La Terre présente des phénomènes naturels incroyablement sauvages que la plupart des gens ne voient jamais de près. Prenons le fleuve Catatumbo au Venezuela, où des orages s'abattent presque toutes les nuits, illuminant le ciel jusqu'à 260 fois par heure—c'est comme une discothèque naturelle. Ensuite, il y a les dunes chantantes du Maroc, qui émettent des sons graves et étranges lorsque le vent déplace le sable de manière adéquate, un peu comme un immense instrument naturel. Mais le plus étrange de tous ? Les éclairs globulaires—ces orbes lumineuses et flottantes qui apparaissent parfois pendant les orages, planant mystérieusement avant de disparaître en un éclair. Les scientifiques ne comprennent toujours pas complètement comment fonctionnent les éclairs globulaires, ce qui en fait l'un des spectacles de lumière les plus étranges et imprévisibles de la planète. Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound
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Musique par Epidemic Sound
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00:00If you came to Earth from another planet, your rational mind would not understand how singing dunes and moving balls of lightning are scientifically possible.
00:10In my opinion, you would say that these things are only images taken from your favorite science fiction movie.
00:16I hope for you that you will never find yourself alone near the Rio Catatumbo in Venezuela during a storm.
00:23Because you must know that at this place, lightning works in both directions.
00:27That is to say that it can come from the sky as from the ground.
00:30It's terrifying, I know.
00:32Scientists think that the reason for this phenomenon is probably the strong presence of uranium in the sea rock.
00:39But it could also be due to the hot and cold air currents that meet in this area.
00:45The electric field is then charged and the lightning reverses, passing from the ground to the clouds.
00:50Scientists even have a sophisticated name for this phenomenon.
00:53Ascending lightning.
00:55This special place, the Rio Catatumbo, became famous because of its light shows.
01:02In fact, this name means house of thunder in the local language.
01:07This phenomenon occurs up to 160 nights a year.
01:10And it can last about 9 hours a day.
01:14When the scientists did the math, they realized that the region produced between 16 and 40 lightning per minute.
01:23You have probably heard of Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant of the 13th century and a great traveler.
01:29During one of his travels, he came across what he described as singing dunes.
01:35The dunes had literally grown larger, as if they were playing the drum.
01:39And he was so scared that he thought it was the work of evil invisible entities that were having fun tormenting him.
01:45Today, scientists have discovered how sand dunes produce these rumbles.
01:52A team of scientists studied a singing dune in Morocco.
01:55They chose a large crescent-shaped dune that makes noise all year round.
02:00If the wind is favorable, this dune can sing several times per afternoon.
02:06It turns out that the wind forces the sand to accumulate at the top of the dune,
02:10until the slope reaches a tipping point of about 35 degrees.
02:16This accumulated sand then falls like an avalanche.
02:19And that's what makes a sound.
02:21The sand must be dry enough for the song to occur.
02:25It's a kind of natural rhythm box.
02:27Pretty impressive, isn't it?
02:30The following image may be the most disturbing of all.
02:33First, you will see a flash.
02:35Then, a thunderbolt.
02:38And finally, a curious light floating in the air and bouncing on the surface like a white electric ball.
02:45Would you hide under your blanket if you were a witness to such a thing?
02:48This is what an old lady who has witnessed this phenomenon since her bed in her apartment in Chicago did.
02:54It turns out that people have been exchanging stories of light balls for hundreds of years.
03:00The report of an English monk dating from the beginning of the millennium could be the oldest version of these stories.
03:05It is a question of a flaming globe coming down from a storm cloud and falling into the sieve.
03:11Scientists are not entirely sure of the cause of this phenomenon.
03:15But a theory wants the lightning to strike a soil rich in silica.
03:19This can vaporize the silica and create tiny particles, linked together by an electric charge.
03:26When these particles react with oxygen, they produce luminous orbs that can last a few seconds.
03:33According to other theories, this phenomenon would be linked to miniature black holes or even hallucinations.
03:39But the explanation of silica is the most plausible to date.
03:42What is certain is that the ball lightning is often linked to stormy weather.
03:47If you wake up in the middle of a winter night and you see these lights,
03:51you will probably think that extraterrestrial beings are invading our world.
