• last week
00:00The first ever FIS Freeride World Championships is set to take place in February 2026 in Ordino
00:11Arcales, Andorra. This event marks an historic milestone in competitive freeriding. This
00:18championship reinforces the official integration of freeride disciplines under the International
00:25Ski and Snowboard Federation. It will bring together the world's best freeriders competing
00:31in one run across four competitions. Ski men, ski women, snowboard men and snowboard women.
00:39With a one-run format determining the final rankings and crowning the world champions,
00:45everything is at stake. Every athlete will have the chance to compete for the prestigious FIS
00:52Freeride World Champion title. Qualification will take place through the FWT Pro, Challenger,
01:00Qualifier and Junior series. The roster will feature 67 of the world's top freeriders,
01:08selected from five qualification groups to ensure broad global representation.
01:14Group 1. FWT Pro Ranking, where athletes qualified based on the 2025 FWT Pro Rank.
01:24A total of 27 quotas will be allocated, 12 for ski men, 6 for ski women, 6 for snowboard men
01:32and 3 for snowboard women. Each National Ski Association, NSA, is limited to a quota
01:39of three athletes per competition.
01:45Once the quotas in Group 1 are filled, allocation moves to Group 2.
01:51Group 2. Continental Quotas. One quota in each competition is allocated to the highest-ranked
01:58athlete from each of these five regions. Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America,
02:06who has not already qualified through Group 1. Based on the qualifying global seeding list,
02:12this results in a total of 20 quotas, with 5 per competition. The quotas for Group 1 and Group 2
02:21will be allocated by April 30, 2025. Group 3. NSA Quotas. Additional spots are allocated
02:31to National Ski Associations based on the nation's ranking, prioritizing NSAs with limited
02:38or no qualified athletes in Group 1 and Group 2. A total of 15 quotas are distributed as follows,
02:466 for ski men, 4 for ski women, 4 for snowboard men and 1 for snowboard women.
02:52This qualification system ensures the world's top freeriders compete while guaranteeing diverse
02:59representation from nations around the globe. But that's not all. Two wildcard groups. Group 4
03:07and Group 5 have been introduced to add an extra layer of excitement, creating unexpected challenges
03:14in the pursuit of the World Championship title. Group 4 offers one wildcard per competition.
03:21Group 5 provides a single host nation wildcard reserved for a local athlete in one of the four
03:29competitions. The official start list will be published on September 16, 2025.
