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The Dubai Central Lab is promoting eco-friendly recycling of food waste by using a machine that can ‘digest food like human stomach’ and turn it into grey water.


00:00The food and environment section is a section under the Dubai Central Laboratory umbrella.
00:06We have four main units.
00:08We have sample management unit, microbiology food unit, and chemistry food unit, and environment
00:15All the units, we are receiving all food and environment samples.
00:21Our main target is to handle all the food and test it and to check it is with the regulation
00:29and if it is fit or unfit for the human.
00:32I would like to introduce our sustainability instrument machines.
00:37It is a recycling machine for food.
00:40The starting of the idea started was because we are working with dealing with the food.
00:45So usually in the daily base, we are receiving 200 samples per day.
00:49So imagine at the end of the month, we have to deal with 4,000 samples.
00:54Usually the sample, we have the process for the hygiene samples or unsatisfactory sample.
01:00But usually the normal samples, we throw it in the general waste.
01:04So we think that's according to our sheikh, Mohammed bin Rashid, that's the vision for
01:11So we have to reach the sustainability.
01:15So we are thinking about using the recycling machine.
01:18When we are searching for the best machine that's covering our idea, we found two machines.
01:26One that's recycling the foods and in the end, it will be fertilizing.
01:32And another, our machine, the end, it will be water.
01:36So we thought that water is much suitable and we can deal with it.
01:39So we have a completed circle of recycling machines.
01:44So our idea of the recycling machine, it is like a stomach, the idea of the stomach.
01:48So whatever we're eating, it is like what happened in the stomach, it is happening in
01:51the instrument.
01:52There is enzymes and the machines.
01:56So when we put the foods, the same idea it happen.
01:59Later when you come, you can find the suitable food that we can deal with it and the food
02:05that was not supposed to adding in the machines.
02:08There is bacteria.
02:09The bacteria is doing all the recycling issue.
02:14So it is like, you know, that there is a bacteria inside our body.
02:17So here also, bacteria inside this machine.
02:21This bacteria can live for one year, but of course, you have 10 days.
02:26If you didn't feed them, they will die, like stomach.
02:29For us, three days, we will die, but here, 10 days.
02:32So it is the same idea.
02:33We use a little amount of water to work with it and the machine use a little electricity.
02:41So in everywhere, it is completing sustainability machine.
02:45The idea of the machine that whatever your stomach can deal, the machine can deal it.
02:50For example, the machine cannot deal with the high oil sample.
02:56So we have to balance it.
02:57For example, today I receive a lot of dairy product, a lot of cheese sample, a lot of
03:01oil sample, so I cannot throw it direct to the machine.
03:05I have to balance it.
03:06For example, today I will add cheese because it is high fat, but I have to wait two days
03:11until I have to put the next cheese sample.
03:15So the most sample we have to add, it is like a high fiber sample.
03:19So it is like a stomach.
03:20You remember when they said if you want more digestible process, you have to eat fibers more?
03:25It is the same for this machine.
03:27So the idea is very easy.
03:28We can explain to the labor, if you want to add it, please think like your stomach.
03:33What your stomach can deal with, you can add it to this machine.
03:36First step, what we are doing, we want to make sure that the water is okay to go to
03:40the drainage.
03:41So I take some water and I give it to the environment lab and tell them, please analyze
03:47this water and just give me the report.
03:49I will send it to the concerned people in environment department to analyze the water,
03:54if it is suitable to go to the planet in the end.
03:57Then the test is coming.
03:58I send it to the environment department telling that, please just analyze the report.
04:04Give me your feedback if the water is fine.
04:08We do it each month.
04:09At the end of each month, we take some water and we test it and we have a report and we
04:13send it to them to evaluate it.
04:15Alhamdulillah, until now, all the reports were within the range.
04:20That means that when the water goes to the drainage, you know, at the end of all the
04:24process as concerned department doing with the drainage water, in the end it will end
04:30up to the planet in Dubai.
04:33But next step, inshallah, I'm working with the company that we want the water to be a
04:38completed cycle.
04:39So we have two options.
04:41They said that we can, instead of using the water, normal water, the water coming from
04:45the machine, it will circulate again and coming out and into the machine.
04:49This is the first thing.
04:51The second thing they said that we can buy a filter.
04:55This filter can filter the water with the, you know, that's the water that you should
05:01be recycling and put it in the plant.
05:03And we can also use it direct to the plant.
05:06So in the future, 2020, inshallah, this is the next step.