03:56Or you will feel like one of the lucky people who have seen a Boreal aurora during their lifetime.
04:02But this is not what it is.
04:04These magnificent pastel light beams were photographed by an inhabitant of Ontario, Canada.
04:10This phenomenon occurs when tiny flat ice crystals, which are usually found in the atmosphere, float closer to the ground.
04:18These beams are sometimes called violet light columns,
04:21and they reflect light from sources such as air lamps or cars.
04:26These reflections stretch to form large colored columns that seem to shine in the sky.
04:32But the most beautiful thing is that it is mainly an optical illusion.
04:36The columns do not really float in the air, they are just an effect of the light reflected by the ice.
04:42Somewhere near Buffalo, in the state of New York,
04:45you will find a surreal combination of fire and water elements.
04:49This phenomenon is called the fall of the eternal flame, because the flame never stops burning.
04:54Although it is very close to water,
04:56we owe this beautiful spectacle to a chemical reaction during which gas escapes from the ground and is consumed with air.
05:02It is one of the few hundred natural eternal flames in the world.
05:06But because of its location, it is probably the most beautiful.
05:10But how does it light up?
05:12In general, eternal flames can be ignited by lightning,
05:15human activity or what is called piezoelectricity.
05:19These are materials that produce electricity when you press or twist them.
05:24Scientists believe that the Amerindians lit these flames thousands of years ago,
05:29but this is only a hypothesis.
05:32Have you ever imagined taking a midnight bath
05:35when suddenly you find yourself surrounded by an incandescent blue mist?
05:39As if there were huge canons of light coming out of the bottom of the sea and arriving directly at the surface.
05:45This phenomenon is rare, but it is magical.
05:48This chemical reaction is known as bioluminescence and can occur in different situations.
05:54This is the case, for example, when tiny algae migrate near the shores.
05:59When these algae are disturbed, they try to defend themselves by lighting up and thus creating the most beautiful of the shows.
06:05There is a precise place in the world where you can observe a similar phenomenon, New Zealand.
06:11There are caves where thousands of glowing worms live.
06:15These are in fact the larvae of a mushroom, which have the particularity of being luminescent.
06:20If you have the chance to visit these caves, you will have the impression of floating in an underground galaxy.
06:25The sky can be the origin of a large number of different phenomena,
06:29of which this one, called lightning in a crown.
06:32It occurs in the form of a column of light that jumps or dances near the top of a cumulus, Nimbus.
06:38Cumulus and Nimbus are massive and imposing clouds that look like mountains.
06:44These are the clouds that usually announce storms, lightning and heavy rain.
06:49You will certainly say that these crowns of lightning look like a supernatural energy gate opening into the sky.
06:56But this is actually a very scientific phenomenon.
07:00It occurs when the light of the sun is reflected on tiny ice crystals inside a cloud.
07:06But the most interesting thing is that these ice crystals do not float by chance.
07:11They move under the effect of the variations of the electric field of the cloud.
07:15When the electric field changes, the ice crystals realign and the light they reflect moves as well.
07:23This is why the lightning in a crown seems vacillating or wavy.
07:28Lightning in a crown does not occur all the time.
07:31A cloud of storms must bring together the right conditions.
07:35A lot of sunlight, ice crystals and a powerful electric field.
07:40If you see one, consider yourself lucky.
07:44It's as if nature was showing you a rare magic trick.
07:48We sometimes see fire hills in science fiction movies,
07:52but this one is very real.
07:54Located in the Arctic region of Canada, the Smoking Hills are a unique site on our planet.
08:01And that's where things get a little more sensational.
08:04Some minerals found in these hills have only been found in a few rare places on our planet,
08:10and on the surface of Mars.
08:13The ground of the Smoking Hills has been emitting smoke for at least 200 years, without interruption.
08:19Explorers thought the region was home to an active volcano, but this is not the case.
08:25As explained by scientists, the ground of the region is made of sulfur and coal.
08:30When exposed to oxygen, it spontaneously ignites and emits a constant smoke.
08:36I warn you, do not plan to go there for tourism.
08:40This environment is extremely hostile to human life,
08:43because the smoke is toxic and the temperatures are dangerously high.