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Qurani Hidayaat | Episode 45 | Tafseer: Surah Al Baqarah Ayat (185) | 16 Feb 2025 | ARY Qtv

Topic: Surah Al Baqarah Ayat (185)

Speaker: Allama Liaquat Hussain Azhari

#QuraniHidayaat #AllamaLiaquatHussainAzhari #aryqtv

A program in which Quranic topics will be discussed, such as what the Quran commands regarding trade, what are the Quranic teachings about ethics, what the Quran guides regarding knowledge and the acquisition of knowledge, the greatness of man. And what does the Qur'an guide regarding the purpose of the creation of man, etc. In this program, the interpretation of those verses in which there are special prayers of the Prophets will be presented. As well as the small surahs of the Qur'an which are recited in prayer by worshipers who are usually recited during prayer.

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00:30Shaitaanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
01:00Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Mawlana Muhammadin wa ala Sayyidina Mawlana Muhammadin wa barak
01:08wa sallim. Salli alaikum. Azadi Kiraami, Sahaba-e-kiraam alaihim-ur-ridwan. Firmateh-in-ki-Allah-ki-nabi-sa-sallam-ne-hame
01:18shaban-ul-muazzam-ke-akhri-din khutba ata firmaya. Khataban-a-Rasul-Allah-i-sa-sallam.
01:25Azad-e-Sayyiduna Salman-e-Farsi radhiya Allah-u-ta'ala-ni-rabi-hi-ha-in-is-Hadith-e-Paak-e-Mishqat-ul-Mashabi-ki-an-dara-du-si-kitabun-ke-an-dara-maujood-ha-in.
01:33Firmateh-in-ki-Allah-i-sa-sallam. Khataban-a-Rasul-Allah-i-sa-sallam-fi-akhri-yawmin-min-shaban.
01:38Shaban-ke-akhri-din Allah-ki-nabi-sa-sallam-ne-hame khutba irishar-firmaya. Khutba kisi-is-ka-hain?
01:46Abhi shaban hai. Ramazan shuru ni hua. Lekin istiqbaal-e-Ramazan-ka khutba diya jaa raha hai.
01:53Ya yuhan-naasu-qad azallakum shahrun-azimun. Shahrun-mubarakun. Shahrun-fi-hi-lailatun khairun-min-alfi-shaat.
02:02Eh logo, Allah-tabarak-wa-ta'ala-ni-tume-ek-mubarak-mahina-ata-farmaya. Ek-mubarak-mahina-tum-par-saya-figar-hain.
02:11Par-saya-jo-barakat-wala-mahina-hain. Azeem-mahina-hain. Ur-us-mahina-ke-andar-ek-raat-aisi-hain-jo-hazaar-mahina-se-behtar.
02:21Yeh-ishara-hai-lailatul-qadar-ki-tara. Inna-anzallahu-fi-lailatul-qadr. Wa-maa-adraaka-maa-lailatul-qadr.
02:28Lailatul-qadri-khairun-min-alfi-shaat. Subhan-Allah. Par-saya-wo-ek-raat-hazaar-mahina-ki-ibadat-se-ziyada-hain.
02:37Ur-behtar-hain. Barabar-nahi-hain. Allahu-Akbar. Ramazan-ul-mubarak-kah-zati-ki-rami-wa-mahina-hain.
02:44Ki-jis-mi-Allah-ne-Quran-ko-laazil-far-bai-hain. Shahru-Ramadan-al-lazee-unzila-feehi-l-Quran.
02:50Hudal-lin-naas-wa-bayyinati-min-al-huda-wal-fur-khaan. Is-ka-in-dar-hidayat-hain. Is-ka-in-dar-nishan-i-ya-hain.
02:57Is-ka-in-dar-rahmat-e-hain. Barakat-e-hain. Shifa-hain. Sab-kush-Allah-tabarak-wa-ta'ana-ni-is-ka-in-dar-rakha-hain.
03:02Tib-yaana-li-kulli-shay-hain. Yeh-Allah-ne-Ramazan-ke-mubarak-mahina-me-hame-tofa-ata-far-bai.
03:08Ur-ek-mubarak-raat-ke-andar-aap-ne-samaat-far-bai-ya. Laylat-ul-qadr-ke-andar-ata-far-bai-ya. Allahu-Akbar.
03:14This is the month of blessings and mercy in which Allah has revealed his last message
03:21and the book of all books, the Holy Qur'an, to the Prophet.
