
03:08because especially once we start getting farther down into here,
03:11it's going to take a while for us to get back up.
03:13But the cave is definitely starting to get just a little bit darker.
03:16And yeah, this game is just so relaxing.
03:19I'm not going to lie.
03:20But the problem with the speed run is it is also extremely luck based.
03:23You already saw so far,
03:25just what ores we get in the ground is extremely luck based.
03:28But also along with that, there's some more luck based things,
03:30which I will mention in a bit.
03:32But for right now, I do want to get just one more stone.
03:35That way I can have $30 and we can upgrade our battery one more time.
03:38That way we can dig a bit further.
03:40And we are now at about negative 10 meters,
03:42which is pretty good so far.
03:44We should be about to reach our first cave.
03:47And there's our first hole.
03:48So now we can start working towards getting down there
03:50just a little bit more.
03:51What I'm actually going to do is not dig my way all the way down there
03:54because I don't want to run out of my battery and just die.
03:56Instead, we're going to go up here, sell what we have,
03:58get a nice charge, and then we'll go back down there.
04:00And now it's time to use something that the speedrun community decided was OK.
04:04Basically, we're using a command to make everything much brighter.
04:07And this is because normally you can still see down here.
04:09It's just a little bit harder.
04:10So the speedrun community decided that you were allowed to use Fulbright.
04:14That way people with darker monitors
04:16wouldn't be punished for having a darker monitor.
04:18And I mean, it works out perfectly for me as well,
04:20because otherwise this YouTube video would not be very good
04:22if you just couldn't see anything.
04:24So, yeah, I'm going to take that
04:25and it will make this cave exploring a little bit better.
04:28We can just go through.
04:29And right now we're just trying to get as many ores as possible
04:32until our inventory is full.
04:34And then we go right back up.
04:35By the way, I do have this light stuff on a hotkey.
04:37You can see how bad the outside looks when we're up there, and it's odd.
04:41So I do like switching it back and forth
04:43between when we go down to the caves and when we come back up here.
04:46It's not the biggest deal in the world, but it is something I keep track of.
04:48But we'll come down once more.
04:50We got to look around.
04:51We'll see if there's any more ore I can get.
04:53There's going to be some copper and some iron.
04:55The glowing rock doesn't really do anything for us,
04:57so I don't worry about them too much.
04:58But there wasn't that much ore, all things considered.
05:01But then we get extremely lucky and find a second cave right under the first one.
05:06This is the first part of where luck comes into play for the speed run.
05:09You're really hoping to get caves,
05:10and we're really hoping to get extra stuff that's going to make us money.
05:13But I will continue going forward.
05:15You also see we have this device which tells us to go up or down.
05:18That's trying to help us find secret underground chests.
05:20And if we do find one of those, we will be using it.
05:23But if we don't, it's not the biggest deal in the world.
05:25Still, I'm going back up here, of course, doing our charge.
05:28And this time we'll increase our battery,
05:29because at this point, we're really just going to try to dig down deep.
05:32It's always a little bit hard making our way down here at this point
05:35because our hole's not the greatest in the world, all things considered.
05:38But now that we're down here, I might as well get some more of this ore
05:41because there's just so much around.
05:43Things like copper, we'll make sure to get some iron.
05:45And after this, we should be good to keep digging a little bit farther.
05:49Inventory is full, so of course, we're coming back up.
05:51And we're making pretty good time so far with how fast we're getting these upgrades.
05:54At this point, I can upgrade my jetpack.
05:56That way we can make it up faster.
05:58And now once we make it back down, I'm just going to start digging down with our shovel.
06:02It's a pretty good shovel so far.
06:04Not the best in the world.
06:05Like I said, we're still going to get one more upgrade.
06:06But I just want to keep on going down.
06:09I like doing this circular motion.
06:11Basically, it's do a circle and then you go in the middle and do one right there.
06:14And that usually gets you down pretty fast.
06:16By the way, what we got right there was some gold, which is very nice.
06:19Because of course, that's going to be our next ore.
06:21It's going to be worth even more money.
06:22So I definitely will take it.
06:23And we'll just continue on our way, spinning in circles as we go.
06:28Until finally, we actually find another cave.
06:31That's insane.
06:31We are getting super good cave luck this run.
06:34So I will take it.
06:34And there is going to be some gold down here.
06:36By the way, one thing we also have to keep track of is our health.
06:39We need to make sure we don't die.
06:40Don't hit the ground too hard.
06:42So I will be keeping track of that as well.
06:43But I'm going to try to go through here.
06:45That way I can get that gold.
06:46All right, there we go.
06:47We got through.
06:48We can get one more gold and then go back up.
06:50And we should be able to buy some really good things at this point.
06:52We have more than enough battery, especially with the upgraded jetpack.
06:55So we're good to go over here.
06:57We can see that we made over $300, which is insane.
07:00That way we can get an extra inventory upgrade, along with upgrading our shovel one more time.
07:05And actually, before I go, we should also get our health back just in case.
07:08One of the hardest parts about the speed run is just figuring out what path you took to get down.
07:12Sometimes that's really annoying, but there is also going to be a rock right there.
