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Think you’re good at solving riddles? Well, these 7 brain-twisters are about to put that to the test! Some are tricky, some are sneaky, and a few might leave you scratching your head for hours. But don’t worry—you won’t have to stay confused forever (unless you give up). So, are you ready to prove your genius status? Grab your thinking cap and let’s see if you can crack them all! #brightside

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00:00Indiana Jones was on a mission to find a golden statue in the Peruvian Amazon.
00:06He had been searching the jungle for over three days when he found the entrance to a cave.
00:12He followed down very long corridors, escaped a few traps, and finally arrived at a room filled with gold.
00:20He could see the golden statue and made a run for it.
00:24But uh-oh, there was a trap door on the floor!
00:27Indiana Jones fell into a dungeon that had nothing except for an empty bucket and three doors.
00:33The first door would lead him to a hungry mama bear and her cub.
00:37The second door would lead him to a six-foot wall of fire.
00:41The last door would lead him to a lake filled with crocodiles.
00:45Which door should Indiana Jones use to escape?
00:48Let's see, he should definitely pick the second door.
00:59If he tried the first door, the mama bear would probably attack him trying to protect her cub.
01:04And swimming in a lake with crocodiles is never a good idea.
01:09The best option would be to fill the bucket with lake water to fight off the wall of fire.
01:14It would take some work, but it's Indiana Jones.
01:17He can do anything!
01:20Back in England, Indiana Jones is resting in his office when another professor anxiously approaches him.
01:27The professor says Jones needs to exit the building as fast as he can because some bad guys are looking for him.
01:34The professor gives him a map of the building and says he has to enter every single room on the way out.
01:40But he can't let the students in the classrooms see him more than once.
01:44Take a look at the map the professor gave him.
01:47How can Indiana Jones follow the instructions precisely and get away safely?
02:00Let's see how this works.
02:02There are two important things to note here.
02:05First, his own office counts as room number one in the building.
02:09We know he has to exit in room 16.
02:13The first guess might be to follow a line from left to right moving from room 1 to 2, 3, 4, and so on.
02:21But if he chose this path, he wouldn't go through rooms 13, 14, and 15.
02:27Alternatively, he could exit room 1 to room 2, then go back to room 1.
02:34Since he's the only person inside his office, this doesn't break any of the rules.
02:39Then, he could follow the path down to rooms 5, 9, and 13, and zigzag all the way to the exit in room 16.
02:48This way, he wouldn't let anyone see him more than once.
02:52Way to go, Indy!
02:55Barbara entered a coffee shop excited to drink her daily cappuccino.
02:59But when she went to pay, she realized she had forgotten her wallet.
03:04The barista, instead of getting mad, suggested another way out.
03:08If Barbara could win his game, he would give her the cappuccino for free.
03:12Barbara agreed.
03:14OK, I'm going to tell you three facts about myself, and you have to figure out which one is false, the barista said.
03:22Here are the facts.
03:24I have seven brothers. I hate nirvana. I'm actually an artist.
03:29Can you help Barbara out? Which fact do you think is false?
03:39It's the second one.
03:41For starters, the barista is wearing a nirvana T-shirt, and his phone's lock screen is a picture of the band.
03:47He definitely likes nirvana.
03:50Hannah ran into three random women in the parking lot.
03:54She immediately noticed something was off and spotted that one of the ladies was actually a vampire.
04:00Take a look at the image. Can you guess who the vampire is?
04:06It's the third woman on the right.
04:09If you look closely, her teeth are pretty pointy.
04:13Plus, I'm almost sure that the red stain on her shirt isn't red paint, if you know what I mean.
04:19Susie was alone in her research lab, trying to build a time machine.
04:24She connected a red string here to a red string there.
04:29She was alone in her research lab, trying to build a time machine.
04:33She connected a red string here and a blue one right there.
04:37And boom! A time-bending portal opened up.
04:40She wasn't so sure where it would take her, but she decided to go through it anyway.
04:45Once she passed through the portal, she arrived in an empty field, where she found a talking bear.
04:52She asks him where she was and what year they were in.
04:55But the bear said he would only answer her question if she got his riddle correct.
05:00The riddle went like this.
05:02I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry.
05:06I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities.
05:10I turn pancakes brown.
05:12If you squeeze me, I'll pop.
05:14If you look at me, you'll pop.
05:16What am I?
05:18It took her a while, but Susie got it right.
05:21Do you have any idea what she answered?
05:26She said time.
05:29Mia was a student at the Witches' Academy.
05:32She was specializing in ghost activity to protect humans from these spooky creatures.
05:38For one of her finals, she had to find a ghost inside the haunted barn just outside the school.
05:44The barn had a room filled with mirrors.
05:47And once she went inside, her internal clock started ticking.
05:52Take a look at the mirrors.
05:54They all reflect Mia's image, but the ghost is hiding inside one.
05:58Can you tell which one?
06:06Take a look at the third mirror.
06:08Mia is wearing her smartwatch, but her reflection in the mirror isn't.
06:12It's a ghost!
06:14Mia is wearing her smartwatch, but her reflection in the mirror isn't.
06:18Mia is wearing her smartwatch, but her reflection in the mirror isn't.
06:21This must be the ghost pretending to be her.
06:24Way to go, Mia, for busting yet another ghost!
06:29Belly was a straight-A student, and for a school assignment,
06:32she had to come up with a riddle so difficult, almost nobody would be able to solve it.
06:38She spent a week developing it, and on Monday, she shared it with her peers.
06:43She gathered 100 students and gave them a number between 1 and 100.
06:48Each student was instructed to go inside a classroom that had exactly 100 boxes,
06:53randomly numbered between 1 and 100.
06:56Inside each box, there was a slip of paper,
06:59also containing a random number between 1 and 100.
07:03The students needed to enter the classroom on their own
07:06and find the box that contained the slip of paper with their own number on it.
07:10But to do so, students were only allowed to open a maximum of 50 boxes.
07:15They were instructed to leave the room exactly as they found it,
07:19and they weren't allowed to communicate with any other student once they left the room.
07:24If all of the students were able to find their number on the slips of paper inside the boxes,
07:29they would each win a $100 prize.
07:32But if even one of them wasn't able to find their number,
07:36then none of them would win the prize.
07:38Can you figure out what's the best strategy for all of the students to find their numbers and win the prize?
07:52Belly's riddle sure isn't obvious, but let's check out how it could work.
07:56If each student searched for their numbers randomly,
07:59they would each have a 50% chance of finding the box with their number inside.
08:04This is so because there were 100 boxes and they were allowed to look inside 50 of them.
08:10However, the probability of all of them finding their own number following this random strategy is absurdly small.
08:17So, to increase their chances of collectively finding their numbers, they would need a better strategy.
08:23The students could use something called the loop strategy.
08:27Once entering the classroom, they should go directly towards the box that had their number on top of it.
08:32The number inside probably wouldn't be their number, but that's okay.
08:36They should check the number inside of the box and go look for the box with that same number on top of it.
08:42And so on and so forth.
08:44They should keep doing this until they find the slip with their number on it.
08:48This strategy guarantees that 31% of the time, all students will be able to find their number and win the prize.
08:55It's not a huge probability, but hey, blame it on Belly!
09:00That's it for today!
09:01So, hey, if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your friends.
09:06Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