03:28The Holy Prophet was first revealed to the heavens of the world.
03:31Then, in the span of 23 years, gradually, gradually, gradually, the Holy Qur'an was revealed to the heart of the Prophet.
03:42Huzoor, the Prophet of Allah said to the Companions,
03:47O my Companions, a blessed month is approaching,
03:50whose fasts Allah has made obligatory upon you,
03:54whose nightly prayers have been made obligatory upon you.
03:58He said, the fasts are obligatory, but the program of the night is obligatory upon you,
04:04but it is a great blessing for you.
04:08The reason is that in this month, the rate of good deeds increases.
04:13The grade of good deeds increases. Allahu-Akbar.
04:16He said, the one who does good deeds, Allah gives him the reward of obligation.
04:22The one who does good deeds, Allah gives him the reward of 70 obligations.
04:30He said, this month is a blessed month.
04:33In this month, the provision of believers increases.
04:36This is a month of love, of affection, of good wishes.
04:41In this month, do good deeds with your Muslim brothers.
04:45He said, make someone fast.
04:47He said, O Messenger of Allah, we have nothing to fast.
04:51He said, feed someone with water, feed him with dates, feed him with milk.
04:56He said, Allah Almighty will forgive you.
04:59He will give you freedom from hell.
05:02He said, the one who feeds a faster,
05:06he will come to my house,
05:11and he will drink from there, and he will never be thirsty.
05:16He said, this blessed month, the month of blessings and mercy,
05:20the shade is falling on you.
05:22Because in the Hadith,
05:24when Ramadan enters,
05:26the gates of heaven are opened,
05:28the gates of mercy are opened,
05:30the gates of heaven are opened,
05:32and the gates of hell are closed.
05:34Allah is the Greatest.
05:36He said, the month of Ramadan comes,
05:38the gates of mercy, the gates of heaven,
05:41the gates of heaven open,
05:43and the gates of hell close.
05:46The chain of devils, and the devils are imprisoned.
05:51He said, there is a chance for a believer,
05:55to enter the court of Allah Almighty,
05:58to change himself,
06:00and this is the reason and purpose of fasting.
06:03This is the wisdom of fasting.
06:06He said, O you who have believed,
06:08it is written for you to fast,
06:10as it was written for those before you,
06:12that you may fear Allah.
06:14O you who have faith,
06:16fasting has been made obligatory on you,
06:18fasting has been made obligatory on the first Ummah of the Prophet.
06:21What is the wisdom behind it?
06:23Why should one fast?
06:25Has there been a reduction in the amount of food?
06:28Has there been a reduction in the amount of food?
06:30He said, no.
06:32He said, so that Taqwa is created in you.
06:35This is the month of Riyazat.
06:37This is the month of Reharsal.
06:39This is the month to bring Taqwa and Puraizgari in you,
06:43that a person, from the morning of Sadiq,
06:46to the sunset,
06:48from food and drink,
06:50from other desires,
06:52from everything,
06:54a person saves himself.
06:56Now, it is not that
06:58eating and drinking has stopped,
07:00other desires have stopped,
07:02but a person is taking bribe,
07:04lying, cheating,
07:06so there is fasting in the mouth,
07:08but all other businesses
07:10that used to run all year round,
07:12are running in the same way.
07:15He said that this is not fasting.
07:17He said that the one who has not left lying,
07:19has not left lying,
07:21has stopped eating and drinking,
07:23so what?
07:24The purpose of fasting is
07:28so that Taqwa comes into you,
07:30so that you get Puraizgari,
07:33so that you become Muttaqi.
07:35And then this one month of Reharsal,
07:37and this one month Pauram,
07:39its blessings will continue with you
07:41for 11 months.
07:43In fact, your life will change.
07:45Many people are like this.
07:46They say, how did this happen?
07:48They say, in Ramadan, I made a promise to God,
07:53I fasted, I stopped doing all the wrong things,
07:56I stopped cheating, I stopped bribing, I stopped lying,
07:59I stopped all the black and yellow and blue businesses.
08:01And I made a promise to God.
08:03I became a believer and God changed my life.
08:06So, it is said that there is a chance.
08:08Believe it.
08:10They say, if you want to come, there are a thousand ways,
08:13if you don't want to come, there are a million excuses.
