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Stan Lee, God, and the Devil is Part 3 in a series exposing how Marvel Comics' primary creative leader, Stan Lee, used h | dG1fY190SGtyM1dOb0k
00:00Hi, I'm Stan Lee, editor of the Marvel Comics Group of superhero comic magazines.
00:09Did Stan Lee, the human face behind Marvel Comics, that inspired the greatest movie genre in human history, have a dark and nefarious agenda?
00:17Did Stan Lee seek to distort the one true God into a bumbling creator unworthy of worship?
00:23Did Lee and Marvel Comics portray Satan as a real hero or savior of humanity?
00:28Did Stan Lee use his comics to promote what the Bible calls the coming strong delusion, whereby the world is deceived to receive the final Antichrist?
00:41Are you afraid of dying?
00:42No. Not at all.
00:44Do you think you go somewhere?
00:45No. I feel when you die there's just nothing.
00:58Marvel Comics
01:00Marvel Comics
01:02Marvel Comics
01:04Marvel Comics
01:06Marvel Comics
01:08Marvel Comics
01:10Marvel Comics
01:12Marvel Comics
01:14Marvel Comics
01:16Marvel Comics
01:18Marvel Comics
01:20Marvel Comics