07:16Now, a thing about those rocks is when you see them,
07:19the only thing that can take them out is dynamite.
07:21And we don't have any dynamite right now.
07:23It costs $100, so it's just not worth it.
07:25So we're going to try to avoid them.
07:26I got away from the first rock.
07:28There's going to be another one right here.
07:30But thankfully, there is a spot where we don't have to worry about it.
07:32So I will just go right by it.
07:35And yeah, we're just hoping we get a little bit more luck.
07:37That would make this run perfect.
07:38And there is going to be yet another cave.
07:41So we will obviously take that.
07:42We just got to dig out of there.
07:44And there is going to be even more gold along with this right here,
07:47which is going to be platinum, which is even better than gold.
07:49So I will make sure I get a couple of those before we continue our digging.
07:53Unfortunately, there wasn't too many ores there.
07:54But hey, I'm going to take what I get.
07:56And right now we are 64 meters towards the ground.
07:58So that's really good.
07:59And we find yet another cave.
08:01Thank you, game.
08:02And along with this cave, we're going to get some diamond.
08:04And out of the runs that I've done, this is definitely one of the better ones.
08:07But there is still a bunch of things that can completely ruin it.
08:10So I am going to keep my eye out for that.
08:12Now, one thing I also see is our treasure tracker.
08:15We're a little bit too deep to really worry about the treasure,
08:18because all you get from the treasure is a key at this point.
08:21And the thing about that key is you need two of them to open the chest in your garage,
08:24which will give you a teleporter.
08:26But we're probably not going to get that at this point.
08:27So instead, we'll head over here.
08:29We have over $1,000 to spend.
08:32And what I'm going to do is upgrade our drill even more and get a couple of dynamite,
08:35which I think will be best.
08:37And it is time to just go straight down and hope we can do what we need to do.
08:40Until we get over here.
08:42And yeah, this is the spot.
08:43So now with this new drill, we no longer have to click.
08:46And we can instead just hold this thing and it will dig us deeper.
08:49So this thing is awesome.
08:50Gotta love the drill, but also have to make sure we're not missing any rocks.
08:53There's something stopping us right here.
08:54Oh, it was probably just a speck.
08:56Sometimes what happens is there's like a speck that just hangs in the air
09:01and it's going to be awful.
09:02So I'm lucky for that.
09:03Anyways, we'll just keep our digging down at this point.
09:06I'm not really worried about getting any more money.
09:08And if we have any rocks, we have four dynamite to deal with them.
09:11So we're doing pretty good, especially with this drill.
09:13It is just so fast to do all the digging.
09:15We don't have to worry about it at all.
09:17There is going to be one of those molten rocks.
09:19I might as well throw down two dynamite because we do have more than enough.
09:23We only have like 10 meters left to go.
09:24And we do see our battery is low.
09:26Now, there are two things you could do at this point.
09:28You could either go back up, refill your battery, or we could just keep going and die.
09:33Because the thing about death is the only bad thing that happens is you lose all your ore.
09:37So instead of going and jetpacking back up, wasting some time,
09:40I'm just going to let myself die.
09:41And even though we do die, we don't really need any more money.
09:43So it's not going to be the biggest deal.
09:45We teleport right back to our house.
09:47We can go over here, get some more charge, get some more healing.
09:49And we should be able to finish out the run now.
09:51By the way, as we're going down, quick reminder, please remember that you are loved.
09:55And no matter what you're going through, you can make it through it.
09:57I believe in you.
09:58It kind of sucks because we were right by the end of this thing.
10:01We were almost to negative 100 meters, but it will be okay.
10:05We do have this thing.
10:06We got to get past.
10:07I'm just going to keep using my drill to get myself down here.
10:10And I always hate moving horizontally along with vertically.
10:13It's so much easier just to move vertically.
10:15I'm just waiting until I see the final hole.
10:18Might as well use some dynamite.
10:19That's probably going to help us a little bit.
10:21And there we go.
10:22That is where we need to go.
10:23Now you'll see it does look pretty awful right now because of the lighting situation,
10:27but we can change the lights back.
10:28And now is time for the most luck based part of this run.
10:31We really have to hope that these moles don't see us because if they do,
10:35and they're able to hit us, it's an insta-kill.
10:37So I have lost so many runs to that guy killing us, and it just sucks so much.
10:41But that's not the only mole we have to deal with,
10:43because once we come past this corner, there are going to be two more.
10:46But thankfully, we finally got good luck.
10:48I have gone through so many runs where we did not get this luck,
10:52and it is the worst way to lose a speed run.
10:54You can also hear the moles coming after us,
10:56but as long as we're pretty far ahead of them, it won't matter.
10:59We don't get the insta-death, and we're finally going to make it to the chest.
11:02So all that's left at this point is to open it, and that's going to be time 1548.
11:06Oh yeah, there's also nothing in the chest,
11:09and then we look behind ourselves and see there's a bunch of moles that kill us.
11:12So that's the end of the game.
11:13And this run is going to give us ninth place on the speedrun leaderboards,
11:16so I'll take it.
11:17All right, subscribe if you enjoyed.