08:15I say this to the youth,
08:19if you want to come,
08:22if you have the intention to come,
08:23if you have the intention to come,
08:31if you want to settle your hereafter,
08:33then believe me, the golden chance,
08:36the most golden chance is of Ramadan.
08:42That the demons are imprisoned,
08:44a season has been created,
08:45fasting has been done,
08:47Allah is great, Allah is great.
08:49It is said that fasting from morning to evening,
08:51in worship,
08:53when a person fasts and goes for business,
08:57and does lawful business,
08:58does true business,
09:00his name is in the true merchants,
09:02it is said that that business is also worship.
09:06It is said that his name is in the truthful,
09:09in the martyrs, in the righteous,
09:11on the Day of Judgment.
09:13But dear viewers,
09:14we have to make a promise before Ramadan
09:18that this Ramadan should be a Ramadan of change in our lives.
09:22It should be a Ramadan of change.
09:24How many Ramadans have come in our lives?
09:28In someone's life, 25 Ramadans came,
09:3040 Ramadans came,
09:3150 Ramadans came,
09:3260 Ramadans came,
09:33Ramadans came,
09:33Laylatul Qadr came,
09:34Shab-e-Barat came,
09:36went to the mosque,
09:37did worship,
09:39Again, the same cycle of life went on.
09:42But we did not change our lives.
09:46We did not try to change the earth and the sky,
09:49that we should also change ourselves.
09:51And we should also change ourselves.
09:54It is said that if you want to change yourself,
09:58then the Lord Almighty has given you a blessed month.
10:01It is said that this is the month
10:03that Allah has made fasting obligatory on you.
10:10Fasting is obligatory on every Muslim,
10:11wise, mature man and woman.
10:16It is said that if a person is sick or is on a journey,
10:28then he will complete the counting later.
10:31Fasting is not over, it is not forgiven.
10:34People think that even if someone sneezes,
10:36they say that their fasting is over.
10:37It is said that no.
10:39And whoever is sick or is on a journey,
10:41then he will complete the counting later.
10:44Allah Almighty has made it easy for you.
10:46Allah wants ease for you.
10:47Allah wants ease for you.
10:49Allah wants ease for you.
10:50Allah Almighty wants ease for you.
10:52He does not want ease and hardship for you.
10:55But ease is that you have to fast
10:59on the second day of the month.
11:02Yes, there is a patient who does not have the strength to fast.
11:07And for him it is that he should make a sacrifice of one fast.
11:16He should make a sacrifice for every fast
11:19which is equal to the charity of nature.
11:22But who knows how sick someone is,
11:25whether he can fast or not?
11:28You know this, your Lord knows.
11:32But the Qur'an says,
11:33If you fast, it will be better for you.
11:41There is an option in this.
11:43For example, when a person goes on a journey,
11:45he has to perform the prayer.
11:48But in the case of fasting, you have an option.
11:51If you want, you can complete the counting later.
11:54As the Qur'an says.
11:56Or if you want, you can do it during Ramadan.
12:01If a person is going to Islamabad, Lahore,
12:03a 3-4 hour flight, it is cold, there is no tension.
12:06So what should a person do?
12:08And it is better for you if you understand.
12:10And fasting is better for you if you understand.
12:14Yes, there is a patient whose illness is permanent.
12:19For example, there is a sugar patient.
12:22In a very short time,
12:24if the sugar is of that level, it is normal.
12:27In fact, it is good that the person's stomach is empty.
12:33But if, for example, there is a lot of sugar,
12:36his health will deteriorate,
12:38and he has to eat something in a short time,
12:40then he is such a patient that he will perform Fidya in that condition.
12:44Okay, this is also a very famous thing among us.
12:48Why didn't you fast?
12:50He said, I am not feeling well.
12:52What is not feeling well?
12:54Remember that there are many illnesses
12:58when your stomach is empty.
13:00We don't let our stomach be empty.
13:03Our stomach is filling up, filling up, filling up.
13:06Ten kinds of illnesses are caused by that.
13:09The Prophet of Allah said,
13:11fast and you will be healthy.
13:15Fast and you will be healthy.
13:17He said, a person is not ill by fasting.
13:19A person is healthy by fasting.
13:23There are many things and substances for it.
13:26We are fasting as a form of worship.
13:30We have nothing to do with these things medically.
13:33We are fulfilling the commandment of Allah.
13:35But to say that I will fall ill,
13:38the Prophet of Allah said,
13:39by fasting, Allah will give you health.
