• last month
Amberlynn fills us in on where she will be moving with Destiny and the reason behind the move. It's Laygo night! There is a flood in the bedroom causing the bed to be relocated to the living room for the rest of their stay in the apartment. Someone who watches Amberlynn's vlogs sends an email to their workplace to let them know that Amberlynn has been filming while at work. After some organizing, it's time for a Ben & Jerry's taste test! Amberlynn starts the day off with Hot Cheetos and plans to film her meals for the day. Before picking up a late Libby, Amberlynn and Destiny go to a buffet for lunch. It's a day filled with TJMaxx and Froyo! Before entering Target, Destiny gets a call from her sister informing her that their grandfather had a stroke and she would like Destiny to stay with her. After a trip around Target, it's time to drop off Libby and see how Grandpa is doing. The next day Libby is back for the night and we get an update from Destiny on how her Grandfather is doing. Before giving Amberlynn a makeover, Libby explains her friendship with Nick and how she has known Destiny for many years. On the way home from work, Destiny jumps out of the car to go cat hunting. Amberlynn says the cat looked like Destiny's cat Gracie Mae that "ran away" in July 2015. Destiny tests out her parenting skills on the toys at Walmart. Amberlynn decides to purchase a Kamino and Destiny is looking for shirts to match Amberlynn. Destiny makes Amberlynn pancakes in bed that spell out I heart you before a movie night with Libby. While answering questions from viewer, Amberlynn recounts a couple ghostly encounters she has experienced.
