• last month
After years of successfully avoiding her family, newly-unemployed Hailey gets a frantic call from her sister with news c | dG1fWWFIT0JVUmlIQXM
00:00Who was that?
00:01My sister.
00:02She wants me to come home for the reading of the will.
00:04Whose will?
00:05My mother.
00:06I thought your mother had already died.
00:08Treat every day like it's your last,
00:09because one day you'll be dead as a doorknob and useless to the rest of us.
00:12You sure you don't want me to just come along?
00:15Hayley, you're here!
00:18I kind of thought you'd be taking Mom's death more badly.
00:21You better goddamn tell me what's up, or I'm gonna kill you!
00:26Why are you still alive?!
00:28There is a will!
00:29Dad's. He left you the boat.
00:31What am I gonna do with the boat?
00:32It's ruined!
00:33Nothing a few coats of paint can't help.
00:36Nothing ever effing goes right for me!
00:40Holy Hayley!
00:41You're brave coming back here.
00:43Gotta face our demons sometime though, don't ya?
00:45I know nothing about you.
00:46Maybe you're married.
00:47Maybe I'm a grandmother and don't know.
00:49I don't look any gayer.
00:50You heard too.
00:51Jesus, girl. It was in the paper.
00:52Just how queer, though.
00:54Meet Hayley's special friend.
00:57Looks like a lot of people have had a good time here.
00:59I killed my father on that boat.
01:01So many ways to look at it.
01:02Let's go.
01:06I'm dying!
01:10Look, I love Sid.
01:11I'm just not used to someone showing so much love.
01:18Just go!
01:19Go back to your easy life!
01:21Far, far away from here.
01:22I didn't think that I was worthy of love.
01:25That's not an excuse for how I treated you.
01:28It's all becoming so clear why I left home.
01:30Why I keep pumping the brakes on our relationship.
01:32But no more.