13:44The second thing, dear viewers,
13:46just as you heard the holy verses,
13:49Allah has commanded us to fast
13:54and then said, Allah has made fasting obligatory on you.
13:59This is a commandment from Allah.
14:02Similarly, the Holy Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan.
14:06It is the honor of Ramadan
14:08that we listen to the Holy Quran in the month of Taraweeh.
14:14The Quran is recited in the homes,
14:18in the neighbourhoods,
14:20in the whole world.
14:22You can say that the month of Quran
14:25is the spring of the Holy Quran.
14:28Dear viewers, this is the month
14:31when you should be associated with the Holy Quran.
14:34Instead of wasting time,
14:36you should read the Holy Quran, understand it,
14:39and recite Taraweeh with peace.
14:41This is a big concept among us.
14:43You should search for a Taraweeh,
14:45and you should be free in 50-55 minutes.
14:48We should run away from the mosque
14:50and go to a tea stall,
14:52sit there and drink tea,
14:54chat and chill.
14:55We should spend the night.
14:57This is our nightly routine.
14:59Dear viewers,
15:00these nights are not to sit at a tea stall
15:03and drink tea, nor to do any tournament.
15:05In fact, Allah has given us these nights for the Quran
15:09and for Qiyam.
15:11Allah has given us these nights to please Him.
15:14This is the month of Quran.
15:16Allah is the Greatest.
15:17You should recite the Quran as much as you can.
15:21After that, when the last ten days come,
15:24it will be the month of Atiqaf.
15:25Allah the Almighty Himself has made Atiqaf.
15:28The Ummahatul Momineen, the companions of the Prophet,
15:30have made Atiqaf.
15:32In this month,
15:33the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
15:36used to join the mosque
15:39and do as much worship as possible.
15:43We also do Atiqaf.
15:45The trend of Atiqaf has increased.
15:46Our youth has also come forward.
15:48But if you don't want to leave your suit even during Atiqaf,
15:53if you don't want to leave your dress even during Atiqaf,
15:55if you don't want to leave your paan,
15:56if you don't want to leave the shawls of the mosque,
15:57if you don't want to leave the shawls of the mosque under the rivers,
16:00then there is no point in doing Atiqaf.
16:03If you cannot leave these things,
16:05then you don't want to change yourself.
16:10Remember one thing,
16:11Allah has not changed the condition of a nation
16:14that you want to change your condition.
16:17Allah does not change the condition of a nation
16:19until He changes the condition of its people.
16:22Until we don't want to change ourselves,
16:26we leave these things that are wasting our money
16:31and are also destroying our health.
16:34If someone smokes 100, 200, 300 cigarettes a day,
16:39you can see how much money we make in a year,
16:42how much money we make in a month.
16:44It is a waste of our life and health.
16:46The golden opportunity for that is in Ramadan Mubarak,
16:51when you are safe from these things for 10 to 12 hours in the morning.
16:56If you want, you can also be safe from it later.
16:59But if you are waiting for the fast to break,
17:02and you want to smoke a cigarette as soon as the fast is over,
17:06then it can never end.
17:08So, Atiqaf, reciting the Qur'an at night,
17:14is a month of mercy and blessings from Allah.
17:19The Prophet said,
17:22O people, a great month has come to you, a blessed month,
17:26a month in which there is a night better than a thousand months.
17:30It is such a great thing that Ramadan has not started yet,
17:33and the Prophet is giving a sermon for the welcome of Ramadan.
17:37Allahu Akbar.
17:39The sermon of Ramadan Mubarak.
17:42Just like a great guest is coming,
17:45it is prepared mentally before he comes.
17:48Dear viewers, ARYQ TV is also preparing you mentally
17:53with the help of the Qur'anic guidance for the month of Ramadan.
17:58That month is coming, prepare yourself
18:02and make this month of this year, Ramadan,
18:06the most beautiful Ramadan of your life.
18:09Make it a great Ramadan that is in the obedience of Allah,
18:13in the obedience of the Messenger of Allah,
18:14and in the recitation of the Qur'an.
18:18May Allah give us the blessings and mercy of this blessed month.
18:24May Allah accept our worship.
18:27And may Allah grant all the Ummah the ability to connect with the Qur'an and Ramadan.
18:35May Allah accept our worship.
18:37This is a clear statement for the people,
18:41a guidance and a lesson for the righteous.
18:48This Qur'an is a clear statement for the people,
18:52a guidance and a lesson for the righteous.
