• 2 weeks ago
He was SO happy to be out. We talked to Lee Asher about how excited by literally everything Joey is — and how he reacted to getting on the bed for the first time!


00:00This couldn't be a worse situation for a husky.
00:09Being left alone with no exercise, this could eventually get physical. He could eventually get
00:16aggressive. We've been getting email after email about this dog that's been kept in a backyard.
00:22The neighbor is the person who's been emailing us about this dog. I apologize right up front,
00:27this might be very emotional for me. This has been such a long, long haul. I bet. Thank you for
00:33continuing to reach out to us. The only reason this dog is even eating is because the neighbor
00:39is feeding the dog through the fence. I wasn't really sure if he was aggressive at first,
00:43but I did quickly realize that he was just excited for someone to give him some attention.
00:48It took a lot of back and forth, but we somehow convinced his owners to let us
00:51rescue him. He didn't know how to process it. Now you can imagine a dog like this who's confined
00:59to that one area, right in front of your house isn't going to be the most fascinating part for
01:04the dog, right? But to him, this is like a whole new world here. Look how happy he is to be out.
01:12I know, he just can't contain himself. He can't believe it. We made a stop at the groomers,
01:20then the vet, and then he also spent a couple of weeks at a training facility so he could get used
01:24to the other dogs. Some of my own dogs were there for a few days too, so they could get to know each
01:29other. He met the rest of the pack when we got home, and there was a lot of excitement. I don't
01:33think he'd ever been on a bed before, but he settled right in. My favorite thing is watching
01:37him run free without any boundaries, which he now finally gets to do every single day.
01:42Come on. Come on, Joey. Come on, Joey.
