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Filmemacherin Nayibe Tavares gräbt in Colossal in der Vergangenheit ihrer Familie und findet politische Geheimnisse der Dominikanischen Republik. Mithilfe von Archiven und den richtig gestellten Fragen enthüllt sie eine Geschichte des Wahlbetrugs und der Diktatur.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/colossal--2


00:00I think you're afraid of what happened to Ming.
00:15Of course.
00:16I'm afraid for you.
00:17I'm afraid for my children.
00:18For my wife, for my grandchildren.
00:19I don't want to take away your hope.
00:20The first time I read my grandfather's name in a history book was in high school.
00:42According to the book, in 1990, the Electoral Central Board chaired by Frailan Tavares,
00:48my grandfather, allowed Balaguer, the political heir to the Trujillo dictatorship, to commit
00:55a colossal fraud.
00:56What we are saying is that the one who deceives one or two times is the one who deceives us.
01:26But I want to make a movie about my grandfather.
01:38But you're going to make it the worst part of his life.
01:44No, not only.
01:45Why do you say it was the worst part of his life?
01:46Because it's the only bad thing you know about him.
01:49It's the only bad thing I know about him.