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A young Ugandan and a Colorado intern discover first-hand how charity models in Africa can create exploitation and depen | dG1fTlBUSUpzSXBkSzg
00:00Andrea took me to this orphanage where she was volunteering.
00:05We were doing internship.
00:07The whole town would bring their trash and dump it there.
00:09It was a really total mess, very dirty.
00:12I wrote in my journal,
00:14God, why did you bring me to that place?
00:16I really don't want to go back there.
00:19You are in a place where you are not given food.
00:21Are you left?
00:23Grab that cassava from that dirty man
00:25to have it for lunch, to have it for breakfast.
00:29Some girls, they can't sleep with men
00:32because they want something to eat.
00:34The local government said to close the orphanage.
00:38They're going to just go where?
00:41I'm going to stay and take these kids.
00:45You're going to stay in Africa?
00:47And literally my dad said,
00:49Andrea, get your butt home.
00:52The government officials looking at me like,
00:55you're crazy, go home.
00:58And there was a burnt frog sticking out of my windowsill.
01:02And they're like, that's a death curse.
01:06I was so happy.
01:08They told us we are taking you to another place,
01:10to a place called Musana.
01:12We wanted Musana to be owned in the heart,
01:16owned in the mind by the community.
01:19And so no white person should start anything in Africa.
01:22That's where the miracle of Musana comes in.
01:24We need to own this as the community
01:26so that it becomes our responsibility to change.
01:31People say, you know, Africa is a basket with holes.
01:35How do we revive our dignity?
01:38There is a big change in mindset.
01:42So you see people now sacrificing their time,
01:46their energy and everything.
01:48Once that is there,
01:50it uplifts people more than you can imagine.
01:54For us, a kiss was more than a kiss.
01:58Wait a minute, did we really just do that?
02:03When they brought us at Musana,
02:06it impressed me that I can be a teacher
02:09because I would love young children so much.
02:15Being loved builds you up.
02:17You feel you're someone.
02:19You feel you can provide beyond your capacity
02:21just because you're loved.
02:26What a wonderful thing God has done for us.
