Question Time audience member tears into MPs over 'disgusting dehumanisation' of immigrantsSource: BBC
00:00I find it quite disgusting how we're talking about human beings who are
00:04genuinely, and it's not illegal to claim asylum in a foreign country, okay, like
00:10saying they're illegal immigrants is not. They're asylum seekers and refugees.
00:14Illegal immigrants tend to be people who come here legally and overstay a visa or
00:19they overstay an application. That's the majority of illegal immigrants that are
00:23within this country. They're not people that are fleeing war and we know that
00:27countries that are more closer to the Middle East tend to take on a lot more
00:30refugees than we ever do, right, and it's the element of calling these people
00:37invaders or calling, dehumanizing them so that we can point a finger at them and
00:42say you're the reason that we've got a houseage shortage, but we have only built
00:47250,000 council houses since Thatcher came into power, but before that we built
00:52five million. That's a fact. So I don't understand why you always like to, people
00:57like to claim that like immigrants are the problem when it's recent successive
01:03governments that have always been the problem.