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The Ladies ICC UAE Final at Emirates Golf Club


00:00ICC is the Ladies Inter-Club Challenge.
00:05It is made up of different clubs.
00:08We invite all the clubs in the UAE to come put forward a team of 10 ladies and it's played
00:14all year round.
00:16So today we are at the Emirates Golf Club.
00:19We were very lucky to be hosted by Emirates Golf Club.
00:23Today they're playing at the Faldo.
00:25There are 120 ladies because there are 12 clubs.
00:28And today we have the first four clubs who are playing for the annual cup and the rest
00:33of the teams will be playing for the Days Cup.
00:38The team is made up of 10 players and the format is the best of eight, stable four points.
00:45Most of the clubs they put forward their best players, obviously, because they want to win.
00:52ICC has been there for a while but it has never been developed.
00:56So when I started organising the ICC, I thought if we want to attract more ladies to come
01:01and play and get more people to get interested in us, so let's brand it, so we put a logo
01:07and we invite more clubs and we get the ladies to play at different clubs.
01:13It's a community building.
01:15I have made sure that the ladies get to know each other.
01:19They have the opportunity to go play at other clubs as well, meet other players from different
01:24It's a non-profit organisation and it's all about the passion for golf.
01:29And there are actually lots of lady golfers in the UAE.
01:34And I think this ICC is a very good event for them.
01:38It's a great way of building a community.
01:42The ICC is actually sanctioned by the Emirates Golf Federation.
01:45All the players have EGF handicap, which regulates their handicap.
01:50They're very helpful because when moments like this that I need some sponsorship or
01:54I need some help with the prizes, Emirates Golf Federation steps in.
01:58And we also obviously have the national team with us, so it's great to see them, all these
02:04young players, young Emiratis, come and play for the ICC as well.
