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00:00We've kept that. We've kept that balance very nicely in Wasabha Masabha.
00:04How far can a mother-daughter or two friends or boyfriend-girlfriend relationship go?
00:15Can they talk or not?
00:19It's amazing to have two women, powerful women, talk about owning up to their sexuality, having desires.
00:25It must be so liberating to be in a series like that, right?
00:30Yeah, absolutely. I think honestly when Sonam came to me with that mention of PQ over and over again in various parts of the show,
00:39I said, you think people will get it? You think we're being too forward?
00:43And she said, listen, if we don't be forward, then we will, you know.
00:46So, yeah, I think we took the plunge and like I said, I was telling someone earlier that we talk about
00:54things that girls just chat about when they're sitting together in a group in the middle of the night
00:59and are discussing their deepest fears or their deepest fantasies for that matter.
01:04We want to address that in the show. So, it's good. It was a good feeling to
01:08openly talk about it, not feel uncomfortable.
01:11By the way, we have to explore also the Neel Bhoopalan angle.
01:15Why are you guys not yet doing it? I want to know the nation.
01:20Very important question. You guys have so much chemistry. It's ripping the screens, I tell you.
01:24No, totally. You both have such effortless chemistry. You guys are so cute together and
01:30yet, you're not taking him seriously enough. It's very funny. So, was that like, is chemistry like
01:36do you guys know each other from before? How did that happen? And Neena Gupta, please feel free to
01:42pitch in about your daughter's chemistry with a random actor. But yeah.
01:46I had to say a very important thing before you asked this question, before Sabha speaks.
01:51People ask me a lot about my chemistry with my co-actors like Jovian. I always say
02:01chemistry, it's a wrong word. Okay? If two actors are good, the chemistry happens.
02:10Otherwise, I'll be making chemistry with a new actor every six months. That's not how it works.
02:17You know, it's a profession. So, chemistry does not happen when one of the actors is a little weak.
02:27When two good actors are together, chemistry happens like this.
02:33So, how is this chemistry? Did you know each other from before or when did you know? It doesn't work.
02:41When I did Utsav, Girish Karna told me I never knew Shankar Naag before that. Okay? We had a
02:50love scene, very major love scene to do. So, he said I will call you and you two days in
02:56advance. He was a very busy actor at that time. So, he came a day earlier. He says
03:04and we stayed in the same hotel and we are desperately trying to know each other.
03:12Very fake, very artificial. Okay, what would you like? Do you like dosa or do you like this?
03:19Like that. It was so fake. It was so bad, you know.
03:25Once we went on to the floor, we were fine. Because there was no inhibition because we were
03:32both doing our work. So, that is how chemistry happens between actors.
03:37Last question. I love the part in the second part where you take on the influencers. May I just say
03:42as a purist journalist, I have always looked at influencers as something below me but let's face
03:47it, they are the ones who are being right now invited to most of the high profile events.
03:52Journalists are almost a second thought. That's how things are. Even with fashion designers,
03:56it's happening. You can see the shift in dynamics where social media experts are taking over the
04:01world. Is that your spin to it, Masaba? Or did you come up with it? Because you have that,
04:06you know, you're so cynical about them. Like, are they even fashion designers? What are they
04:10doing? What is their claim to how can they stand in the same platform as I who have worked and
04:14who have been to a fashion college? Yeah, you know, honestly, Manusha, it was a big
04:18learning for me as well because a lot changed suddenly, overnight, right? Suddenly,
04:24you're not in a runway show and waiting to see a reaction of a top journalist. That used to be a
04:29thing. You know and all your top magazine editors and journalists sitting there and you just wait
04:36for that clap or that acknowledgement. Suddenly, it's gone. It's suddenly, oh my god, is this
04:42influencer going to post my deal or is he going to repost what I sent him? Is he going to post
04:46the package I sent them? I think that we have to use the word influencer carefully. I do believe
04:52in that. I also believe that the kind of work that these guys are putting in on a daily basis
04:59is incredible. It's not easy. I think people think it's very easy to open a package and like
05:05use three hashtags and post about something. It's not easy. It's very tough to think about
05:09how your content will look, how different it will be from others. I think for me, I
05:16wanted to mention that in the show specifically with Sonam because I think that there's a whole
05:21generation that has opened up that actually it's not even engaging with a lot of the designers or
05:28a lot of the design houses anymore because you're not talking to them. You know, you can be a snob
05:33and say you want to ignore an influencer but they are culture creators today. They are creating
05:40also influencing what people buy, what they wear, what nail polish they're wearing. Everything is
05:48happening on social media. It's a giant mood board. So, you have to acknowledge, you may
05:55disagree or agree with their style of influencing but you cannot ignore them and you have to not
06:01absolutely ignore. Like someone told me the other day that you know when you see somebody's
06:10page right, you see an influencer who's posting like 10 brands a day and they said, listen don't
06:17engage with this influencer because she's doing 10 things a day, your brand will get lost, this, that
06:22where's the loyalty. I said but that's the way of the world today. You know, so you can't ignore them I guess.
