• last month
Fake perfume in Dubai. Ever wondered why the same brand of perfume which costs Dh500 in a departmental store can be bought for two-thirds of its price online or even less in a shop down the road? Like many you’d assume street vendors and e-commerce platforms offer better deals because they have fewer overheads than big retailers. Sadly, that’s not true. A Gulf News investigation shows most fragrance brands sold online, or at small stores in the UAE are cheap simply because they are counterfeits.

Full Article here: https://gn24.ae/95c7d39f12b2000
See more at https://gulfnews.com/videos


00:00People many times they go and they put into consideration to get cheaper
00:06products thinking to save money which is the right of all consumers and all
00:11humans that we want to buy products but my advice these products, perfume,
00:18cosmetics, body care products, auto parts, our safety, our life or risk and we have
00:25examples so we as a consumer we have to change our mentality that priority is
00:33not saving money priority is our health unfortunately none of us expert with all
00:43these products none of us can be an expert with all types of perfume so we
00:49easily can be cheated this is why whenever we want to buy oils we
00:55have to go and buy from trusted places and we have to ask for our rights like
01:02warranty like invoices or whatever so in case for a reason or another the
01:08products turn out not to be genuine you can make a case against him because you
01:13have an invoice confirming that you bought that particular products from
01:17that trader because high percentage of counterfeiters they refuse to give
01:23invoices or they might give fake invoices this is the genuine this is the
01:29counterfeit now I am a consumer when I find a nice cartoon with a beautiful
01:35photo on the products what I will believe yeah this is the genuine and
01:39this is the counterfeit absolutely yeah and it comes with the packing also but
01:43genuinely don't add this one so as I said this is why also if you want as a
01:59message we do a lot of exhibitions we do exhibitions in Marina Mall in Sahara Mall
02:06in Sharjah in City Center in Ajman we make big stand when consumers are
02:12coming we explain to them these things because fighting counterfeit is on
02:16different levels you find counterfeit by educating consumer you find the
02:21counterfeit by educating the authorities and do actions with the authorities
02:25fighting is doing advertisement so we believe even sometimes we go to schools
02:30we give lectures we give lessons to the students in university in schools about
02:36the danger of using counterfeit etc because we know these are the coming
02:39generation so we need them to grow up with the idea of hating counterfeit and
02:44trying always to fight or not to accept the idea of counterfeit products
